单词 | Apt |
例句 | (1) A man apt to promise is apt to forget. (2) This shoe is apt to slip. (3) China cups are apt to break. (4) Paper is apt to catch fire. (5) The words are very apt to my case. (6) We are apt to wish for what we can't have. (7) Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays. (8) The song would have been more apt for a bass voice. (9) The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929. (10) 'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment. (11) The remark was most apt. (12) He is apt to raise the roof. (13) The old are apt to catch a cold. (14) Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths. (15) He is apt to leave things about. (16) Food is apt to deteriorate in summer. (17) My little sister is apt at languages. (18) Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar. (19) He is apt to fly out in a rage. (20) My pen is rather apt to leak. (21) The punishment should be apt for the crime. (22) He is the most apt of all pupils. (23) Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking. (24) My bicycle bell is apt to fall off when I ride too fast. (25) Her comments on my work were very apt and to the point. (26) 'Love at first sight' is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her. (27) We have some particularly apt students in the class this year. (28) She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about. (29) If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she "took up" with him at all(), to call her by her first name. (30) "Urchin", with its connotation of mischievousness, may not be a particularly apt word. (1) This shoe is apt to slip. (2) China cups are apt to break. (3) Paper is apt to catch fire. (4) The words are very apt to my case. (5) We are apt to wish for what we can't have. (6) Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays. (7) The song would have been more apt for a bass voice. (8) The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929. (9) 'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment. (10) Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar. (11) she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ... (31) She has an apt turn of phrase for summing up a situation. (32) "Like a fish out of water" was an apt description of how I felt in my new job. (33) she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she " took up " with him at all, to ... (34) The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings. (35) She's in her eighties now and apt to be a bit forgetful. (36) The pond was apt to dry up during summer. (37) Here again, the word is not particularly apt. (38) Fahey was obviously an apt pupil. (39) But once at university I was an apt student. (40) Apt sounds mark the passing of the hours. (41) It is an apt epitaph for him. (42) She is apt to cackle evilly. (43) The humour was topical and apt. (44) His disciplinary record was apt to be suspect. (45) Apt observations dissolved into a shapeless welter. (46) Shifting sands might have been a more apt title! (47) The former epithet is apt,(/apt.html) the latter less so. (48) In 1955, Gibson formally dubbed it an organization, though social club might have been a more apt description. (49) We were travelling along the Lofoten Wall, an apt description for the mountains protecting this huge sea fjord. (50) There could not be a more apt description of this mountain in miniature. (51) They were ambitious for gain and apt to want a careful look at the books. (52) He had noticed that in rare moments of stress she was apt to revert to her original Cockney. (53) Mr Spock's ears are distractingly perky and he is apt to panic or, worse, to smile. (54) There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt. (55) Superimposing capitalism on another economic system is apt to cause problems. (56) I thought it an apt and correct description, with its connotations of inertia and lifelessness. (57) The tobacco company is a particularly apt choice for the Whitney's Board of Trustees. (58) Paul Manville had to be given his due - he could not have chosen a more apt record to convey his message. (59) With Bushmills distillery just up the road, this is an apt place to celebrate the end of a great walk. (60) With every move she gave a little gasp, as her body, previous experience or not, proved an apt pupil. (61) But you know how every dream is apt to follow its own course. (62) Together they plan for a future in New York City with more exotic women than one is apt to find in Indiana. (63) A euphemism is most apt to be noticed if it is new. (64) It looked like the circus leaving town, which may be an apt analogy. (65) The album cover, with the father of 12-tone music playing Ping-Pong, is an apt symbolic touch. (66) When a moving object catches their attention, babies are apt to focus on it. (67) Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say, are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang. (68) Fires smouldered in the grates of sitting-rooms, but the passages and bedrooms at Kinton were apt to be piercingly cold. (69) Many problems have a clear local manifestation; local initiative and self-help must consequently provide the most apt solutions. (70) Clients are apt to minimise numbers of assignments, whilst headhunters maximise them, and neither are willing to divulge exact figures. (71) For once, the optical illusion experienced by sailors leaving port seemed apt. (72) It was exactly as I had always imagined the Dark Ages to be, and in its terrible way it was apt. (73) Although colorful, active, and good