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单词 reopen
释义  re·o·pen /riˈəʊpən $ -ˈoʊ-/ ●○○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  CONTINUE/START AGAINif a theatre, restaurant etc reopens, or if it is reopened, it opens again after a period when it was closed (使)〔剧场、餐厅等〕重新开张 The swimming pool will reopen in May. 游泳池将于5月份重新开放。2  CONTINUE/START AGAINif you reopen a discussion, law case etc, or if it reopens, you begin it again after it had stopped (使)〔讨论、案件审理等〕再次开始,恢复reopen a case/question/debate etc attempts to reopen the issue of the power station’s future 试图重提发电站未来这一问题3. PGCif a government reopens the border of their country, or if the border reopens, people are allowed to pass through it again after it had been closed (使)〔边境〕重新开放→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreopen• The action is likely to reopen debates about affirmative action.• At the time I was there, investors were planning to fix it up and reopen it.• It is to reopen March 16.• The two sides are prepared to reopen peace talks.• He took a risk this week by breaking with House Republicans and seeking to reopen the government while budget talks proceed.• Police have decided to reopen the investigation in the light of important new evidence.• But this reopens the issue of national dependence on Uncle Sam.• Garrett reopened the murder investigation in May.• J.P.. had been completely renovated and, in 1951, was reopened to the public.• After De Smet finally abandoned his expensive mission, none was reopened until 1866.• The motion was carried, and the school was reopened with a new teacher.• To condemn him too publicly would reopen wounds within the party.reopen a case/question/debate etc• Sacks is seeking to reopen a case in which Fuhrman was the lead investigator.From Longman Business Dictionaryreopenre‧o‧pen /riˈəʊpən-ˈoʊpən/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1COMMERCEif a company, factory, business etc reopens, or someone reopens it, it starts to do business again after being closedIts 13 offices will reopen for business today.The stock market reopened on Friday after the six-day holiday.2if discussions, talks etc reopen, or someone reopens them, they begin again after they had stoppedThe union is seeking to reopen talks aimed at settling the strike.3LAWif a legal case is reopened, the facts of the case are considered again in order to decide whether the decision that was made was the right one→ See Verb tablere·o·pen verbChineseSyllable  etc it reopens, is a if restaurant Business if theatre, or Corpus




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