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单词 ruble
释义  Related topics: Currenciesru·ble /ˈruːbəl/ noun [countable]  PECthe American spelling of rouble rouble的美式拼法Examples from the Corpusruble• She lives on a pension of 372,000 rubles a month, the equivalent of $ 69.• First the rate fell from 6.2 rubles to the dollar to 6.5.• Worst off were those whose wages were denominated in dollars, but who were paid in rubles.• In 1958 the figures were 459 million rubles, 189 million rubles and 58 million rubles respectively.• Previously, people invested in dollars during high inflation because the ruble steadily depreciated.• They had inflation down, production was stable, the ruble was stronger.From Longman Business DictionaryrublerubleFINANCE another spelling of ROUBLEOrigin ruble (1500-1600) Russianru·ble nounChineseSyllable  American Business of the Corpus spelling rouble




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