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单词 return
释义  Related topics: Sport, Voting, Financeldoce_745_zre·turn1 /rɪˈtɜːn $ -ɜːrn/ ●●● S2 W1 verb  1  go back 回来 [intransitive]RETURN to go or come back to a place where you were before 返回,回来,回去 SYN go back, come back It was forty five minutes before she returned. 过了45分钟她才回来。return to Are you planning to return to Spain? 你打算回西班牙吗?return from I have just returned from five months in Zimbabwe. 我在津巴布韦待了五个月,刚刚回来。 Alison decided to return home. 艾利森决定回家。 He left his country, never to return. 他离开了祖国,一去不复返。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say come back (=return to the place where the speaker is) or go back (=return to a different place from where the speaker is), rather than return: It was forty five minutes before she came back. 过了45分钟她才回来。Are you planning to go back to Spain? 你打算回西班牙吗?2  give back 归还 [transitive]GIVE to give or send something back, or to put something back in its place 归还,退还;把…放回原处 SYN give back, put backreturn something to something/somebody Carson returned the notebook to his pocket. 卡森把笔记本放回口袋。 I returned the books to the library unread. 这些书我没看就还给了图书馆。 Please complete the enclosed application form and return it in the envelope attached. 请填好随信所附的申请表并用所附信封寄回。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that they take something back, put it back, or bring it back, rather than return it: 在日常英语中,表示送回、放回或拿回,人们一般说take back, put back或bring back,而不说returnHe put the key back in his pocket. 他把钥匙放回口袋。Did you take the books back to the library? 你把书还回图书馆了吗?3  feeling/situation 感觉/情况 [intransitive]START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETC if a feeling, situation etc returns, it starts to exist or happen again 重新出现 SYN come back If the pain returns, take two of the tablets with some water. 如果疼痛再次出现,就用水吞服两片药。 David could feel his anger returning. 戴维感觉自己的怒气又上来了。return to when peace finally returns to this country 当这个国家终于恢复和平时n Register In everyday English, people usually say that a feeling comes back rather than returns:I’m worried that the pain will come back.4  do the same 做相同的事 [transitive]DOGIVE to do something to someone because they have done the same thing to you 〔以相同的东西〕回报 He smiled at her warmly and she returned his smile. 他朝她热情地笑着,她也回报以热情的微笑。 I phoned him twice on Friday and left messages, but he never returned my call (=he didn’t phone me). 我星期五给他打了两次电话,还留了言,但他根本没有给我回电话。 Thanks very much. I’ll return the favour (=do something to help you) some day. 非常感谢,总有一天我会报答你的。 The police did not return fire (=shoot back at someone who shot at them). 警察没有开枪还击。5  answer 回答 [transitive] written to answer someone 回答 ‘Yes, ’ he returned. ‘I’m a lucky man.’ “是的。”他回答道, “我是个幸运的人。”6. ball 球 [transitive]DS to hit the ball back to your opponent in a game such as tennis 〔网球等比赛中〕回击,击回7  elect 选举 [transitive] British EnglishPPV to elect someone to a political position, especially to represent you in parliament 选举,推选〔尤指议会议员〕be returned to something Yeo was returned to Parliament with an increased majority. 约以更大的票数优势当选议会议员。be returned as something At the election, she was returned as MP for Brighton. 在这次选举中,她当选为代表布赖顿市的下议院议员。n Grammar Return is usually passive in this meaning.8. return a verdict SCTwhen a jury return their verdict, they say whether someone is guilty or not 〔陪审团〕宣布裁决9  profit 利润 [transitive]BF to make a profit 产生〔利润〕 The group returned increased profits last year. 该集团去年获得了更高的利润。10 return to something phrasal verb a) to change back to a previous state or situation, or to change something back (使)回复原状 David waited for a moment to let his breathing return to normal. 戴维等了一会儿,让呼吸恢复正常。return something to something The new chairman made the cuts necessary to return the company to profitability. 新任董事长作了必要的开支削减,以使公司恢复赢利。b) to start doing an activity, job etc that you were doing before you stopped or were interrupted 继续,重新做〔某事〕 SYN go back Nicholas looked up, grinned, then returned to his newspaper. 尼古拉斯抬起头,咧嘴笑了笑,然后继续看他的报纸。 The children return to school next week. 孩子下星期开学。 Ellie needed to return to work soon after the birth. 埃莉生下孩子后需要马上回去上班。c) formal to start discussing or dealing with a subject that you have already mentioned 再讨论,重新处理〔某个主题〕 I will return to this problem in a moment. 我马上就会再谈这个问题。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with return• You return to a place: The writer returned to his home town many years later.Hardy returned to his house in the country. ✗Don’t say: The writer returned his home town. | Hardy returned his house. • You return home: When she returned home that night, there was a letter for her. ✗Don’t say: when she returned to homen COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 4: to do something to someone because they have done the same thing to younounsreturn somebody’s call (=phone someone who phoned you)I left a message but he hasn't returned my call.return somebody’s gaze/stareShe kept her eyes fixed on the floor, refusing to return his gaze.return somebody’s smileMark returned her smile.return somebody’s love/feelings (=love someone who loves you)Sadly, she could never return his love.return the favour (=help someone who helped you)Thanks a lot. I hope I'll be able to return the favour.return fire (=shoot back at someone)One plane opened fire on the American aircraft, which immediately returned fire. THESAURUSreturn to go back or come back to a place where you were before. Return sounds more formal than go back or come back, and is more commonly used in written English 返回,回来,回去〔return听上去比go back和come back正式,更常用于英语书面语〕She returned to the hotel hoping to find a message. 