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单词 restrain
释义 Word family  noun restraint adjective restrained ≠ unrestrained verb restrain  re·strain /rɪˈstreɪn/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  PREVENTto stop someone from doing something, often by using physical force 〔常指用武力〕阻止,制止,抑制restrain somebody from doing something I had to restrain her from running out into the street. 我只得阻止她跑到街上去。 He had to be restrained from using violence. 不得不制止他使用暴力。2  to control your own emotions or behaviour 克制,控制,忍住〔情绪或行为〕 Renwick restrained a feeling of annoyance. 伦威克忍住了不悦的情绪。restrain yourself (from doing something) She could barely restrain herself from hitting him. 她差点就忍不住要去打他。3  CONTROLto control or limit something that is increasing too much 抑制,控制〔增长太多的东西〕 Price rises should restrain consumer spending. 价格上涨会抑制消费支出。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrestrain• Malone had to be restrained by players and his own officials in the row that ensued.• His arm was hurting him and he had to be restrained from doing too much.• Mary got up to go after them, but I put out my arm to restrain her.• She wanted to ask him all about his private life, but wisely restrained herself.• It took three men to restrain him.• Roger stepped forward and Martin put out his arm to restrain him.• The economy's growth will slow down enough to restrain inflation.• It took four officers to restrain Wilson before he could be handcuffed.• Back to hospital and you must restrain yourself, old boy, nudge wink.restrain yourself (from doing something)• I wanted to go to her, but I restrained myself.• Now, as he regarded the principal, stripped of his power, my father could not restrain himself any longer.• He is very open, not nearly as controlled as Lucy Snowe, who restrains herself constantly.• I've been restraining myself for six and a half years!• Alan restrained himself from demanding what was wrong.• He restrained himself from going back to see.• In an effort to restrain himself, he tried to imagine things in the worst possible light.• Back to hospital and you must restrain yourself, old boy, nudge wink.From Longman Business Dictionaryrestrainre‧strain /rɪˈstreɪn/ verb [transitive] to control or limit something that is starting to increasetough rules to restrain the creation of monopoliesA cut in consumer credit would restrain an economic recovery.→ See Verb tableOrigin restrain (1300-1400) Old French restreindre, from Latin restringere, from stringere; → STRINGENTre·strain verbChineseSyllable   Business using physical someone Corpus stop by from to something, force often doing




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