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单词 retire
释义 Word family  noun retiree retirement adjective retired retiring verb retire  Related topics: Sport, Games, Militaryre·tire /rɪˈtaɪə $ -ˈtaɪr/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb  1  work 工作 a) [intransitive]LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age 退休;退职 Most people retire at 65. 大多数人65岁退休。 He was forced to retire early because of poor health. 他因为身体不好被迫提前退休。retire from I retired from teaching three years ago. 我三年前从教学岗位上退休。 her decision to retire from her position as librarian of the law society 她从法律协会图书管理员职位上退下来的决定 Her drink problem has forced her to retire from public life. 她的酗酒问题迫使她退出公众生活。retire as He retired as a GP last year. 他去年从全科医生的职位上退休。 b) [transitive]LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to ask someone to stop doing their job, usually because of ill health 使退职〔尤指因病〕 He became ill and was retired early. 他生病了,提前退休。n Grammar Retire is usually passive when used as a transitive verb.2  quiet place 安静的地方 [intransitive] formalGO to go away to a quiet place 退出,离开〔去安静的地方〕retire to I retired to my room to think. 我躲进自己的房间去思考。3. jury 陪审团 [intransitive] when a jury in a law court retires, they go away to consider whether someone is guilty or not 退庭(商议)4  game/race 比赛/赛跑 [intransitive]DSDG to stop competing in a game or race because you are losing or injured 〔因失利或受伤〕退出比赛 He had to retire with a neck injury in the second half. 下半场他因颈部受伤只得退出比赛。5. bed 床 [intransitive] literarySLEEP to go to bed 就寝6. army 军队 [intransitive]PM to move back from a battle after being defeated 〔战败后〕撤退→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretire• At 75, Stevens has no plans to retire.• Everyone should have the right to a pension when they retire.• Mrs Davies retired after 45 years with the company.• He retired as Principal ten years ago, but still does a lot of fund-raising for the school.• If you retire at 50, you won't get your full pension.• My father retired at 65.• The captain retired at ten o'clock with a glass of whisky.• Will, now approaching his seventies, wanted to retire but their savings were insufficient to allow him to do so.• The Director who retires by rotation is Mr F. Cox who, being eligible, offers himself for re-election.• Preparing to write his great work of self-analysis and retrospection, Proust in effect retired from life.• When Jean retired from modelling, she moved to Cornwall.• Jim Rutland retired from the Navy last year.• The Lawson brothers retired from the police force in January.• In the UK, men usually retire in their late 50s or early 60s.• The 49ers are planning to retire Montana's No. 16 jersey.• He came back the following year only to retire once more during the exhibition season because of the resistance.• She too looks like a retired person, retired from the turbulence beyond the perimeter wall.• Mary Ellen always had to set the fire for the next morning before retiring to bed.• The jury has retired to consider its verdict.• Moser said the elder Carman was a retired union official.retire from public life• In his later years Howard seems increasingly to have retired from public life.• He retired from public life for a few years and then returned to full prominence.From Longman Business Dictionaryretirere‧tire /rɪˈtaɪə-ˈtaɪr/ verb1[intransitive]HUMAN RESOURCES to stop work at the end of your working lifeHe wanted to retire at 50.The company plans to eliminate 1,000 jobs by offering workers money to quit or retire early (=before the usual age).retire asThe company’s No. 3 executive abruptly retired as a general partner, citing personal reasons.retire fromHe will retire from his post on the management board in April. —retired adjectivea retired teacher2[transitive]HUMAN RESOURCES to dismiss someone who is near the end of their working lifeI took over the office when Mr Hargreaves was retired due to ill health.3[transitive]FINANCE if a company retires bonds, shares etc, it buys them back from investors and takes them off the marketSYN RETRACTThe group has purchased and retired $5.1 million of its Series B shares.4[transitive]FINANCE to pay off a loan completelyThe loan terms state that he may retire the debt at any time.5[intransitive]LAW if the jury in a court case retires, it goes to a separate room to decide its VERDICT (=whether someone is guilty or not)→ See Verb tableOrigin retire (1500-1600) Old French tirer “to pull”re·tire verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  working, because usually Corpus you stop to Business




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