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单词 crash landing
释义  Related topics: Airˌcrash ˈlanding, crash-landing noun [countable]  TTAan occasion when a pilot has to bring a plane down to the ground in a sudden and dangerous way because the plane has a problem 〔飞机〕摔机着陆,紧急迫降 He was forced to make a crash-landing in the desert. 他被迫在沙漠中紧急降落。 —crash-land verb [intransitive, transitive]Examples from the Corpuscrash landing• He says that wasn't bad for a crash landing.• Read in studio A glider pilot has suffered a broken leg in a crash landing at an R-A-F base.• An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.ˌcrash ˈlanding nounChineseSyllable  pilot when an occasion has Corpus to a




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