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单词 Doomed
1, Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 
2, All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failur.
3, All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure.
4, She was doomed to oblivion.
5, Their plans seemed doomed to failure.
6, Many species are doomed to extinction.
7, She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
8, The plan was doomed from the start.
9, This policy is doomed to failure.
10, The species was doomed to extinction.
11, Bad weather doomed the crops.
12, The attempt was doomed to failure.
13, In retrospect,[http:///doomed.html] I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
14, In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
15, The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment.
16, Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure.
17, The plan was doomed to fail by their refusal to give it any financial support.
18, The criminal was doomed to death.
19, Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure.
20, The project was doomed to failure from the start.
21, The court doomed the accused to life imprisonment.
22, The plan was doomed to failure.
23, That argument doomed their marriage to failure.
24, This is a doomed city.
25, Their traditional way of life seems doomed to extinction.
26, He was doomed to death.
27, The enterprise was doomed to failure.
28, The scheme was doomed to disappointment.
29, She was doomed to die.
30, The outside world is full of danger, but here is no challenge of life, is doomed to no applause.
1, All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failur.
2, All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure.
3, She was doomed to oblivion.
4, Their plans seemed doomed to failure.
5, Many species are doomed to extinction.
6, She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
7, This policy is doomed to failure.
8, The species was doomed to extinction.
9, Bad weather doomed the crops.
10, The attempt was doomed to failure.
11, In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
12, The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment.
13, The plan was doomed to fail by their refusal to give it any financial support.
14, The island's way of life is doomed to extinction.
31, Some poems are doomed to oblivion.
32, He was doomed to ill fortune.
33, We are all doomed to die in the end.
34, The king doomed her death.
35, The marriage was doomed from the start.
36, The reactionary rule is doomed.
37, Are whales doomed to extinction?
38, The island's way of life is doomed to extinction.
39, All her efforts were doomed to failure.
40, Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure.
41, We loathe each other,[] yet we seem doomed constantly to meet.
42, They are doomed to make the same mistakes in the future.
43, Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.
44, Her latest release, a song about doomed love, she wrote herself.
45, Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life.
46, A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer.
47, I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start.
48, I think that record was doomed from the start.
49, They had felt she was doomed from the beginning.
50, He and Carter were doomed to collide head-on.
51, Once again his efforts were doomed to failure.
52, We're all doomed, no question about it.
53, They are on the doomed planet below.
54, In this climate Minitel seems doomed.
55, None of this means that Gore is doomed.
56, The relationship was doomed to failure from the first.
57, The council tax is doomed from the start.
58, Many scientists wrote off the space telescope as doomed.
59, Without training, all its efforts were doomed to failure.
60, All have been doomed to failure.
61, Even those you thought were doomed.
62, In truth, it was doomed from the very start.
63, Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.
64, Lurk in my local chemist, close to the Vatican, and the call seems doomed.
65, Even so, such alliances are, in the long run, doomed to failure.
66, She has become a parody of herself, doomed to spend the rest of her life acting out her own mythical qualities.
67, Any rigid scheme that means exact amounts of specific exercise must be carried out each day is usually doomed to failure.
68, You both are doomed to the bottomless pits of hell.
69, Studies of other disorders show that medications given without such support likely are doomed to fail.
70, The beeches, in the absence of recruits to replace plants dying of old age, seem doomed.
70, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
71, However, deprived as they were of serious critical accolade, they were doomed to outsider status by the art world itself.
72, Any individual initiative against them is doomed from the start.
73, Another airborne bid for peace that Churchill disapproved of, likewise doomed to failure.
74, It is lazy to assume that Bush is doomed to fail or that he and his administration are unequipped for the job.
75, When Lord Leverhulme abandoned Lewis, the crofting villages seemed doomed to a steady decline and eventual extinction.
76, Things weren't good - perhaps the film was doomed from the start.
77, The shares have recovered a bit since it was clear that the merger was doomed but still look good value.
78, If he lived he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner.
79, The belugas of the St Lawrence may now number only 400, and this local population is almost certainly doomed to extinction.
80, Those who pursue quality management on that basis are doomed to disappointment.
81, But his resistance was doomed to failure as the courtiers' position was confirmed by several royal decrees.
82, If this royal retreat has been trampled by an enthusiastic tourist - which is increasingly the case - the insect is doomed.
