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单词 Woodland
1. If the woodland is left alone, it will regenerate itself in a few years.
2. The trail wends its way through leafy woodland and sunny meadows.
3. The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment.
4. The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.
5. Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.
6. She drank in the beauty of the woodland scene.
7. The plant grows abundantly in woodland.
8. The woodland was razed by fire.
9. The dewy woodland was solitary and still.
10. Most of the woodland has now been burnt up.
11. On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.
12. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
13. The Woodland Trust is dedicated to preserving our native woodland.
14. Woodland creatures such as foxes and owls are increasingly common in towns.
15. The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Leaving corridors of deep-rooted woodland can prevent salinity.
17. Help the Woodland Trust protect Britain's heritage.
18. The track continues, re-entering dense mixed woodland, climbing still.
19. There is also a very pleasant woodland walk here.
20. Specialists in catching smaller birds in woodland and scrub.
21. After climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off.
22. This leads to a wide track through woodland.
23. Typical long-netting scene(), dissecting woodland for daylight netting.
24. Lights glowed dimly through the woodland.
25. The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas.
26. Grants are being offered to farmers who agree to turn over their land to woodland and forests.
27. The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
28. The dormouse in Britain may face extinction if ancient woodland continues to disappear.
29. The landscape is a mixture of open ground and woodland.
30. On this side of the Webi, undulating grasslands rose to distant hills, and strips of woodland bordered numerous streams.
1. The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas.
2. If the woodland is left alone, it will regenerate itself in a few years.
3. The trail wends its way through leafy woodland and sunny meadows.
4. Grants are being offered to farmers who agree to turn over their land to woodland and forests.
5. The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment.
6. The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
7. Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.
31. The urban child needs to be given opportunity to explore the quieter reflective world of woodland and meadow.
32. They left their names on the gravestones in tiny cemeteries which are hidden in woodland all around.
33. Coastal land may be included in the future, but cultivated land, parks and gardens, woodland and riversides are excluded.
34. Again late August or early September is the likely time for these beautiful woodland birds to appear.
35. The Mawddach Estuary has a rich variety of wetland and woodland habitats attracting a wide range of different species.
36. Follow the western bank of the River Severn through woodland and meadows to Bewdley and on to the village of Ribbesford.
37. They moved softly through the wilderness like woodland birds, rarely remaining long enough in one locality to mar it.
38. Eaglesbush Valley - a tranquil woodland walk within the densely populated area of Melincrythan.
39. Most of the activities are routed through woodland and as some of the pathways can be rough outdoor footwear is recommended.
40. Where the land is badly scarred and broken, the simplest treatment is to plant trees and produce small patches of woodland.
41. The well mown central track grades into taller herbs, into scrub and into high woodland.
42. Fact: It contains our largest relatively unbroken block of deciduous woodland.
43. Hislop believes that, as crop subsidies fall, farmers will see woodland creation as a practical alternative.
44. It was a gloomy place with its black water and its overhanging willows, surrounded on all sides by overgrown woodland.
45. Proceed on woodland path along inside edge of woods ignoring all left turns.
46. Several teenagers have died after smoking or drinking the leaves or seeds of the datura shrub(http://), found in woodland.
47. Woodland routes and paths following first the River Cardew, then a railway line, lead you to Carlisle.
48. Little winding paths run through woodland and across sheep-grazed award.
49. The muntjac and roe deer are browsers, living either singly or in very small groups throughout the year in dense woodland.
50. Its woodland walks are delightfully peaceful and plead for exploration not only in summer but throughout the year.
51. Of the remaining ancient woodland, over 80 percent consists of small copses of less than 50 acres.
52. Nature trail, woodland walks, picnic meadows. Narrow Gauge Railway Museum, the collection includes locomotives and rolling stock.
53. During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland.
54. It is set in a garden and fields which look south towards a fresh stream and woodland beyond.
55. With the lack of grazing pressure much of the scarp slope has developed scrub and is slowly reverting to woodland.
56. This piece of woodland contrasts dramatically with the conifer plantation on the other side of the bridge.
57. Population growth is causing people to clear more woodland so that they can cultivate the land.
58. Mining(), new towns and motorways have gradually eaten away at woodland in the region.
59. Beautiful parkland with avenues and lakes; picnic area; gift shop; woodland play area.
60. Did he perhaps introduce some teachings from the past that were not wholly orthodox into his woodland classes in the Ardennes?
61. In the wild it grows in shady woodland so will do well under shrubs in cultivation.
62. These schemes are an attempt to involve people in local woodland creation that ties into issues of global importance.
