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单词 rhyming slang
释义  ˌrhyming ˈslang noun [uncountable] British English  SLa way of talking, used especially by cockneys (=people from east London), in which you use words or phrases that rhyme with the words you mean, instead of using the normal words. For example, ‘plates of meat’ is rhyming slang for ‘feet’. 同韵俚语〔尤为伦敦东区人使用的说话方式,以同韵的词语代替正常的词,如用plates of meat表示feet〕Examples from the Corpusrhyming slang• Anne: In cockney rhyming slang what is tomfoolery?• I'd be doing rhyming slang if I didn't watch out.• I remember thinking that use of rhyming slang was going to help clear matters up in no time.ˌrhyming ˈslang nounChineseSyllable  used talking, Corpus by of way cockneys especially a




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