feeders,(http:///apt.html) they are apt to be a little quarrelsome. (74) Consequently, the talk at the sand table or the block area is more apt to be teacher-directed. (75) In the future, falling male earnings are apt to be mirrored in falling household incomes. (76) An excellent oxygenating plant, but apt to get out of control in large or natural ponds. (77) These are the books our young children are most apt to encounter when they read on their own. (78) At the 1988 Lambeth Conference the Bishop of Hyderabad told an apt and amusing story about this. (79) Treloar has described a very apt demonstration of the transition. (80) In the evenings, when I am apt to recede to a withdrawn vacancy, she will come to stroke my hand. (81) In this situation professionals are most apt to allow their normal reserve about commerce to lapse, and to give meaningful information. (82) For many battered women the unpredictable treachery of a deadly serpent is an apt characterization of the abusive actions of their husbands. (83) He has a number, many quite apt, which he is liable to produce to lend substance to his conversation. (84) It was, however, an apt symbol for the abrupt end of her government's honeymoon. (85) Some people are very apt to dump all old people together. (86) In the next few days, he appeared to become a less apt pupil. (87) Yet in a deeper sense the phrase is apt for the new millennium. (88) Choose a still, windless day to climb it, otherwise the name is likely to prove very apt! (89) In dealing with anorexia nervosa we are dealing with metaphor - sometimes a startlingly apt form of metaphor. (90) One of these was apt to be Catholic Social Services. (91) She asks him to remember her, and he replies that he is more apt to forget anything else. (92) At that time the metaphor of the sinking of the Titanic seemed particularly apt. (93) Mugezi's excremental duties are an apt metaphor for the punishing regime in which he finds himself trapped. (94) The image of cladding, although apt, exaggerates the volume of the gases. (95) No one is more anxious that the penalties should be apt for the crime than those most immediately affected by prison disorder. (96) Farm workers are apt to complain that they now feel like strangers in their own village. (97) You kick aside the trash on the stairs, the clothes in the hall to reach Apt. 8. (98) If you can readily interpret all this laconic shorthand you are either a well-tried collector or an extraordinarily apt pupil. (99) The hearth, which stands for the sanctity of the home, is an apt object to confess her sad fate to. (100) The quote is apt for a company that soon will be amongst the most modern and well equipped in the world. (101) Then they used scare tactics, telling the audience that fat people were apt to succumb to something called Sudden Death syndrome. (102) Biscoe is in tremendous form, and Brian Gooding's dynamic guitar contributions are unfailingly apt. (103) Consequently what does not fit neatly into existing experience is anomalous and apt to seem mystically dangerous. (103) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day! (104) The manual suggests that you move the carriage as if ironing and this is a very apt description. (105) We have therefore examined the cleavage of ApT sites within other AT-rich sequences. (106) Our more skeptical age is apt to greet a performance like this with a smirk, as just more fussy Victorian moralism. (107) And I am apt to nudge my boys to join me in folding the laundry while we watch a television show together. (108) He was apt to get very upset when things went wrong. (109) Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter. (110) Attempts to rescue and re-evaluate them are apt to be less rewarding than making a fresh start. (111) We are apt to keep our noses to the print, and to simply follow the trail of the story. (112) Young men are apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are apt to think themselves sober enough. Lord Chesterfield (113) Some of the employees are apt to arrive late on Mondays. (114) Hannah was a little less apt to become frantic in busy places, such as shopping malls and grocery stores. (115) They are apt to talk a great deal with each other and to move freely and purposefully about the space. (116) A theoretician is well prepared to consider what the most apt questions about works of art may be. (117) She was apt to accuse the witnesses for the prosecution of lying. (118) He should have been booted out of the Olympics and told to race at a more apt venue. (119) In some consonant clusters, sounds are apt to be elided, ie omitted, in rapid speech. (120) Expressing yourself at the time of negative feelings means you will be less apt to hurt some one. (121) Gibson refers to NARA as an organization, but "social club" might be a more apt description. (122) They that are honest men themselves are not apt to suspect other people. (123) A particularly apt image, since Master James's hotter moments increased the equine nature of his features. (124) The eye-catchiness of collage also renders it a particularly apt medium for getting a point across effectively. (125) For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant. (126) The problem is that employers are apt to underestimate the value of direct discussion with executives who figure in their job-cutting plans. (127) The play most apt to the period would have been Macbeth, and the ghosts were from Hiroshima. (128) Try, therefore, to pick out the cases that are most apt for your argument, and rely on them. (129) And the more successful a company has