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单词 Prof
1. Prof. John Willis is our teacher of English.
2. We're lunching with Prof. White today.
3. Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning.
4. The prof had been damn decent about it.
5. There was no prof it in these thoughts.
6. Other academicians, among them Harvard Prof.
7. Under the revised law, says Prof.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Trouble is, the prof is a very private individual who doesn't suffer journos gladly - if at all!
9. Prof Henshaw's team found an indirect mechanical effect on the body, which allowed the build-up of pollutants in the lungs.
10. Prof Eno took us aside and explained about mummy rabbits and daddy rabbits.
11. Prof. von Krafft-Ebing Anna smouldered with indignation on poor Sophie's behalf.
12. Prof. Simmons will talk on the benefits of genetic research.
13. While the work of Prof Harwood is valuable, cocoa butter is not responsible for the popularity of chocolate.
14. Despite his international acclaim, Prof Gibson never lost sight of his roots.
15. "I think this was a sound decision," concurred Prof. Barbara Stevens.
16. Following the presentations Prof Ward spoke about chemistry and the environment.
17. The award recognises Prof MacFarlane's pioneering work in computing and control theory.
18. Prof Gibson is survived by his wife, Patricia, two sons, two daughters and 11 grandchildren.
19. Either the prof is a detestable chauvinist or the student is a vile schemer.
20. Prof Baker said he was particularly concerned about 236 excess deaths of patients in their own homes or Shipman's surgery.
21. Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome.
22. Even on the most generous assumptions to Bush, Prof Doig says that Gore would have won by at least 1,400 votes.
23. Prof. Gish: That is true.
24. Yes. I really appreciate what you've said, Prof. Keller.
25. Prof. Thomson is one scholar of the highest attainment.
26. Timiras will be followed Monday, Nov. 3, with a free lecture by Prof.
27. The rate at which infected animals were being killed was accelerating, Prof King said.
28. London's complaint that National Power had breached non-discrimination rules was rejected by Prof Littlechild.
29. The choice of land disposal marks a change of heart for Strathclyde's sewerage director, Prof Tom Anderson.
30. The Bank denied the charges of censorship, and said the key messages of Prof Kanbur's draft had survived.
1. Prof. John Willis is our teacher of English.
31. Some students attended Prof. Jones on a field trip.
32. Companies ask him all the time, Prof. Eccles says.
33. An interesting experiment is being tried by Prof. Zhou.
34. Prof. Bough formally informed the students of the date.
35. Prof. Joachim Blum, Media Consultant, Germany.
36. Prof: There's two way of thinking about sense data.
37. We deeply cherish the memory of Prof. Wu.
38. Prof. of Dentistry: Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
39. Harper made an abstract of Prof. Hunter's lecture.
40. Prof Kruger decided to conduct the study after a winter holiday trip with friends across Europe.
41. Prof. Michael E. Dau of the delegation said that many reports about China by US media are untruthful, a fact more clearly confirmed by his visit.
42. Prof. zhu Jiang, who once worked as the vice chairman of Jiangsu Province Archaeological Society, is an archaeologists and a garden expert.
43. Tomorrow morning, Prof. Luger will come to Tianjin University to have academic discussions and give couple of lectures on AI (Artificial Intelligence).
44. I wonder if Prof Kets de Vries feels like a fake himself.
45. And valid argument with true premises Student: yes Prof: yep well done.
46. Mumbai - born Prof Keller has crossed bridges in more ways than one.
47. Prof Joss soon discovered he had a lot to learn about the way academic institutions function.
48. Prof: yes that's a bit of background information that you may bring to bear on this particular argument.
49. Prof. Black will make a short address to all of us giving his thanks and his impressions of the convention.
50. Prof Priede said: "These worms are members of a little-known group of animals close to the missing link in evolution between backboned and invertebrate animals.
51. I hear it will be an open-book test! I think I like this Prof. after all.
52. Prof Sandiford said there were four major geological fault lines in populated Victorian areas, including the Selwyn Fault under Melbourne's southeastern suburbs.
53. Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
54. An explosion model of Gamma Ray as proposed by Prof K . S.
55. It may also require investors to 'rethink how we are going to evaluate a company's debt-to-equity ratio,' Prof. Ketz said.
56. Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
57. At the age of 13, after finishing a music school, he became a student of Rachmaninov Music College in Rostov-on-Don (Prof. S. Osipenko's class).
