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单词 Thatcherite
1. Here would be two worthy contenders - one Thatcherite, one Rocardian - for the newly defined middle ground.
2. So the Thatcherite counter-revolution has redefined the idea of justice.
3. Among historical colleagues, Thatcherite Tories and unreconstructed Marxists alike are firmly snubbed.
4. Again, if there had been a Thatcherite on the programme, the Labour expert would have been blown out of the water.
4. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
5. Like other Thatcherite creations, the Enterprise Allowance Scheme is chock-a-block with buzzwords whose connection with reality is, at best, half-baked.
6. Thatcherite innovation threw up much copycat tat, such as fried chicken shops that passingly resembled KFC.
7. He is a devoted Thatcherite, with a portrait of his heroine in his office.
8. Fraser Nelson, hardcore Thatcherite editor of The Spectator, boasts this will be "a radical reforming Tory government with Lib Dem backing vocals".
9. Entrepreneurship used to be seen as somehow Thatcherite, but the New Labour years broke down the idea that business is a bad thing.
10. The Tories retain a Thatcherite edge—and one of the (few) beliefs they share with their new Liberal allies is a fear that the state has got too strong.
11. The proposed lignite development in Northern Ireland is strongly in line with Thatcherite ideology.
12. Waterstone's was an unlikely success story of the 80s Thatcherite boom.
13. He is aware that what he is involved in now is nothing less than Thatcherite self-help.
14. The Conservatives under John Major tried to distinguish themselves from their Thatcherite past by stressing a commitment to quality public services.
15. No group in Britain better illustrated the gulf between the old professional order and the new Thatcherite ethos.
16. Although appointed under a Labour government, he was in every sense a Thatcherite manager.
17. In a sense the motor industry can be seen as a test case for the Thatcherite medicine for industry.
18. In a way, the key insight about America now is that it doesn't look at all like Thatcherite Britain.
19. Davis and Fox would be easy to caricature as Thatcherite retreads, too rightwing for 21 st - century Britain.
20. That, in turn, would trigger a deep recession and mass unemployment more reminiscent of the Thatcherite 1980s and 1990s than the 1960s and 1970s.
21. the most obvious [driver] appears to be the massive and disproportionate flow of mortgage lending since the Thatcherite deregulations...
22. I should have loved a piece by the former director Robin Harris, a Thatcherite not reconciled to the current dispensation.




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