63. Lancaut lies within one of the most important woodland areas of Britain.
64. More riverside and woodland paths lead to the town of Grassington, continuing on to Buckden.
65. Again a mobile unit will be important soas to be able to gradually move through the woodland.
66. Since World War 11, over half of Britain's ancient woodland has been destroyed.
67. A nature trail leads through an area of mixed woodland to a bird hide overlooking the top end of Lake Vyrnwy.
68. Vast areas of Rum have been fenced off for century-long experiment to re-create the natural woodland environment.
69. Delapre Park offers a charming combination of an Elizabethan walled garden, parkland and woodland walks.
70. The Great Forest is an ancient, vast and very varied woodland.
71. The region was bitter cold in winter and was composed largely of woodland tracts veined heavily with water.
72. In some areas woodland, waste or upland pasture was cleared and developed and new settlements established.
73. It is a rich dairy-farming district of lush pastures and scattered woodland.
74. The team are cutting back hazel bushes to ground level across two acres of woodland.
75. The Forestry Commission has deliberately left areas of older woodland for their wildlife value,(http:///woodland.html) so concentrate your observations here.
76. Their role as forest gardeners in the woodland ecology is often vital in the dissemination of tree seeds.
77. All I could see as I thundered up a woodland track in the Lake District was trees.
78. They are equally at home in dense forest, sparse woodland, savanna, or even on rocky hillsides.
79. The route follows minor roads, woodland paths, paths across fields and cliff-tops as you cross Whitecliff Bay to reach Sandown.
80. This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
81. Maesteg suffered a blow yesterday when they learnt captain and centre Huw Woodland will be sidelined for another month.
82. Grants for woodland management will be available from 1992 and a new national forest for the Midlands considered.
83. Secondly, the deciduous woodland that eventually takes over has a rather surprising composition.
84. Jays are the restless, truly deciduous woodland dwellers of the crow tribe.
85. Carry on through a strip of woodland and over a second stile.
86. Continuing on, the path re-enters the woodland to a caravan park.
87. There's a growing drive to resurrect the ancient woodland tradition of charcoal burning.
88. In order to make use of the wood, the trust has revived some of the old woodland skills in an innovative way.
89. Scenes will take place in remote woodland as well as the disused red sandstone Irby quarry.
90. Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio A new authority's been set up to protect and manage the region's woodland.
91. Eventually the track emerges from the woodland on to open moorland, and climbs up the hillside.
92. Many miles of paths meander through beautiful woodland, parkland and alongside lochs and rivers.
93. Much Wealden woodland has been managed as coppice, often in combination with standard trees, principally oak.
94. The nonprofit organization based in Woodland, near Sacramento, is critical of education technology.
95. The track climbs steadily through the woodland where the yew trees are of special interest.
96. Woodland and country with scattered trees, also on cliffs and sometimes in towns.
97. Great areas of grass and woodland thus give way to mesquite desert, at an awesome economic loss to man.
98. There is little in the Outer Hebrides at the present time which can be described as natural woodland.
99. In my woodland she came to rest, and to my house she was carried into sanctuary.
100. It continues as an usual inland resort set in woodland of silver birches, rhododendrons and conifers.
101. The Victorian/Tudor style mansion is set in eight acres of mixed agricultural land, woodland and gardens.
102. There are many woodland flowers, such as wood sorrel, bluebell, fox glove and wood anemone.
103. Hazel catkins Witches' broom Bluebells are indicators of ancient woodland.
104. In the marginal fringe, where farmland meets wild moorland, woodland or marshland, there are several changes.
105. He found the animals to have a marked preference for woodland borders where they would build their communal nests.
106. Children will love the adventure playground and miniature railway, picnic sites and woodland walks.
107. We set off through the lovely village of Stonethwaite and up the steep woodland path towards Great Crag.
108. By comparison, the woodland areas of industrial countries appear to be growing slightly in size.
109. Castor Hanglands Reserve is a superb woodland area for birds.
110. Tree planting under Farm Woodland Premium Scheme to count towards set-aside.
111. Weber, meanwhile, has moved to Woodland, Calif., with a new surname, Zelenski.
112. Snipe Dales, not far from Spilsby, includes grass and woodland areas with well laid trails.
113. At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland.
114. Areas of woodland and permanent pasture are mapped together with built-up areas as inaccessible to archaeologists.
115. Like woodland, such areas have their own archaeology - and their own characteristic field monuments.
116. Butterwood has the richest woodland flora in Hampshire, together with a wide variety of insects, including 25 species of butterfly.