58. Prof. Sarin: Bleeding from gastric varices is a major cause of death in portal hypertension.
59. But a little scarcity will triumph over a price image, says Stanford's Prof. Shiv.
60. They're some type of granite formations that give off light at night. Prof. Glom has named them skyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies.
61. Prof Roese said many of those who took part in the survey were eager to do so, Herve Leger, and some even became tearful as they spoke.
62. Prof Cross has found that this question reveals very quickly whether organisational networks are working.
63. At last I took his advice and wrote to Prof. Granet.
64. Try the 'restart' strategy suggested by Prof. Loewenstein: Take your existing savings and set them aside in a diversified portfolio, such as a target-date retirement fund.
65. Prof Rolf-Dieter Heuer, director general of the CERN, has previously admitted: "If we find this Higgs then this thing holds together and the Standard Model is valid.
66. Prof. JunBo Ge: I do believe we need a multi-potent cell, a stem cell in this environment either to develop to a myocyte or to some vessels.
67. Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof.(/prof.html), woman pref.
68. "There are drug treatments that can reduce the intra-ocular pressure, but that means life-long treatment involving two or three kinds of eye drops three times a day, " says Prof.
69. "Similar to marine turtles, its limbs are paddle-shaped, but still possess movable digits, " said Prof Eisemberg.
70. One possibility, according to Prof Berry, is that Mary may have had a condition called testicular feminisation.
71. The paper gives a review of some main linguistic views reflected by the primary research of descriptive grammar by Prof. Xu Si -yi.
72. Prof Nueno is also co-founder and board chairman of Ceibs.
73. Prof Emberlin, who runs the UK National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit believes that Nasaleze has the ability to help long suffering patients.
74. Prof Sally Ozonoff, lead study author and professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at the Mind Institute, University of California, explained the higher average risk figures in her study.
75. 'If you say that you dislike meetings, you're able to latch on to this rugged individualism, ' Prof. Rogelberg says.
76. Prof Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, said: "The baby kicked off a caring feeling in people, which is not surprising from an evolutionary perspective.
77. Yet its targets to reduce emissions are roughly half of what is necessary, according to the climate research work of Prof Kevin Anderson at the Tyndall Centre at Manchester University.
78. Prof. Bei Dao was conferred an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by Brown University.
79. Among the known uses of the pattern suggested by Prof Ortega are "Tree structure operations like search trees, where a search process is created for each node."
80. Prof Kruger said his research was important because if men and women understood each other's shopping strategies they could avoid arguments in the Christmas rush.
81. I got to know Prof. Carcassonne better and better through my work.
82. In this paper, a few problems mentioned by Prof. Huang Zhi-Xun are discussed, including the problem of relativistic mass.
83. Prof. Sanyal: There are actually a lot of studies in the area of portal hypertension.
84. Prof. McCullough : The mechanism is certainly multi - factorial.
85. Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria.
86. 'I wouldn't think this is any evidence of a disjuncture between Blankfein and Goldman, ' said Prof. Richman, who isn't involved in the case.
87. From the state adjustment to social redistribution, it is a tortuous and clear ideological line by Prof. QI Duo-jun.
88. But, Prof. Oxley noted, chemicals used to make PETN are more readily available.
89. Prof. WIENER: Well, there's one where they - J. Edgar Hoover sends out instructions to locate Lennon as quickly as possible.
90. Student: Inaudible Prof: good okay. If the postmen are striking then we will have no letters.
91. After exploring sleepy little villages and reaching Prague, the first thing the women wanted to do was shop, Prof Kruger said, and the men could not understand why.
92. Prof Geoffrey Crossick, vice-chancellor of the University of London, said the current system of delivering higher education was "no longer financially sustainable".
93. Prof. Luo is not only the tutor of my paper, but also the hierophant of my spirit.
94. Prof Oreffo added: "It is important to realise the ability to retain skeletal stem cell phenotype using surface topography offers a step change in current approaches for stem cell biology.
95. Prof Peter Ryan from the Percy FitzPatrick Institute at the University of Cape Town, has been actively engaged in seabird conservation, including fishery bycatch, for more than a decade.
96. Prof. Zhou Xiaozheng, Renmin University of China, said, "This sort of show-off behavior could become rapidly well-known.
97. Prof. Yangtao: What do you think about the comment that auto-antibody status is just a window into the real autoimmune reaction going on?
98. The result of Prof. Nordland's experiment didn't come up to our expectations.
99. Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
100. To read and translate Prof. Ji is to understand why Chinese intellectuals have often been economically poor but invariably patriotically rich.