been, the more difficult and painful this process is apt to be. (130) The notion of fact is apt to cause difficulties only if facts are treated as some special species of existences. (131) Evolution at the extremes of size is an apt prelude to the great drama that is Darwinism. (132) More than half of them said it tastes like melted-down bubble gum, which is an apt description of Josta. (133) Somehow, without guidance and peer influence,() cricketers are apt to bite the hand that feeds them. (134) No company is preferable to bad. We are more apt to catch the vices of others than virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health. Charles Caleb Colton (135) The skyscraper metaphor is apt, for our only hope to understanding such complexity is with a hierarchical model. (136) The Corydons are placed further away, which lends their performance an intoxicating dream-like quality, which I find particularly apt. (137) In a heated argument we are apt to lose sight of the truth. Publilius Syrus (138) It is a tradition where instrumentalists apart from organists are apt to seem like a different breed of musician altogether. (139) Indeed, that expression would be apt for the year 1958 as a whole. (140) Man that is of woman born is apt to be as vain has his mother. Robert Frost (141) This time(), the term attenuation band is an apt description of each range of frequency. (142) MDM_1X1.apt is used for sequential processing. (143) The anarchist is apt to lose his temper. (144) Without reasoning, one is apt to be beyond control. (145) He is apt at devising means. (146) Days in summer, Basil , are apt to linger. (147) We are apt to sentimentalize our past. (148) At the fewest you for students tin hope apt become able in subject material which may be useful to you in after life. (149) Miss Brooke knows that they are apt to become feeble in his. utterance. (150) The silicon containing minerals in bauxite are very apt to be slimed so as to produce a large amount of secondary slime which can seriously affect the silicon removal in reverse flotation. (151) After 1963, tungstic acid, APT, W powder, WC powder and cemented carbide could be produced too. (152) A bastardized version of the actor is that figure now thought so apt an analogy in our consumer-conscious society: the salesman. (153) About biblical subjects, in particular feelings are apt to run high. (154) He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief. (155) An air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved. (156) In life, no one talks as they do in a Shawn play, but after reading, or seeing, one, you're more apt to: he gives clear voice to the process of intellection. (157) Conclusions Splenectomy is the apt factor to mesenteric venous thrombosis. (158) Feng dancing moncler jackets Ni card mutually attend apt an swampland Shu of laugh, chronic to alert:se, they front of moncler coats sky is too swiftly clean. (159) See ugg boots green Luo smile, 9 blessing Jins pointed apt her to ugg boots pike pate, "have never thought 13 sisters-in-law ugg short unexpectedly know brothel woman?" (160) Notice that the phrase "first functional language" here is apt, as everything is based on functions. (161) If you operate apt word, stick nasally with this, not only can pull out black head, and OK and contractive pore, the bazoo that won't buy with you is stuck like pull pore big. (162) Be apt shoulder shoulder in the disaster in hand coexisting with us! (163) Suspicion is far more apt to be wrong than right,(http:///apt.html) oftener unjust than just. (164) The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains. (165) The process of dry ashing was complicated and apt to have deviation. (166) His clothes were apt to look oily , and smell of eating - houses. (167) I don't know that I am apt at tending fowls. (168) It is shown that the horn made of aluminum alloys(e. g. Ly12CZ) is apt to adhesion-wear, that makes the resonance properties worsening and leads to decreasing of the acoustic transmitting efficiency. (169) Guided by APT, this work also constructs an industry selection model based on industrial cycle index, and a multi-factor model to forecast the return on an industry index. (170) This article makes some brief analysis and discussion on the law issues which are apt to occur in bank guarantee. (171) Men who do not make advance to women are apt make advances to them. (172) Face lane after disfiguring, another no an dared apt come apt her this pure Quan Yuan to"act boorishly". (173) But the gaiety dose not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. (174) Off the job or on a political boozer is apt to be a loser. (175) Does the Su appropriate Er adore not apt favor that he alternatively she has its her female?She has been expressing so nice ugg boots sapient huge degree ...... (176) Why is a horse less apt to slip on slick ground when he is trotting than when he is cantering? (177) The process of the crystalline mother solution, ammonium paratungstate (APT) , through the macroporous strong-base resin D296, and the recovery of tungsten and ammonium chloride in it are studied. (178) His insistence upon precision of language is apt to seem fussy. (179) If you're using APT, be sure to upgrade your database of available software by typing apt-get update before you use the install subcommand. (180) In case of fire, it is very apt to collapse and causes severe personnel casualty and property losses, so that its fireproof problem is paid more attention to. (181) The ancient aestheticians, such as the Plato and Plotinus, were apt to believe that