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单词 ripple
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsrip·ple1 /ˈrɪpəl/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SPREAD to move in small waves, or to make something move in this way (使)起涟漪,(使)起细浪 fields of grain rippling in the soft wind 和风中麦浪起伏的田野 I could see the muscles rippling under his shirt. 我看到他衬衫下面的肌肉一起一伏。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]SPREAD to pass from one person to another like a wave 〔在人群中〕传开ripple through Panic rippled through Hollywood as the murders were discovered. 数起凶杀案被揭露以后,好莱坞一片恐慌。ripple around Enthusiastic applause rippled around the tables. 席间热烈的掌声此起彼伏。3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a feeling ripples through you, you feel it strongly 〔情感〕传遍,涌起ripple through Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body shook. 他怒火中烧,浑身都颤抖起来。4  [intransitive]CSOUND to make a noise like water that is flowing gently 发出潺潺声 The water rippled over the stones. 石头上流水潺潺。 a rippling brook 潺潺的小溪→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusripple• A flag rippled in the breeze.• Through the cleavage of two low hills the lights of San Antonio rippled in the warm rising air.• The sunlight glimmered off these blades and when the sea breeze swept through they rippled like sequins on a party dress.• Before her a green sea rippled, melting into azure where it met the sky.• Water fell somewhere, echoing, and the swimming light rippled, reflecting it.• The occasional dip of an oar rippled the lake's glassy surface.• These thoughts of water, of oil, of butter, did not ripple through my mind.• When Jim acknowledged him, a barely audible groan rippled through the room.• He lifted the rug easily, and I could just imagine the muscles rippling under his shirt.• The cabin floor rippled underneath me with each wave, and it was impossible to lie rigid.• He saw ahead of him the rippling waters of the river.Related topics: Colours & soundsripple2 noun [countable]  1  WATERa small low wave on the surface of a liquid 波纹,细浪,涟漪 ripples on the surface of the pond 池面上的涟漪 She dived into the pool, making scarcely a ripple. 她跳入池中,几乎没有泛起水波。2  CSOUNDa sound that gets gradually louder and softer 此起彼伏的声音 A ripple of laughter ran through the audience. 听众中笑声起伏。 a ripple of applause 此起彼伏的掌声3  SPREADa feeling that spreads through a person or a group because of something that has happened 逐渐扩散的情绪 A ripple of excitement went through the crowd as he came on stage. 他走上舞台的时候,人群一阵骚动。4  CFPATTERNa shape or pattern that looks like a wave 波痕;波纹 ripples on the sand 沙上的波痕5. raspberry ripple/chocolate ripple etc DFa type of ice cream that has different coloured bands of fruit, chocolate etc in it 山莓/巧克力等彩条冰激凌6  ripple effect CAUSEa situation in which one action causes another, which then causes a third etc 涟漪作用,连锁反应 SYN domino effect The increase had a ripple effect through the whole financial market. 这次上涨在整个金融市场引起了连锁反应。Examples from the Corpusripple• Shannon couldn't help but feel a ripple of warmth for the man, even though they hadn't even been introduced yet.• There is a ripple of laughter.• A ripple of fear passed down his spine.• Her thoughtful and insightful answers, wrote one of the older social workers, began to cause ripples.• Only one small, white-highlighted ripple showed where the supple arrow of his body had pierced the water.• Why, there are much larger ripples on the surface of the water, upon which the paraffin rests.• And I confess I feel a little ripple of interest, in response.• A soft breeze made ripples on the lake.• While the worst may be over, one airline consultant warned that ripple effects could last two more weeks.• potato chips with ripplesripple of laughter• There was a ripple of laughter around them.• Celestine found herself blushing at the ripple of laughter passing through the audience.• The ripple of laughter that followed brought a scowl to Trentham's face.Origin ripple1 (1600-1700) Probably from riprip·ple1 verbripple2 nounChineseSyllable  make small waves, or to something move in to Corpus




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