101. Prof Yan from Tsinghau University brushed away any cozy talk of international co-operation.
102. Prof. Wang Mingyu : graduated from Industrial Automation of Chongqing University theas the faculty member in 1982.
103. As if to address today's inevitable question of "jobs, " Prof. Prescott said that the laid off workers went to the Twin Cities and quickly found higher-paying employment.
104. If there are at least two first-degree relatives – ie a mother and sister – who have had the disease, the risk is greater, ' explains Prof Evans.
105. The reason for this seemingly unfocused approach can be found in Prof Malkiel's unchanged investment philosophy.
106. Prof Andrew Hamilton, Oxford's vice-chancellor, said: "The school represents a huge milestone in Oxford's history.
107. Ming Zhang , Associate Prof, University of Texas at Austin.
108. Distinguished Prof. Roger Layton, is engaged as GDPZ guest professor.
109. Prof Hull tries to bring equations to life by including actual figures in them.
110. Prof Austin's computer simulation suggests that the Arctic ozone hole will not recover until around 2040.
111. When winter vacation came , Prof. Carcassonne went home to visit his mother.
112. Prof Dean Busby, who carried out the study, said: "There's more to a relationship than sex, but we did find that those who waited longer were happier with the sexual aspect of their relationship.
113. Prof Smith gives a good account of an out - and - out coward.
114. You can't discuss climate change, Prof. Laughlin says, without looking backward across geologic time.
115. In 2007, Prof Nutt and colleagues undertook a limited attempt to create a harm ranking system, sparking controversy over the criteria and the findings.
116. "Mind wandering is typically associated with negative things like laziness or inattentiveness," says lead author, Prof. Kalina Christoff, UBC Dept. of Psychology.
117. Prof. GRAVLEE: Well, for the work that's ongoing now in Tallahassee, Florida, we expect to begin reporting findings in the next year.
118. Half had a diagnosable sexual desire disorder, said Prof McCabe, who oversaw the study by PhD student Katie Giles.
119. Prof. Sarin: Sclerotherapy can lead to worsening of portal hypertensive gastropathy because the major drainage vessel is blocked.
120. Prof Hartigan believes that social entrepreneurs are not born at business schools.
121. Prof Kramer named Condoleezza Rice as George W. Bush's proxy bully.
122. Prof. Jackson plays an important role in the scientific world.
123. Prof. of Physiology: Kiss is the juxtaposition of two oris muscles in the state of contraction.
124. This article Yansents Prof. Yan s experience on the application of snake and insect for the treatment of bi-syndrome in traumatology department.
125. Prof. Ng Pak - cheung has been appointed professor of paediatrics from 1 st October 2005.
126. Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
127. Prof Hawking, who hold the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a chair once occupied by a Sir Isaac Newton, first developed symptoms of motor neurone disease at the age of 21.
127. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
128. But along the way , says Prof Deshpand é , hubris set in.
129. This may sound low-tech, but, as Prof Field says, "such measures are surprisingly effective".
130. Asked about potential conflicts of interests, Prof Liu laughs knowingly.
131. "To talk about dysfunction implies some abnormality within the women, " Prof Ussher said.
132. Prof. Oxley has done research indicating PETN residue can be detected in human hair.
133. Prof. Glom has named them skyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies.
134. Prof Napier says a comet swooped into the inner solar system between 20, 000 and 30, 000 years ago and has been breaking apart ever since.
135. Prof. Yusheng Ji watched the research achievements of traffic video image information processing in the lab, and visited the Jiading campus and automobile engineering center.
136. Farewell Dinner cum Announcement of Our Lifetime Honorary Advisor Prof Zhaoyi.
137. Prof Mellish said: 'The system will use a technique called Natural Language Generation, where complex data is translated into simple and understandable text.
138. A three - dimensional model of the pulsar magnetosphere by Prof K . S . Cheng of HKU.
139. Prof. Stevenson Fung, the first visually impaired person granted a doctoral degree in physics by the University of Oxford, is now professor of physics in the University of Hong Kong.
140. Prof Ana Cuervo, one of the researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, believes cancerous cells are using this process in order to fuel their abnormally rapidly growth.
141. As a financial analyst, Prof. Mizuno of Economics Department is highly recommended.
142. Could you please write a recommendation to Prof. XXX for me?
143. Model of the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation ( CMBR ) by Prof M.
144. Also, a calculation model for instantaneous branch current is proposed, and is verified by examples. yang qingyun(Power System and Its Automation) Directed by prof.