117. New officers had to be appointed for the new objective of woodland management for timber production.
118. The route passes through farmland and woodland in both cutting and embankment, with views over the surrounding countryside.
119. Some of the trees in this ancient woodland have been here for more than 300 years.
120. Over 200m above sea-level barley is grown and there is pastureland for sheep and cattle, with a small amount of woodland.
121. Left to nature, many of the planting sites would develop into woodland.
122. Borders of woodland and moorland, moors, steppes and swampy heaths with scattered trees, especially birches and pines.
123. Woodland harboured herbs for medicines and food and also several edible varieties of mushroom.
124. More than £75 million will be made available over the three years from the commission's woodland grant scheme to help private planting.
125. You can take a day trip to Bodelwyddan Castle with its walled garden, aviary, maze and adventure woodland.
126. In the woodland or amongst the ivy, grey squirrels are often found.
127. The loss of ancient woodland now means they're confined to the southern counties and Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
128. There are edges or discontinuities everywhere, and gardens are like vastly extended woodland edge.
129. As well as sections through open moorland a lovely stretch of the walk follows the River Barle through rich woodland to Tarr Steps.
130. But other organisations supporting traditional woodland management have more far-reaching objectives in mind.
131. But it does best in the dappled shade you get under shrubs or woodland trees.
132. Surrounded by woodland it seems set in a pocket of secluded spaciousness, watched only by wood pigeons and squirrels.
133. There is a children's play area and 13 acres of riverside, meadow and woodland walks to enjoy.
134. He was in a narrow valley, woodland rising up on the opposite side.
135. The woodland also provided oak, hawthorn and hornbeam for building, fuel and the wooden implements found in the adjacent cemetery.
136. When the road turns sharply left in a hairpin bend, take the footpath ahead into the woodland.
137. If the garden is in the country near woodland than timber may be the best material to use.
138. The Woodland Trust is dedicated to protecting one of the most important features of Britain's heritage - our native broadleaved woodland.
139. The site is very exposed on that side, in Roman times there was a woodland there, so it was sheltered.
140. They can be simple and like wild roses, suitable for woodland gardens; or formal for town gardens.
141. All types of country except dense woodland(), but especially near water; often in towns and villages.
142. All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley.
143. There are both native woodland and conifer plantations which gives a rich mosaic of habitats for wildlife.
144. In woodland we stood and listened to the vociferous dawn chorus.
145. We've lost acres and acres of woodland to fast grain farming.
146. It's a reach of woodland.
147. The region is remarkable for its woodland scenery.
148. Grass fields were intermixed with areas of woodland.
149. Thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game.
150. Park Central for the vast steppe of Acacia woodland.
151. He spent the morning rambling woodland paths.
152. They spent the morning rambling woodland paths.
153. Soon Becky and John bought some woodland near Haines on a lovely river, with a view of snow-capped mountains and glaciers.
154. Woodland, farmland and garden plot migrated to the west and north of Yuehu.
155. To protect the remaining woodland the Spanish national government declared Anaga Park a "natural protected space" in 1987.
156. The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.
157. The cutting of forests is threatening woodland species like the Northern Spotted Owl.
158. They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats, often montane, or sometimes to grassland habitats.
159. "This is an opportunity to look like a leader and show that you are engaged in the interview, " says Cynthia Shapiro, a career strategist based in Woodland Hills, Cal.
160. This woodland moss grows with N . complanata in lowermost Schnalstal.
161. It has simple structure, low cost, long service life, fast cutting speed, less cutting resistance and low power consumption and it is suitable for use in woodland.
162. Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.
163. Woodland, roadside and dooryard will soon be jeweled beyond a rajah's richest dreams.
164. By the analysis of evenness and dominance, the most stability factor is woodland, and the most importance utilize mode is crop land.
165. Two men can chop down even a thick, sturdy rosewood tree in an hour. Then it requires teams of 15 or 30 or 50 to pull the logs through the muddy up-and-down of the vine-covered woodland.
165. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
166. Occasionally a summer, one person alone to a small woodland walk.
167. Pinot Blanc develops a characteristic roundness and opulence. Rich, full-bodied and with a long finish, its complex aroma is reminiscent of woodland and is sometimes slightly smoky.
168. Also, she was capable of walking on two feet despite living in an area of woodland and forest — a finding that downplays the importance of open grasslands to the evolution of human bipedalism.
169. Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America; in some classifications placed in a separate genus Hypopitys.
170. Tokay Pinot Gris develops a characteristic roundness and opulence. Rich, full-bodied and with a long finish, its complex aroma is reminiscent of woodland and is sometimes slightly smoky.
