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单词 salon
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashion, Building, Artssal·on /ˈsælɒn $ səˈlɑːn/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  DCa place where you can get your hair cut, have beauty treatments etc 发廊,美发厅;美容院 SYN hairdresser’shair/beauty salon an exclusive hair salon 高级发廊2. DCSHOP/STOREa shop where fashionable and expensive clothes are sold 高级服装店,时装店3. TB old-fashioned a room in a very large house, where people can meet and talk 〔大宅中的〕客厅,会客室4  Aa regular meeting of famous people at which they talk about art, literature, or music, popular in the past in France 沙龙〔以前在法国流行的谈论艺术、文学或音乐的定期名流社交聚会〕 a literary salon 文学沙龙Examples from the Corpussalon• The contest was open to all hairdressing students at the institute but also included a category for senior stylists and salon owners.• a beauty salon• a bridal salon• Products are only available from salons.• Available from salons only - call for your nearest stockist.• They include the alleged failure of salon owners to regularly follow manufacturers' instructions.• For appointments call the salon on.• Did you feel comfortable and relaxed in the salon? 4.• She unloaded the car and carried everything in, dumping it all in the middle of the salon.• His hands dangled over the sides of the wheelchair as they took him to the salon to meet the salon• It is also worth going along to a beauty salon a month or so in advance to have your make-up done.• The street is dotted with pricey eateries, art galleries, boutiques and hair salons.• Comfortable public rooms include a bar, restaurant, lounge and beauty salon.• I noticed it only because part of the mixture involved a large quantity of my expensive beauty salon shampoo.• It has sprouted shopping malls, discos and nightclubs, beauty salons, gymnasia, news kiosks, coffee shops.• Gymnasium, sauna, steam room, beauty salon, indoor pool.• Cutting edge: A small Stockton hair salon is proving it is a cut above the rest in competitions.Origin salon (1600-1700) French → SALOONsal·on nounChineseSyllable  place where can you get Corpus your a hair




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