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单词 rejoinder
释义  re·join·der /rɪˈdʒɔɪndə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  formalANSWER/REPLY a reply, especially a rude one 〔尤指粗鲁的〕回答 He tried to think of a snappy rejoinder. 他试图想出一句简短的话来反驳。Examples from the Corpusrejoinder• It would be unfair to leave the discussion of the later Wordsworth without a rejoinder to what is usually said.• When I called him to object, the reporter said that his editors intended to invite me to write a rejoinder.• Speech implies other speech, either preceding it, or as an anticipated rejoinder.• Vic grunts, the distillation of an equally familiar rejoinder.• Freedom of choice is a feeble rejoinder when the issue is global suicide.• Sharpton has a funny rejoinder for every occasion.• Eliot concurred; but he still felt that sometimes it was necessary to write a fairly sharp rejoinder.Origin rejoinder (1400-1500) Old French rejoindre; REJOIN2re·join·der nounChineseSyllable   Corpus reply, especially rude a a one




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