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单词 Justifiable
(1) If national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is when it springs, not from power or riches, grandeur of glory, but from convicton of ntational innocence, iformation, and benevolence. 
(2) We consider this action justifiable.
(3) The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
(4) The cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.
(5) The violence of the revolutionary years was justifiable on the grounds of political necessity.
(6) Are these experiments morally justifiable?
(7) Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances?
(8) The rule is justifiable on safety grounds.
(9) Whether mercy killing is justifiable is still an open question.
(10) Can violence ever be a justifiable method of protest?
(11) Sensible and justifiable decisions, properly communicated would raise morale rather than diminish it.
(12) Deception, in the case before him, he deemed justifiable, preferable to a direct approach.
(13) In the current economic climate it is not justifiable to provide screening services of doubtful value.
(14) But this justifiable pleasure does not disguise the fact that much was left undone.
(15) I have a suspicion that the justifiable coverage we got in the media hardened the hearts at Shire Hall.
(16) Yet he could return to Cairo with a justifiable sense of pride in knowing that he had delivered what he had promised.
(17) There was no justifiable reason for differential treatment of the part-time employees concerning the increase in salary and reduction in work hours.
(18) Is football a justifiable expense when the college cannot afford enough English classes to meet students' needs?
(19) She has done a great disservice to her cause by suggesting that violence is justifiable.
(20) Education is the trickiest area, because of constant arguments over when segregated schooling is justifiable.
(21) It is essential that any proposals should be scientifically justifiable otherwise costs increase and jobs are threatened with no real environmental benefits.
(22) This all-embracing assumption is most improbable but it is justifiable since it never lets us down.
(23) Secondly, that any delay which did occur was reasonable and, as indeed the judge himself found, justifiable.
(24) This sense of pride, which in some black GIs manifested itself in justifiable impatience, led to many bloody confrontations.
(25) Foster parents were as likely as their wards to find a justifiable cause for bellyache.
(26) To ignore the interests of relatives is neither ethically justifiable nor practically helpful if we wish to involve them in care.
(27) While separating these activities analytically from other major processes, like emotional support, it does this for justifiable theoretical reasons.
(28) This enabled the banks to pull out on the grounds that involvement was not commercially justifiable.
(29) In each case the reports have concluded that marijuana prohibition is without a justifiable foundation.
(30) In some exceptional cases, a relaxation of green belt restrictions may be justifiable to allow such extensions.
(1) We consider this action justifiable.
(2) The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
(3) The cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.
(4) The violence of the revolutionary years was justifiable on the grounds of political necessity.
(5) The rule is justifiable on safety grounds.
(6) Whether mercy killing is justifiable is still an open question.
(31) To be fair we have also been offered the chance of revising articles which attracted substantial justifiable criticism.
(32) They said Mr Wicks's decision was based on the flawed findings that the delay was justifiable and there was no prejudice.
(33) It is essential that the impact of resource allocation formula is justifiable on grounds other than the composition of any particular formula.
(34) The manoeuvre was different in kind, and even less justifiable, than a heart transplant.
(35) So long as fees rolled in, all this seemed justifiable.
(36) These employees may only be handled differently when the employer has a justifiable reason.
(37) But there is no doubt that libel law does in other respects impinge upon the justifiable freedom of the press.
(38) Exchange rate changes have been at times suggested as a justifiable response to productivity growth rate differentials.
(39) There is considerable sympathy for members of the public who commit some minor infringement under circumstances which are considered justifiable and understandable.
(40) If a professor fails to meet his classes without a justifiable reason, his salary is accordingly reduced.
(41) All 67 have been blacklisted, and for entirely justifiable reasons.
(42) Reed said the tax increases were not only justifiable, but unavoidable.
(43) It is, for example, sometimes justifiable to accept some one's authority in order not to hurt his feelings.
(44) What he has done is hardly justifiable.
(45) It is not justifiable save for very special purposes.
(46) That is not a justifiable act of war.
(47) Justifiable defense is the act being exempted from crimes.
(48) Deviation is justifiable to save life or property.
(49) Obliteration is not a justifiable act of war.
(50) In the democracy society because it can lift the beautiful flag of democracy the suppress fewness man is perfectly justifiable.
(51) I am ready to run risks if they are reasonably justifiable.
(52) So it is justifiable to apply Freud's psychoanalytical theory to the study of the play so that it might be more comprehensible and accepted by the western readers and audience.
(53) Battered Woman Syndrome" was originally a concept of social psychology, to prove the rationality of battered women's counterattack act under the condition of untraditional justifiable defense;"
(54) Perhaps it is justifiable for a " first course " to be concerned only with this first step.
(55) The justifiable defense clause strengthens the protection of aggrieved party, but at the same time, neglects the protection of unlawful offender. Inverse defense can remedy this fault rightly.
(56) Design a closed cycle deinking facility is technically feasible, the cost of the facility, however is high and not currently justifiable economically.
(57) I'm wondering if Dudley and Steven had asked for Richard Parker's consent in you know, dying, if that would exonerate them from an act of murder and if so, is that still morally justifiable ?
(58) After accepting authorization, a lawyer shall not, without justifiable reasons, refuse to defend a client or to act as agent ad litem.
(59) Even in the huge $14 trillion-plus U.S. economy, that should be enough to jump-start economic activity and raise justifiable fears of runaway inflation.
(60) But as a justifiable expectation, the right to medical treatment is limited by the concurrent conditions and resources in the order of rights.
(61) Articles devoid of substance are the least justifiable and the most objectionable.
(62) A child must learn to discriminate between the possibly justifiable acton and the absolutely correct action.
(63) When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?
(64) Its justifiable was certified by the inner Mongolian cultural contexture.
(65) Thus, it could be ethically justifiable the sacrifice of individuals for the sake of societies.
(66) A person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defense shall not bear vivil liability.
(67) As applications continue to grow, the cost-benefit ratio is simply no longer justifiable.
(68) It reports an obviously low tax basis without any justifiable reason.
(69) Have a kind of nifty view: Dawdler drove social progress. Is this word justifiable? Unjustifiable ?
(70) Interference with her autonomy may be seen as justifiable on this basis.
(71) Any more restrictive measures must be consistent and justifiable scientifically.
(72) This is wholly justifiable and entirely consistent with the moral concepts of Chinese society.
(73) It is their translation versions that bring the source text to life. The author thinks that the three translators'respective strategies are justifiable from the deconstructionist perspective.
(74) A minimum window size may be justifiable, but let people make windows as large as they want.
(74) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(75) It is justifiable to utilize the concepts of either wave or particles.
(76) The compilation of New Age English-Chinese Dictionary is a justifiable example of the systemic union of scientific and humanistic spirits in China's contemporary bilingual dictionary compilation.




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