她回到酒店,希望会有留言。Alastair returned from the office late that night. 那天晚上阿拉斯泰尔很晚才从办公室回来。nOn Friday, I returned home around six o'clock.go back to go to the place where you were before, or to the place where you usually live 回去It’s cold out here – shall we go back inside? 外面冷,我们回屋去好吗?When are you going back to Japan? 你什么时候回日本?go home to go to your home again, or to the country where you were born, after you have been away from it 回家[乡]I did a bit of shopping and then went home. 我买了点东西,然后回家。Are you going home to Hong Kong when the course finishes? 课程结束后你会回香港吗?come back to come to the place where you are again, after going away from it 回来I’ll be away for two days – coming back on Thursday night. 我要出去两天,星期四晚上回来。He’s just come back from a vacation in Miami. 他刚从迈阿密度假回来。get back to arrive somewhere where you were before, especially your home or the place where you are staying 返回〔尤指家或住处〕We got back at about 9 o'clock. 我们9点左右回来的。She couldn’t wait to get back to London. 她等不及要回伦敦了。turn back to turn around and go back in the direction you came from 转身回去We took the wrong road and had to turn back. 我们走错了路,只得掉头回去。He ordered the soldiers to turn back and march south. 他命令士兵调转方向,往南行进。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreturn• It was a bright, hot day when she returned.• Juries represent the racial attitudes of the communities from which they came and to which they will return.• Their investment list returned a profit of 34% last year.• You must return all your library books before the end of the year.• Only 96 Conservative MPs were returned at the last election.• Alastair returned from the office late that night.• As the soldiers returned home, their wives had to readjust to living with them again.• He returned in the early 1970s and went into business.• And if you don't like your purchase, you can return it for a refund.• If there is a problem with the computer, you can return it to the store.• Twenty minutes later he returned, shaking his head in a universal gesture.• If the pain returns, take two of the tablets every four hours.• Sign and keep the top sheet, and return the blue sheet to the office.• Johnson carefully returned the document to its hiding place.• I left early, but promised to return the next day.• Penny has still not returned the office keys.• Return the pan to the heat and simmer for a further 5-10 minutes.• I'm going to return these shoes - they're a little tight.• I've got to go by Blockbuster and return those tapes.• He had to return to India to look after his mother.• After a week it was to be returned to its owner.• I tell her how excited I am to return to Oki for Obon.• Since moving out of the unprofitable world of defence, Trend has returned to profits of £900,000.• After loading up he will return to Save.• Since the end of the war, many of the paintings have been found and returned to their rightful owners.• Your passport will be returned to you when you check out of your hotel.never to return• Many of the villagers will leave, never to return.• An entire society was uprooted and destroyed, vanishing into the high mountains never to return.• At first it seemed that something had been lost, never to return.• Having gained release from the imperfections of this world, they have left it, never to return.• Her eyebrows had been severely plucked in her youth, never to return.• Let us leave the allotment now, depart for ever, never to return.• On the basis of that petty insult, Pick stormed out of the negotiations, never to return.• She wanted to leave it then, never to return.• Unable to bear the humiliation, one night he broke the chain and ran away, never to return.return fire• Police took cover in combat positions but did not return fire.• The troops returned fire and then retreated.• The Royal Engineers did not return fire and were let through.• They returned fire before breaking off the engagement.• So successful was the tactic that the return fire from the Dragoons passed over their heads without inflicting a single casualty.• The return fire from the invisible Charlies was more intense as we got closer.• When the other side has returned fire, however, Mrs Clinton and her husband have complained of ill use.• Our tanks and tracks kept going a little bit and stopped to return fire immediately.• During my first attack I experienced some very inaccurate return fire which ceased just before I broke away.Related topics: Finance, Computers, Transport, Taxreturn2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  coming back 回来 [singular]RETURN the act of returning from somewhere, or your arrival back in a place 回来,归来,返回 We’re all looking forward to your return! 