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单词 Salvation Army
释义  Salˌvation ˈArmy noun  the Salvation Army RRCa Christian organization that tries to help poor people 救世军〔基督教慈善组织〕Examples from the CorpusSalvation Army• In May, 1981, Eva celebrated thirty years as a Salvation Army officer.• A closer look revealed the familiar Salvation Army logo on the pot, but this bell-ringer was like none I recognized.• You have got two choices in Edinburgh - it's either the Salvation Army or Greyfriars hostel and that's it.• There is the Salvation Army that is mentioned.• The activities of the Salvation Army and the smaller Church Army continued as before, but without notable expansion.• Another influential local figure was William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army.• I had also had a very enjoyable weekend in Sheffield when the Salvation Army invited me to make an appearance.Salˌvation ˈArmy nounChineseSyllable  organization poor tries help Corpus to a that Christian




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