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单词 prehensile
释义  Related topics: Animalspre·hen·sile /prɪˈhensaɪl $ -səl/ adjective technical  HBAa prehensile tail, foot etc can curl around things and hold on to them 〔尾巴、脚等〕能缠绕的,能抓握的Examples from the Corpusprehensile• The Spider Monkey's prehensile tail, used as a fifth limb.• Jehana was playing with one of the cats, a Suristani with a prehensile tail.• They use prehensile tails as fifth hands, dangling to reach sturdier branches or fresh green growth.Origin prehensile (1700-1800) French préhensile, from Latin prehendere “to seize”pre·hen·sile adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc a curl prehensile can Corpus tail, foot




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