我们都盼着你回来!return from I need to know the date of her return from Europe. 我需要知道她从欧洲回来的日期。return to Malcolm decided to delay his return to York. 马尔科姆决定推迟返回约克的时间。on/upon somebody’s return On his return from Canada, he joined the army. 他从加拿大回来就参军了。2  giving back 送还 [singular]GIVE the act of giving, putting, or sending something back 归还;放回;退还return of A mother is appealing for the safe return of her baby son. 一位母亲在恳求把她那还是婴孩的儿子安全送还。 Police have arranged for the return of the stolen goods. 警察已经安排好赃物的归还工作。3  changing back 恢复 [singular]START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETC a change back to a previous state or situation 〔原来状态的〕恢复,回复return to The United States called for a return to democracy. 美国呼吁恢复民主制度。 a return to normal 回复正常4  starting again 重新开始 [singular]CONTINUE/START AGAIN when someone starts an activity again after they had stopped 重新开始return to Rose’s return to the teaching profession 罗丝重返教职 Jean is well enough now to consider her return to work. 琼现在身体好多了,可以考虑回去上班。5  profit 利润 [countable, uncountable]BF the amount of profit that you get from something 盈利,收益 The markets are showing extremely poor returns. 市场现在回报极差。return on How can you get the best return on your investment? 你如何让你的投资得到最大的回报?return from The returns from farming are declining. 农耕的收益在下降。 The average rates of return were 15%. 平均回报率为15%。► see thesaurus at profit6  in return (for something) EXCHANGEas payment or reward for something 作为(某事物的)报酬;作为(某事物的)回报 He is always helping people without expecting anything in return. 他一直在不求任何回报地帮助他人。 We offer an excellent all-round education to our students. In return, we expect students to work hard. 我们向学生提供优质全面的教育,同时也希望学生努力学习。 Liz agreed to look after the baby in return for a free room. 利兹同意照看婴儿,条件是要有一间免费房间。7  computer 计算机 [uncountable]TDBBO the key that you press on a computer at the end of an instruction or to move to a new line 回车键;返回键 SYN enter Key in the file name and press return. 键入文档名,然后按回车键。8  ticket 票 [countable] British EnglishTTRETURN (also return ticket) a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again 往返票,来回票,双程票 OPP single SYN American English round tripn Can I have a return to London please? → day return9  feeling/situation 感觉/情况 [singular] when a feeling, situation etc starts to exist or happen again 再度出现return of She felt a return of her old anxiety. 她感觉原来的那种焦虑又回来了。 David had noticed the return of worrying symptoms in the last few days. 最近几天戴维注意到令人担心的症状又出现了。10  statement 声明 [countable]PETANSWER/REPLY a statement giving written information in reply to official questions 申报(书),汇报,报告 an analysis of the 1851 census returns 对1851年人口普查报告的分析 → tax return11  vote 投票 [countable] technical a vote in an election 投票结果 What are the returns from last night’s voting? 昨晚的投票结果如何?12. by return (of post) British EnglishTCM if you reply to a letter by return, you send your reply almost immediately 〔接到信后〕立即回复 → the point of no return at point1(10)Examples from the Corpusreturn• Increasingly, businesses began to call for a return on their investment in public education.• The company offers the hope of big returns for people who buy its shares.• After her return, she had spent the first week weeping, conscious of her father's tight-lipped disappointment and indignant fury.• The first two nights had passed in sheer misery, as he sat up waiting, praying for her return.• Note was taken that Ned had failed to advise the twelfth floor of Barley's drunken breakout after his return from Leningrad.• In return, you will receive a salary in the range of £11,586 to £16,176 pa depending on qualifications and experience.• Most people get fairly low returns from their personal investments.• Type in your file name and press return.• We were anxiously awaiting Pedro's return.• Both sides are demanding the return of territory lost in the war.• She begged for the return of her kidnapped baby.• The time period that funds can be invested is critical in maximizing the returns from investments.• The return on the initial investment was huge.• Eaton said large institutional investors today are putting more pressure on publicly traded companies to increase their returns.• This return to a leaner structure is a direct result of the downturn in sales in key areas such as Impressionist paintings.on/upon somebody’s return• On his return from the Holy Land, he stopped at Cotignola.return of• Perhaps her rapid shifts in mood signaled the return of madness.return to work• It was almost eight years before I could consider a return to work.• The Solidarity leader Lech Walesa also appealed for a return to work.• The financial benefits gained in terms of productivity and maintaining an occupational income by returning to work are clear.• She returned to work, but again, she said delusional thoughts were getting in the way.• Twenty factories obeying Yeltsin's strike call were asked to return to work by Sobchak.