145. Prof. Gish : Genetic barrier is the the degree of difficulty required to compromise the antiviral activity of a drug.
146. Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.
147. Prof Frederick Ma speaks on his life philosophy at West Kowloon campus.
148. Prof. Gish : I think Starting with a potent medication with low or no resistance is the main influential factor.
149. Note: Prof. SHI Yafeng, is the senior academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the pioneer of Chinese glaciology and the famous research professor of the glaciology.
150. By the way, the new thought that constructing optical simulation intelligent machine from ternary optical computer, which was first suggested by Prof. He Huacan, was also involved in this thesis.
151. Sun Lin, a student of Electronics, knocks on the door of prof . White, an eldery Englishwoman.
152. Prof. Smith will make a short address to all of us giving his thanks and his impressions of the convention.
153. Writing in the journal Circulation, Prof David Kass, who led the study, says: "Sildenafil [Viagra] effectively puts a 'brake' on chemical stimulation of the heart.
154. Prof. of Psychology: Kiss is the retention phenomenon of the oral stage.
155. Student: The first one Prof.: Yes the first one was suppressed in the original argument but was made explicit as we set out the argument logic book style.
156. The theory for the cold fusion mechanism is proposed early in 1989 by Prof.
157. Prof. Andrew Knoll of Harvard University has likened the Ediacaran forms to a paleontological "Rorschach" test because different scientists often interpret the same fossil very differently.
158. This would be heresy in a more traditional MBA programme, but Prof Schmittlein unrepentant.
159. According to Freudian tripartite personality structure, the mind is composed of three parts: id, ego and super-ego. Healthy personality depends on the coordination of the three parts. Prof.
160. Prof Nigel Minton, from the Clostridia Research Group at the University of Nottingham, said: "This is an exciting discovery."
161. Prof Mike Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found.
162. Still , some empirical data are beginning to emerge. Prof.
163. Prof. Dr. Janet W. Salaff, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto ...
164. Her colleague Prof Neil Spiller added: "The piles which support Venice are sinking into the lagoon like stiletto heels."
165. But through it all, none was more vocal in his assertion than Prof Pavlov.
166. Prof Eccles said: "A cold nose may be one of the major factors that causes common colds to be seasonal."
167. In homage to his favourite fruit, Prof Goh has adopted a durian tree on the NTU campus.
168. Best bets are pain killers like acetaminophen, hot drinks and decongestant sprays, says Prof.
169. November 2004 - February 2005, Prof. Hongwu ZHANG visited Padova University of Italy and took scientific cooperation.
170. He also told me that I could turn to Prof. Carcassonne for help with my French.
171. Indeed, adds Brooklyn Law School Prof. Jonathan Askin, quantitative data on the movement may be interesting, but it misses the larger point of the group action.
172. Prof Anne Mangen, of the University of Stavanger in Norway, said research had shown different parts of the brain are stimulated by reading and writing.
173. But anyone who found themselves within spitting distance of the Earth's real core would "instantly vaporise", Prof Perkowitz says.
174. Prof Roger Wotton found that flight would be impossible for angels portrayed with arms and bird-like feathered wings.
175. As Graham suggested, Prof. Shiller uses a 10-year average P/E ratio, adjusted for inflation.
176. Prof. Monica Junejah (Art Historian, University of Delhi): The Taj Mahal was a mammoth project of Shah Jahan's reign.
177. Prof. of Electrical Engineering : Kiss is N - type, the latch - up phenomenon in MOS.
178. Then the war broke out and I heard no more from Prof. Carcassonne.
179. On Sunday, at the end of the Radio 4 Pay and Tax season, I took part in a panel discussion with Polly Toynbee, Prof Jonathan Wolff and John Caudwell.
180. The"Kreutzer 42 Violin Etudes Lesson Analyses", (omitted)rote by Prof. Liang xin, is a technical theory(omitted)t Kreutzer violin etude training published by People's Music Publishing House.
181. Prof Adrian Raine, a British criminologist, argued that abnormal physical brain make-up could be a cause of criminality.
182. But there is still a long way to go says Prof Olian.
183. Prof Eccles theorizes that the sick students had asymptomatic viruses that turned symptomatic when the chill constricted blood vessels in their nose, allowing the viruses to replicate.




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