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单词 ripe
释义  Related topics: Plants, Crops, Tastes, Foodripe /raɪp/ ●●○ adjective (comparative riper, superlative ripest)  1  HBPTACripe fruit or crops are fully grown and ready to eat 〔水果或庄稼〕成熟的 OPP unripe Those tomatoes aren’t ripe yet. 那些番茄还没熟。2  be ripe for something READYto be ready for a change to happen, especially when it should have happened sooner 适宜做某事,做某事条件成熟 The police forces are ripe for reform. 改革警察队伍的时机已经成熟。 The former dock area is ripe for development. 这片昔日的码头区可以开发了。3  the time is ripe (for something) SUITABLEused to say it is a very suitable time for something to happen, especially when it should have happened sooner (某事的)时机已经成熟 The time is ripe for a review of progress up to now. 是时候回顾一下目前为止所取得的进展了。4  ripe old age OLD/NOT YOUNG a) if you live to a ripe old age, you are very old when you die 很大年纪 Eat less and exercise more if you want to live to a ripe old age. 想长寿就少吃多锻炼。 b) used to show that you find it surprising or impressive that someone is doing something or has achieved something at a very young age – used humorously 年纪很小〔用于表示对某人很年轻便做或做到某事感到意外或惊叹,幽默用法〕 She was put in charge at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. 她年纪轻轻,29岁就当上了主管。5. CTDFripe cheese has developed a strong taste and is ready to eat 〔干酪〕熟透的 SYN mature6  especially British English a ripe smell is strong and unpleasant – used humorously 臭气熏天的,浓烈难闻的〔幽默用法〕 We were pretty ripe after a week of walking. 我们走了一个星期的路,身上都臭死了。 —ripeness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusripe• Don't pick the apples until they're really ripe.• I checked daily, in September, until the point where they were almost ripe.• We were pretty ripe after a week of hiking.• I can taste the rich meat of venison studded with ripe apples and sweet Texas onions.• Is this melon ripe enough to eat?• It was not until they levelled out that she thought again about the possibility of living to a ripe old age.• So it seemed Meurent lived to a ripe old age.• Even when ripe, these huge fruits have a greenish yellow skin and flesh, so don't be put off.• You'll need a pound of ripe tomatoes.• The air was ripe with rhetoric, much of it aimed toward the record industry and threatening to whites.Origin ripe Old Englishripe adjectiveChinese  or are Corpus fully to eat crops grown fruit and ripe ready




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