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单词 salt cellar
释义  Related topics: Utensilsˈsalt ˌcellar noun [countable] British English  DFUa small container for salt 小盐瓶 SYN American English salt shakerExamples from the Corpussalt cellar• A chamberlain showed them to their seats just beneath the high table, which was dominated by a pearl-encrusted silver salt cellar.• His brother Gawain ignored him, gazing at the salt cellar or the window for minutes at a time and stolidly chewing.• Later, in the café, we put the flag into the salt cellar and waited.• A sign of taking too much salt is if you find it difficult to remove the salt cellar from the table.• Guido continued to watch her, toying with the salt cellar, his long tanned fingers very dark against the white cloth.Origin salt cellar (1400-1500) cellar from Old French salliere, from Latin salarium, from sal “salt”ˈsalt ˌcellar nounChineseSyllable  a container for small Corpus salt




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