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单词 Passport
1. In his hurry to leave, he forgot his passport.
2. A passport that is out of date is invalid.
3. May I see ur passport, please?
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. I need to renew my passport this year.
5. He applied for a passport.
6. You must hand over your passport before you leave.
7. He examined her passport and stamped it.
8. You can't leave the country without a passport.
9. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
10. She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.
11. I can't find my passport.
12. Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper.
13. My passport expires next week.
14. Officials type each passport number into a computer.
15. The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
16. They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.
17. The average turnaround for a passport application is six working days.
18. I lost my passport.
19. I've misplaced my passport.
20. My passport is missing.
21. You should take your passport with you when changing money.
22. You'll have to get a passport, and you'll also need a visa.
23. Keep your passport in a secure place .
24. Can I see your passport, please Miss.
25. Bring some form of identification, preferably a passport.
26. My passport has run out.
27. He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.
28. She was born in New York and has an American passport.
29. Quite a number of young people maintain that money is a passport to happiness.
30. I was just ferreting around in my drawer for my passport.
1. A passport that is out of date is invalid.
2. May I see ur passport, please?
3. I need to renew my passport this year.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. He examined her passport and stamped it.
5. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
6. She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.
7. I can't find my passport.
8. Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper.
9. My passport expires next week.
10. Officials type each passport number into a computer.
11. The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
12. They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.
13. He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.
14. The average turnaround for a passport application is six working days.
15. She was born in New York and has an American passport.
16. I lost my passport.
17. Quite a number of young people maintain that money is a passport to happiness.
18. I've misplaced my passport.
19. My passport is missing.
20. You should take your passport with you when changing money.
21. You'll have to get a passport, and you'll also need a visa.
22. I was just ferreting around in my drawer for my passport.
23. He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer.
24. He has a valid passport.
31. The inevitable happened-I forgot my passport.
32. It took us ages to get through passport control.
33. He was a German, travelling on a Swiss passport.
34. The woman at the desk stamped my passport.
35. After disembarkation, we went through passport control.
36. He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer.
37. She opened her bag and took out her passport.
38. It's really hard lines to lose your passport.
39. His passport was stowed away in the desk.
40. You'll need your passport as proof of identity.
41. The only passport to success is hard work.
42. He required to see my passport.
43. My passport is valid for another two years.
44. I can't find my passport anywhere.
45. Keep your passport in a safe place.
46. They didn't stamp my passport.
47. You'd better bring your passport with you.
48. Your passport is good for another three years.
49. Designer clothes are not a passport to instant glamour.
50. I had to go back for my passport .
51. Check the expiry date on your passport.
52. She locked her passport and money in the safe.
53. Is your passport in order?
54. He went straight through Passport Control without incident.
55. He views boxing as his passport out of poverty.
56. He has a valid passport.
57. Do you have an American passport?
58. You must present your passport to the customs officer.
59. Have you got any stamps in your passport?
60. 'May I see your passport, Mr Scott?' 'Certainly.'
61. Please stop at passport control.
62. I didn't have any clothes, let alone a passport.
63. How do I go about renewing my passport?
64. You have to show your passport at the border.
65. He pulled his passport from his inside jacket pocket.
66. She kept his passport in the top drawer.
67. Good qualifications are a passport to success.
68. Check the expiration date on your passport.
69. It is necessary to stamp your passport.
70. Now her passport has expired.
71. She searched in vain for her passport.
72. Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment.
73. Wait here to have your passport stamped.
74. In my hurry to leave(sentence dictionary), I forgot my passport.
75. The gold medal is his passport into professional boxing.
76. Do you hold a valid passport?
77. We had to queue for ages at passport control.
78. For a holiday abroad you need a valid passport.
79. He falsified his birth certificate to get a passport.
80. Beauty alone can be a passport to success.
81. She fumbled about in her handbag for her passport.
82. He's gone off with my passport.
83. She screamed out that she had lost her passport.
84. He got into Europe with a false passport .
85. Is your passport still valid?
86. The Embassy made him surrender his passport.
87. His only means of identification was his passport.
88. He was charged with possessing a fake passport.
89. Do you hold a British passport?
90. My passport is out of date.
91. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence.
