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单词 role-play
释义  Related topics: Performing, Educationˈrole-play noun [countable, uncountable]  APSEan exercise in which you pretend to be in a particular situation, especially to help you learn a language or deal with problems 角色扮演〔尤指帮助学习语言或处理问题的练习〕 Language teachers often use role-play in the classroom. 语言教师经常在课堂上使用角色扮演的方法。 —role-play verb [intransitive, transitive]Examples from the Corpusrole-play• ideas for classroom role-play• This is how I helped Miles and Evan role-play their way into being the kind of researchers I want them to become.• These sorts of points could be brought out by oral work, or through role-play.• He or she is then given another opportunity to role-play during the next session.ˈrole-play nounChineseSyllable  in be exercise you in to Corpus pretend which an




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