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单词 straitened
释义  strait·ened /ˈstreɪtnd/ adjective formal  POORif you are living in straitened circumstances, you do not have enough money, especially not as much as you had before 经济拮据的,贫困的 the straitened circumstances of post-war Japan 日本战后窘迫的经济状况Examples from the Corpusstraitened• There is evidence that sons make considerable efforts to provide support for their parents even when they are in straitened circumstances themselves.• Davison's investments failed, leaving the family in straitened circumstances when he died in 1893.• But the neighborhood had now fallen into straitened circumstances.• His father died in 1886, leaving the young family in straitened circumstances.• And are there those, as Rose suggests, who live even more straitened lives?• But it proved an expensive success, and in these straitened times, everybody is playing safe.• In straitened times, group directors will face tough decisions about allocating resources between divisions.straitened circumstances• Emma did not want him to know of her straitened circumstances.• But the neighborhood had now fallen into straitened circumstances.• His father died in 1886, leaving the young family in straitened circumstances.• I should have sent the drinks back, but instead looked upon them as a windfall in our rather straitened circumstances.• There is evidence that sons make considerable efforts to provide support for their parents even when they are in straitened circumstances themselves.• Davison's investments failed, leaving the family in straitened circumstances when he died in 1893.Origin straitened (1500-1600) strait “narrow”; → STRAITstrait·ened adjectiveChineseSyllable  are Corpus you straitened if living circumstances, in




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