• But as long as he continued to undergo treatment, David believed he could fend off Pamela and the need to return to work.• When will workers return to work?rates of return• In evaluating corporate performance an attempt will be made to link accounting rates of return to an internal rate of return.• Covers both the private and social rented sectors and considers rent levels, rent patterns, house prices and rates of return.• Empirically, wages and rates of return on capital do not equalize in even rather long periods of time.• Private investments historically have paid far higher rates of return than Social Security.• Many farmers had given up working the land because of low rates of return and had turned to producing more lucrative goods.• The weights, mean rates of return and standard deviations were as shown in Table 5.2.• This fuller analysis of the costs and benefits raises rates of return, especially on lowland forests.• The term structure of interest rates is the relationship between the rates of return on bonds with different maturity dates.Related topics: Transportreturn3 adjective [only before noun]  1 TTRETURNused or paid for a journey from one place to another and back again 来回的,往返的,双程的 → single SYN round trip American English a return ticket 来回票 a return fare 来回票价Examples from the Corpusreturn• Apart from noting the return addresses on the envelope, those who stayed didn't think much about the world outside.• Ole Gunnar Solskjaer accepted a return ball from Dwight Yorke to complete the scoring in stoppage time.• Watch for the classic Fruko y Sus Tesos on a return engagement in November.• Mulholland would later tell the valley people that his objective was simply to divert their unused and return flows.• Professor Sano writes back by return mail.• The return movement begins in October, but substantial numbers are not often present before November.• The return trip took about an hour less than the trip there.• The sea was much calmer on the return voyage.From Longman Business Dictionaryreturnre‧turn1 /rɪˈtɜːn-ɜːrn/ verb1[transitive]FINANCE if an investment returns a particular amount of money, that is the amount of profit it makesThis high-performing fund has returned 20.8% a year on average over the past decade.2[transitive]COMMERCE to take a product back to the shop you bought it from to get your money back, or to get other goods in exchange for itAny product purchased from Milo may be returned for a full refund.3[intransitive] to go back to a previous activity or statereturn toThe mine returned to production in November.The striking teachers have nowreturned to work.4[transitive] if you return a telephone call, you telephone someone because they have telephoned youThe minister didn’t return a call asking for comments on the crisis.5return a chequeBANKINGFINANCE if a bank returns a cheque, it refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account to do soSYN BOUNCEIf we have to return a cheque, a charge of £15 will be made.6return a verdictLAW if a JURY in a law case returns its VERDICT, it says whether it thinks someone is guilty or not→ See Verb tablereturnreturn2 noun1[countable, uncountable]FINANCEACCOUNTING the amount of profit made from an investmentBritish government bonds have produced a total return of 8.52% so far this month.a slump affecting the returns from investment → accounting rate of return → gross return → internal rate of return → net return → rate of return2[singular, uncountable] when someone or something goes back to a previous activity or stateFavorable government rates have aided the company’s return to profitability.the return of petroleum prices to the highest levels since mid-February3[countable]TAX an official form that is filled in and sent to the tax authorities so they can calculate how much tax is owedOver 12.2 million taxpayersfiled federal returns electronically this year.allegations that the company had falsified its corporate tax return → annual return4[uncountable]COMPUTING the button that is pressed on a computer KEYBOARD when you have finished typing an instructionSYN ENTEREnter the filename and press Return.5 (also product return) [countable]COMMERCE the act of taking or sending back a product you have bought, in order to get your money back or to get other goods in exchangeWe accept any return for any reason and will refund or replace the product.Our customer service department deals with product returns.returnreturn3 adjective return ticket/fare etc British English a ticket etc that allows you to travel to a place and back againSYN AmE round-trip ticket/fareThe package includes the return air fare from the UK and accommodation.Origin return1 (1300-1400) Old French retourner, from tourner “to turn”re·turn1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n REGISTER1 →REGISTER2 →n REGISTER3 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1return2 nounreturn3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business or Corpus to come to back go




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