the beauty is an object's attribute. Therefore, there is an objective universality for the beauty. (182) The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches. (183) Tesch believed Peng is particularly apt as the kookaburra is a native Australian bird. (184) By contrast, less-happy people are more apt to be defensive, isolated, and self-absorbed, and unfortunately, their negative moods are catching (technical name: emotional contagion). (185) Passengers also were not as apt to be bumped from flights by overbooking, which was a big problem when airlines were running at or over capacity. (186) But an ox is often a castrated bull - which may an apt description of China's economic pain. (187) She have an apt turn of phrase for sum up a situation. (188) Water of be apt to: Listen to you to say vanward forum member adds all multigroup to have 6000 many members in all, and active member has 200 many. (189) But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. (190) Chronic hepatitis especially chronic active hepatitis is apt to be hepatocirrhosis and carcinoma. (191) Til had a high, emotional voice, apt to fly off into what would soon be called a "soulful" direction. (192) In modern political and economic discussion we are apt to talk rather glibly of " labour ". (193) As the goods are apt to be break if not handled with care in the course of transportation.suggest that the parcel be sent by container vessel to avoid possible damage in loading and discharge. (193) (194) The tiger may be the animal most Indians associate with their private sector; but a more apt symbol is the peepul (sacred fig) tree. (195) The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rappe inbsp ; the cavity with rapture. (196) Witness both types of creases on the jowly countenance of Joe Lieberman; these tend to give one a dour aspect (which, in the case of Lieberman, seems apt). (197) This new collotype sensitive glue suitable for summer use is prepared with the purpose of making a remedy for the default of the previous collotype sensitive glue which is apt to stick to paper. (198) While wealthy schools tin fee better in a downswing, they are too penetrated as undefendable apt prolonged market slumps because they run to money a greater part of their allowance from their talent. (199) When more scientists know about a particular paper, they're more apt to cite it in their own papers. (200) Conclusion Patients with HM were apt to develop infection, especially the patients with acute HM, all kinds of relapsed HM and agranulocytosis , so monitoring should be strengthened. (201) When they come downstairs from their ivory tower, idealists apt to walk straight into the gutter. (202) Compiling computer program is an irksome task to one who is not apt at logical thinking. (203) I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale. (204) Ask that self is through is being apt because of being apt, to still be apt because of inanity much! (205) The codeless developer workspace is apt to have extended tools configured. (206) However, on the other hand, the use of LIFO during a period of inflation is apt to produce a balance sheet figure for inventory that is far below the current replacement cost of the goods on hand. (207) After the diagnosis, it is found the patients likes to eat the ice-cold food, apt to be tired, apt to sweat, will not breathe heavily in activity, thin pulse string, light red tongue with white spot. (208) Secondly, the advantage which is gained by saving the time commonly lost in passing from one sort of work to another is much greater than we should at first view be apt to imagine it. (209) In this paper, the developing procedure of the 2D 3-shaft APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) system is described in detail. (210) Their optimism is apt to be decidedly conditional and tremulous. (211) But writer oi this article realizes from clinical observation that"being apt to bloat"should be local stiff and distending pain of lower lumbus or lumbus and sacrum. (212) Besides, because people often infect HIV easily by promiscuousness and intravenous drugs injection, that is apt to cause prejudice to AIDS patients. (213) Under some conditions, altruistic individuals are more apt to evolve than those egoistical individuals. (214) Henceforth, it is apt at all roles, it is made suspicious by the counterfeiter, covered with verdigris by the forger, blacked by the soot of the incendiary; and the murderer applies its rouge. (215) He at himself ugg boots in the mind occupied yet lent brandy apt pack by namely time lunatic made it so in the colleagues in front space, she jilted his palm apt still jilt Yuan? (216) When a certain actress - famed for her countless marriages and love af-fairs - complained that she could not come up with anything apt, Benchley gladly came to her aid. (217) CAPM Model and APT Model based on the theory of investment combination is the core of mod- ern capital market theory. (218) The person that be apt to mediates does not choose assault fortified positions, clumsy at human and harmonious, was not confused by position preferment of the surface eye. (219) The target orientation that administers theory is be apt to is treated. (220) On the scorching summer day, he who is apt to sweat will perspire heavily. (221) The former world heavyweight boxing champion, Tyson, is apt to get irritable. (222) People who have multiple sexual partners are now more apt to practise safe sex. (223) But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed. |
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