171. City park has the most tree species (156), followed by university campus (113), ring woodland (70), resident area (61), and scenic forest in near suburb (21).
172. Spanish marines in 3 camos , Woodland , UN and desert , also includes Special forces and recon units.
173. It was learned from the patch area and the patch density that the fragmentation of farmland and garden plot is high, but it is low in the woodland.
174. To the rear of the house is a piece of woodland.
175. It is shown that: the matrix landscape in this area was garden plot and woodland, which were embedded by other landscape patches.
176. There is an urgent need to distinguish prepositive reconsideration in the affirmation of woodland rights at present.
177. The negative binomial distribution was also suited to the frequency distribution of fecal groups on grassland and woodland in the two areas.
178. However, some of the positive trends represent woodland and bush encroachment into rangeland and farmland - which is not generally regarded as land improvement.
179. Abstract : Pinus Koraiensis is a provincial tree spiece in the Northeast woodland of our country.
180. The equivalent value of the woodland determines the price of the woodland material. The labour value of the woodland determines the price of the woodland capital.
181. A treeless, usually grassy area in a woodland or forest.
182. Sixty-eight hectares of a former waste disposal site near Merseyside, UK, have been transformed into a beautiful woodland for all to share.
183. At Woodland Junior High School, some boys in a wood shop class goaded a bigger boy into believing that Billy had been talking trash about his mother.
184. a fringe of woodland.
185. Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from woodland.
186. From the house, the garden drops away, surrounded by a rural scene of woodland.
187. Urban forest resources and assets assessment system should be established so as to promote the attorney of woodland usufruct.
188. Covering parts of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, it is a mix of forest, palm woodland, shrubby steppe, and swamp. It is the second largest biome in South America after Amazonia.
189. On the battlefield, Gnoblar Trappers will crawl forward into areas of brush and woodland and lie in wait for any who seek to use that cover to flank the Trappers' Ogre masters.
190. The dewy woodland, as he threaded it, was solitary and still.
191. It was very lack to research external effect of woodland appraisement at the moment.
192. An experiment was conducted number in different kinds of needle leaved wood and broad leaved woodland.
193. The species of Thrips are less and population density is lowar in dwarf mountainous woodland.
194. For artificially reclaimed area, farmland, woodland, breed aquatics pond, saltern and land for construction are included.
195. Wells, who said the conclusions of Stark and her team "sound reasonable," conducted his own study on reindeer (also known as woodland caribou) in Canadian forests.
196. And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.
197. Guidelines for reducing roe deer numbers to tolerable levels in woodland are summarized in British Forestry Commission Leaflet .
198. The five hundred acres of woodland and lakes were landscaped two hundred years ago.
199. In France it is apparently illegal to graze livestock in woodland.
200. Planting pasture had become a main forage for confined livestock while prohibiting from grazing and changing sloping field into grassland or woodland had been bring into effect in south of Ningxia.
201. Society A minor plant community within a larger community, characterized by a specific dominant species, for example, a Trillium-dominated society in a community such as an oak woodland.
202. On the appointed day, I was buzzed in at an electronic gate, which opened onto a camplike, woodland setting.
203. The main conversion types include arable land converting to built-up land, woodland converting to grassland, badland converting to woodland, and paddy land converting to water body.
204. Two decades later Woodland went on to help devise the UPC system in universal use today.
205. Only the third fossil thrips ever found, the woodland insect lived when Africa was part of a giant supercontinent called Gondwana.
206. He believes in the importance of understanding past population changes when considering conservation strategies, which is very much the case with the threatened woodland caribou.
207. There are forest, spinney , open woodland, plough field, grass and rock around the Great Wall.
208. Naturalised snowdrops and aconites in a woodland setting, daffodils in orchard grass or crocuses beneath shrubs-all provide ground-level interest before overshadowing foliage take over.
209. Woodland forest cover of more than 90 % canopy density of 0.8.
210. Part of a larger estate of small farmsteads, stone- and timber-framed cottages and ancient woodland, it offers a taste of rural life circa 1880.
211. The long whistles came with sad, musical effect as the lonely woodland crossings were approached.
212. The changes of the seasons are obtrusive on spots of this kind than amid woodland scenery.
213. The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey9) of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.
214. Supporting the career change and partnering with him in the new venture, Alice Dye accompanied Pete on a visit to noted golf course architect Bill Diddle in his log cabin at Woodland Country Club.
215. These woodland caribou live in small, threatened herds that are confined to northern Canada and Alaska.




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