83, While one tale is all doomed romantic passion, the other portrays an unglamorous urge to stay alive.
84, His pale arms spinning through the water like the oiled wings of a doomed bird.
85, Like old Charles Foster Kane, they are doomed to stalk the dark, cavernous halls of their Xanadus.
86, If this happens it seems the old male is doomed.
87, In retrospect it is quite evident that this was a doomed endeavour.
88, Yet in the longer term a regime resting upon the narrowing social base of the landowning nobility was doomed.
89, Any animal with a solitary set of chromosomes is hence doomed to masculinity.
90, The attempt to revitalize shareholder democracy in this fashion is doomed to failure in the large public company.
91, It might seem that adolescents are doomed for ever to be ideological social critics.
92, There was no Caterpillar Club yet, no way out of a doomed plane.
93, The rich get richer and the rural population is doomed to remain in absolute poverty.
94, Haven't you ever heard that saying about those who forget history being doomed to repeat it?
95, I kept incredulously ordering more drinks, in a doomed bid to stave off this conclusion.
96, A bug for efficiency, he felt that the waste of money and effort on doomed irrigation ventures was a scandal.
97, Perhaps they felt pity and affection for the animals moving through a world by which they were doomed to be destroyed.
98, They turned out to be a good power-rock band doomed by personality clashes and their own audacity.
99, Such attitudes are often very difficult to shift and the therapist who forces an alternative view of management is doomed to failure.
100, The uneducated woman transmits to her children the same doomed life.
101, The union quest to preserve the rights and prerogatives of unskilled labor are doomed to failure.
102, But socialism was doomed unless power remained on the factory floor and flowed upwards[http://], rather than downwards.
103, The colony was doomed to be swallowed by Massachusetts and Rhode Island, which had royal charters as it did not.
104, Doomed are the hotheads! Unhappy are they who lose their cool and are too proud to say, "I'm sorry.". Robert H. Schuller 
105, Yet, any critical attempt to reduce to discursive terms the emotional and poetic appeal of the film seems doomed to failure.
106, There is, to be sure, a certain logic in the view which advocates the relinquishment of doomed creatures to eternity.
107, In this, of course, he was helped by Jacob Marley, his dead partner doomed to roam through eternity in chains.
108, But this attempt to carry on as though nothing had happened was doomed from the start.
109, It was thus doomed to fail-but not before it had ravaged every society it touched.
110, They are doomed by exploitative capital operating on a global scale.
111, Laura believes that those of her sisters or cousins who defy the instructions are doomed to failed marriages.
112, But after a month with no reply, it seemed that even this approach was doomed to failure.
113, Any attempt to nail down individuals with the aid of rules and collective values seems doomed to vague and complex generalities.
114, Now the Local, depleted, seemed to be doomed, because it needed the votes of the crossovers and scabs.
115, The magnificent castle was doomed to fall prey to the hand of desolation.
116, The commune was doomed by the spread of market relations and the peasantry were becoming divided between capitalists and propertyless rural labourers.
117, Blanche had been doomed to fight for her promotion, watch her weight, and fret over her childlessness.
118, Larger families around us were being rehoused at a steady rate, but we were doomed to wait forever.
119, Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Edmund Burke 
120, Half of us are ruthless and the other half are doomed.
121, The threat of a costly legal battle doomed the proposal.
122, No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed.
123, Any attempt to legislate goodwill in the market-place is doomed to failure.
124, He was in his element playing doomed heroes and dandies, neurotics and aesthetes.
125, This magnificent vision of church and society united as an organic whole was, however, doomed to disintegrate.
126, Over the period since 1945 as a whole, other beasts proved mammoths - of elephantine size but doomed to extinction.
127, His sad, excruciatingly well-behaved adolescence is inextricable from the progress of a doomed friendship with an eccentric schoolmate, Smallgods.
128, Like a fish in a net, the more he thrashes, the more he is doomed.
129, In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal.
130, The organization that views its storied past as the sole model for performance improvement is, in most cases[ ], doomed.
131, Now Riccardo Patrese looks more like a doomed astronaut ... rocketing crazily out of control towards the heavens.
132, A tenth of people who drank such water are doomed to die, say doctors.
133, And yet it looks doomed to failure, thwarted by a United States-led opposition.