92. Anyone travelling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested.
93. We went through passport control and into the departure lounge.
94. I was stopped as I went through passport control .
95. Passport checks will remain the first line of defence against terrorists.
96. My passport was in the inner pocket of my bag(Sentence dictionary), for safekeeping.
97. Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.
98. I discovered to my horror that my passport was missing.
99. The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.
100. We wrote to the passport office to set the whole process in motion.
101. Have you filled in the application form for your passport yet?
102. Many students opt for business studies simply because it sounds like a passport to a good job.
103. I don't know that you need a passport for travelling within the EU.
104. You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may.
105. Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport.
106. The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.
107. He intends to try to leave the country, in spite of a government order cancelling his passport.
108. I ,dare say you 'are British but you still need a passport to prove it.
109. He raked about in the drawer looking for his passport.
110. The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport.
111. They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.
112. He examined my face carefully before handing back my passport.
113. They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad.
114. My passport has disappeared: it was in my pocket a moment ago.
115. Please allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely without let or hindrance.
116. Her passport seemed legitimate, but on closer inspection, it was found to have been altered.
117. In the eventuality of your passport being stolen, contact the embassy at once.
118. He remembered in the nick of time that his passport was in his coat pocket.
119. Having lost her passport, she is now in deep water.
120. If I don't get my passport by Friday, I'll be up the creek.
121. Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control and Customs.
122. When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.
123. I need to check that your passport is in order.
124. This passport has to be signed before the official can validate it.
125. He stuck down what he held, took out his passport from his pocket and showed it to me.
126. If you're staying for more than three months or working overseas, a full 10-year passport is required.
127. What a to-do that was, getting my passport renewed at the consulate!
128. Mr Ashwell has to surrender his passport and report to the police every five days.
129. I seem to have mislaid my passport have you seen it?
130. My passport runs out next month - I must get it renewed.
131. He had doctored his passport to pass her off as his daughter.
132. His passport was confiscated by the police to prevent him from leaving the country.
133. To his consternation, when he got to the airport he found he'd forgotten his passport.
134. Victory would give him a passport to the riches he craves.
135. His family tricked him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport.
136. It's sensible to keep a note of your passport number.
137. His velvety brown eyes had been his passport to fame.
138. The old type of passport is on its way out.
139. Our papers are checked as we go through passport control at the airport.
140. He had to give his passport up to the authorities.
141. Dave couldn't find his passport at the airport and then there were further complications when Fiona lost her baggage.
