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单词 tainted
释义  Related topics: Foodtaint·ed /ˈteɪntɪd/ adjective especially American English  1  DFa tainted substance, especially food or drink, is not safe because it is spoiled or contains a harmful substance or poison 〔尤指食物或饮料〕受污染的,有毒的 a tainted blood supply 受污染的血源2  affected or influenced by something illegal, dishonest, or morally wrong 〔由于非法、不诚实或道德败坏而〕受到影响的 a tainted witness 污点证人Examples from the Corpustainted• The human disease occurred after people ate tainted beef products.• Another theory for her longevity: that the person who donated the tainted blood may have been relatively healthy, Wara said.• Martha said it was too much of a coincidence that she should have eaten tainted food on two occasions so close together.• What emerges from that tainted oven will likely be a typical loaf of local politics leavened by big money.• The tainted places near the mountains are shunned by all but the boldest Elves for lurking evil can strike the unwary even here.• The company routinely recalls tainted products, but usually after receiving complaints from customers.taint·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  food because especially not safe tainted drink, a or Corpus substance, is




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