134, From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
135, As far as Greenpeace is concerned - unless the rot is stopped now rivers like the Severn are doomed to slow death by poisoning.
136, The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
137, He was not a bedmate, however, and the 1930 marriage was doomed from the beginning.
138, It flipped and spun a number of times, fuel spilling out of the damaged left wing - the aircraft was doomed.
139, This directly challenges the notion of a hard distinction between sunrise industries and sunset industries with the latter doomed inevitably to decline.
140, But his hopes of superseding the liturgy with any such matter were doomed to failure.
141, These factors virtually doomed the United States to a period when the productivity growth rate would be less than the historic average.
142, It was now obvious that repeated military efforts by a single state were doomed to failure.
143, Fukuyama is unlikely to attach much weight to Liberation theology, which he would no doubt classify as a doomed subspecies of Marxism-Leninism.
144, A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building, and the bystanders were ordered to get well away.
145, It was clear that any straight forward attempt to build the maximum floor area on the site would be doomed to failure.
146, However, if you hate exercise, be assured that the whole enterprise is not necessarily doomed to failure.
147, Sable Island seems doomed to wash away, and this pale, pretty dune sparrow will go with it.
148, Under emancipation, the Negro was thought to be doomed to extinction.
149, John escaped death because he could not settle in the doomed cabin where 15-year-old Catherine and 12-year-old James were sleeping.
150, For his blasphemy and irresponsible behaviour, he was doomed to wander about like a sea-tossed ghost, never to rest again.
151, Yet these efforts to preserve tradition by isolating society from Western influence were doomed to failure.
152, People began to feel haunted, cursed, doomed to die, their foreheads sealed when Wisconsin Steel went down.
153, Doomed to eternal damnation from Sinatra's own special brand of heaven.
154, Wesley Smith Opponents say it's a policy doomed to fail - creating massive environmental damage.
155, North Vietnamese stonewalling doomed Cambodia, however, to prolonged agony.
156, They and their nations were doomed to what Khrushehev had called peaceful coexistence.
157, In view of fact that both the Inquisitional System and the Adversary System are products of deliberate design, plans of constructivist rationalism are doomed to self-deconstructing.
158, Two conditions must be met before a budget program is first put into operation, or else the budgeting is always doomed to failure from the start.
159, Unlike its relative the ring-necked parakeet, which is the UK's only naturalised parrot, the doomed species builds huge communal nests.
160, Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.
161, Terminology to explain the back is only a temporary memory, is always doomed to be forgotten, and easy people to become impetuous,[/doomed.html] superficial.
162, Crunch climate change talks may be doomed to failure in Copenhagen next month, with a legally binding deal on emissions now decreasingly likely, admitted leaders from across the Asia Pacific region.
163, Do they just float around in some form of limbo, doomed always exist and never biodegrade?
164, Iowa and New Hampshire are not doomed to obscurity quite yet.
165, President Tyler stood up. "Give me your hand on that, " he said, "and I will say to you that Henry Clay is a doomed man from this hour."
166, Doomed to the fate of not only fight out tomorrow.
167, Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.
168, I have met great teachers whom I admire enormously and although I may be a doomed sycophant, I pray I will continue to enjoy the company of these teachers.
169, Under czarism , this kind of confidence is doomed to suffer universal destruction. When all the people are forced to kneel down, the only one who still stands has become a god.
170, The NIS News Bulletin interpreted the results of the study as: "Attempts to get more women working full-time are doomed to failure because nobody has a desire for this.
171, Their success over Cambodia doomed that country and therefore South Vietnam as well.
172, Bill Clinton famously remarked a decade ago that the efforts of Chinese leaders to control the Internet were doomed, akin to "nailing Jell-O to a wall.
173, Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure.
174, Any application that interacts with users in Boolean is doomed to suffer severe user - interface problems.
175, Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed.
176, When you put a metal cage in a essel, the fate of the essel is doomed.
177, When Anakin confronts the three doomed battle droids in the airlock corridor, the one in the background them panics and frantically tries to activate the controls.
178, Some things are doomed are may rottenly inside the stomach, some actually may not, for instance lonely.
179, The black spot told the old sailor he was doomed.
180, I have a presentiment that I am doomed to make way for Fanny Glover.
181, This chess game is already over, you are doomed to lose.
182, Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure.




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