142. She was given a false passport and assumed a new identity.
143. She saw a good diet as a passport to good health.
144. Don't assume that winning a talent contest is a passport to success.
145. I hope nobody's forgotten to bring their passport with them.
146. All people entering the country will need a valid passport .
147. If your passport is stolen you should apply for a replacement immediately.
148. Your passport application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs.
149. International Roaming is your digital mobile phone's passport to travel but the cost of calls is high.
150. This passport is invalid. Look at the expiry date.
151. Please send a photocopy of your passport.
152. The Union Jack will be our passport to romance.
153. Her cover was the passport control office.
154. His features relaxed and he stamped my passport.
155. The Shows'n'Rides sheet is your personal passport to pleasure.
156. He entered the country using a forged passport.
157. It may be necessary to obtain a supplementary passport.
158. You might be able to get a temporary passport.
159. The $55 passport fee must accompany your application.
160. Stella reappeared with the dark blue passport.
161. Have you found your passport yet?
162. He was pleased nobody had asked for his passport.
163. He was carrying a forged passport.
164. Harald tore the passport into pieces.
165. You don't have to queue up at passport control.
166. Always keep your passport in a safe place.
167. Make sure you keep your passport and ticket handy.
168. In October 1945 he obtained a passport.
169. She stamps his passport without a word.
170. Officially speaking anyway,(http:///passport.html) just as I have a passport.
171. She entered the country using a fraudulent passport.
172. Only two passport control booths were open.
173. Everyone entering the country must show a passport.
174. Arguello presented his passport to the border guards.
175. Less than 70,000 Hong Kong people carry this passport.
176. I dug around for my passport.
177. A valid passport is essential when you travel abroad.
178. From 1929 to 1936 he was re-employed, under the cover of passport control officer, in Rome.
179. But to do so she had to provide a copy of her passport, certified by a lawyer or accountant.
180. My passport causes excitement and a soldier thumbs through the pages.
181. The Passport Office has been heavily taxed with a backlog of requests from the recent government closings.
182. Passport schemes are a price discrimination device which allows subsidies to be directed towards target groups.
183. In the rear, I found out that you could get a passport.
184. Everyone must carry an internal passport, and we were always conscious of security everywhere.
185. The woman who stamped my passport made me change money with her and she robbed me.
186. Okay, so it still takes the best part of an hour to move the next ten paces past passport control.
187. That afternoon the passport was delivered to the Soviet Embassy for renewal on an emergency application.
188. I've got to get his passport and take him away from here.
189. Bao Ge, released in June after three years in a labor camp, was recently allowed to have a passport.
190. Please bring two forms of identification, such as a passport or driver's license.
191. I want to get a new passport but I don't know the procedure.
192. The budget clash resulted in a partial shutdown at the passport agency.
193. It's absurd, these days(), like submitting a portrait in oils with your passport application.
194. Its founder, Vehbi Alimucaj, holds a diplomatic passport, according to Western officials.
195. McMullen unlawfully entered the United States in 1978 on a false passport.
196. Then it was back to Milton Hall for Stewart and back to the passport office for Tish.
197. The older man greeted him politely and asked to see his passport.
198. If you lose your passport, you should contact the embassy without delay.
199. The government office had consequently delayed issuing an emigration passport.
200. It is a passport to altered states of consciousness and ultimately to self-realisation.
201. There is hi-tech glass and lighting, cute little passport kiosks and a tapered rubber ramp to baggage reclaim.
202. All he needs is a presidential pardon to restore his passport.
203. Loss of a passport up to £150 Reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses necessary to obtain a replacement passport.
204. If you need a passport, the time to get one is now.
205. Passport, tickets, money, toothbrush, sun cream, sun glasses - for which, see elsewhere in this issue.
206. At the border, swastika flags fluttered from passport control and police sauntered to the car to demand identification.
207. If you need to apply for a passport, do so at least 12 weeks before departure.
208. You don't have to wait long for a new passport - 3 weeks is about the maximum.
209. Out front, stuck in the lawn by the walk, was a sign announcing that he took passport photos.
210. It was his home, his passport to the world of pain and violence he enjoyed so much.
211. In 1635 he was granted a passport to travel abroad.
212. We must have looked so gormless; we certainly looked it in our passport photos.
213. Minna had made a deposit on ship tickets, and I had received my interior passport.
213. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
214. My passport was wet and creased from where I had lain on it all night; but it was there.
215. The appearance of Marshall Lee Miller to handle his defence against the passport violation charge had seemed more than just providential.
216. Maze fugitive Jim Smyth, 38, was released in San Francisco after being held for passport offences.
217. The border guard directed me to hand over my passport.
218. But I was met in the corridor by two men, who blocked my way and demanded to see my passport.
219. The bustle of passport control and customs clearance over, father and daughter emerged into the pristine arrivals lounge.
220. Books are a passport to all kinds of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Dr T.P.Chia 
221. Despite my limited Spanish(), I gathered that there was a problem with my passport.
222. Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. Oprah Winfrey 
223. The immigration officer silently examined my passport for a very long time.
224. The Roberts were soon following the stream of passengers heading in the direction of passport control.
225. Though made with direct flash, the resulting portrait was anything but a passport picture.
226. The officer handed him the passport with a little bow and a smile.
227. Michael was at the airport before he realized he'd forgotten his passport.
228. After baggage and passport checks, passengers are individually quizzed by interrogators.
229. He was carrying a false passport when he arrived from London but was recognised during a routine check.
230. That white overall was a passport to the scene of the murder.
231. Little things, simple things, like a passport with an eagle on the front cover.
232. As might be expected, possession of a bank account is a virtually indispensable passport to bank credit card use.
233. Your passport will expire ten years from the issue date.
234. The device that made this possible would eventually be his passport to the world.
235. Anyone who needs a new passport within three working days also can add a rush fee of $ 30.
236. What will you do if they stop you in the street and ask for your passport?
237. As far asI know he has no passport, so I suppose he will claim asylum.
238. This time, the stares were even more penetrating when the guards looked up from my passport and auto papers.
239. Romanov took out the little blue passport with a soft cover from his inside pocket and handed it over.
240. You know, to put on my passport where it says any scars or distinguishing features.
241. Early on he learned - the hard way - that it was the passport to success.
242. He went to his safe and withdrew with slim brown fingers the green United States passport, and handed it back.
243. She applied for a temporary passport, which involved getting a letter of reference.
243. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
244. Amnesty International also intervened on her behalf and only days before she was due to leave, she was given a passport.
245. He had been forced to sign a co-operation agreement in order to obtain a passport, although he had never actually collaborated.
246. Climbers attending the briefing will need to bring with them some form of identification, preferably a passport!
247. I was waved straight through the gate behind them, fanning the air with my passport.
248. If there is any doubt, the cashier should tactfully try to obtain proof of identity, e.g. passport or driving licence.
249. If you do not already hold a valid passport, application forms may be obtained from the Post Office.
250. That means more routine passport checks for every black person living in Britain, and identity cards for everyone.
251. The King claimed that all the funds acquired through the passport sales had been accounted for.
252. Your completed passport application should be accompanied by two recent photographs.
253. The average turnround for a passport application in the last year has been six working days.
254. But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.
255. The State Department, which administers the passport office, declined to comment.
256. One of the queues was designated for people with an EC passport.
257. But we can leave as soon as you get the passport and the visa.
258. They may even be required to hold on to your passport for a while.
259. The new fund will be more diverse than the Passport fund, since it will invest in both large and smaller companies.
260. Now nobody can make him fight, but he can not leave his new homeland as he has no passport.
261. Clearing the house after a relative died, I came across what purports to be a passport to Hay-on-Wye.
262. After changing his name by deed poll to Captain Beany he needed a renewed passport to match his new identity.
263. The U. S. Passport Office has a backlog of as many as 120, 000 passport applications, a spokeswoman estimates.
264. I can't find my passport - it must have fallen out of my pocket.
265. Each boxer would be given a passport that officials could readily review.
266. He was provided with a false passport in the name of William Goode.
267. It is your responsibility to be in possession of a valid passport and any visa which may be necessary.
268. The passport office seems very efficient - I got a new passport in just 48 hours.
269. With that I sat down to write what would prove to be either my epitaph or my passport back to power.
270. You should report the loss of your passport to the consulate.
271. Morenz used his right hand to bring out his passport.
272. Joyce would need a passport, and that with the minimum of delay.
273. Finally, don't assume winning a talent contest is a passport to success.
274. But the backlog is clearing up, especially if you get your passport by mail.
275. Stamping his passport, the customs official had revealed that he was also a registered opponent of the Hinkley C plan.
276. As a condition of his release, Nick's passport was withheld for 90 days, pending an appeal by the prosecution.
277. Coggan said Parretti had surrendered his passport to authorities here as a condition of his bail.
278. Doctor Ryding's passport bears witness to the thousands of miles he's travelled helping to save lives for the red cross.
279. She couldn't apply for a passport as she was under age.
280. Otherwise, send the embassy your application, two photos, your passport and a $ 65 money order.
281. After 45 minutes of this and two cups of tea the official asked to see my passport.
282. Altering a passport in any way may make it invalid.
283. We live in an increasingly competitive world where good qualifications are a passport to success.
284. Although acquitted, Du Bois became more isolated during the 1950s, and was denied a passport until 1958.
285. They are aware that designer labels are no passport to instant glamour and that designers tend to recycle the past anyway.
285. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
286. Acceptable forms of ID include a current passport or a birth certificate.
287. Paris was mooted but when Henrietta could not find her passport they eloped to Edinburgh.
288. Instead of the passport opening frontiers to the traveller without let or hindrance, it has become the means of international surveillance.




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