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单词 High level
(1) She shows a high level of technical competence.
(2) There is already a high level of environmental contamination.
(3) Running marathons requires a high level of physical fitness .
(4) Public discontent with the economy remained at a high level.
(5) To reach a high level of skill requires talent, dedication, and a lot of hard work.
(6) Chess requires a very high level of concentration.
(7) The high level of crime is frightening away tourists.
(8) Dolphins show a high level of intelligence.
(9) Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.
(10) She has played tennis at a high level.
(11) The job demands a high level of concentration.
(12) These workers enjoy a high level of job security.
(13) We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the charity events.
(14) The high level of calls is a clear demonstration of the need for this service.
(15) This rope is renowned for its high level of strength and durability.
(16) Britain has a high level of unemployment but the same goes for many other countries.
(17) At the moment,() public interest is at a high level .
(18) A high level of anxiety was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory.
(19) But now high level delegations will reopen talks that broke up earlier this year.
(20) The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.
(21) Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life.
(22) They have a high level of unemployment-but the same goes for many other countries.
(23) There was a high level of ability among the school leavers.
(24) I love when we compete at a high level.
(25) The average food price has not decreased from the high level of a few months ago.
(26) Tests of the chemical have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.
(27) The government was right to maintain interest rates at a high level.
(28) It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.
(29) To follow and absorb a newspaper article is a little bit hard as it requires a high level of mental involvement.
(30) At this stage a resin is used with a high level of adhesion.
(1) She shows a high level of technical competence.
(2) There is already a high level of environmental contamination.
(3) Running marathons requires a high level of physical fitness .
(4) The average food price has not decreased from the high level of a few months ago.
(5) Tests of the chemical have shown that it has a high level of toxicity.
(6) Public discontent with the economy remained at a high level.
(7) To reach a high level of skill requires talent, dedication, and a lot of hard work.
(31) High level of comfort in pleasant surroundings.
(32) Justice demands that a cheat at that high level be punished.
(33) If the school's overall attendance rate is poor, then the school may well suspect a high level of condoned truancy.
(34) Yet even people with severe mental retardation show a high level of curiosity in certain circumstances.
(34) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(35) This mixture, heated by recession and high unemployment, inevitably generates a high level of crime.
(36) Be advised, however, that with its high level of standard equipment, the Mountaineer is not cheap.
(37) A survey of doctors in eight cities also indicated a high level of ignorance.
(38) Also, the social insurance scheme would cost more if there was a high level of unemployment.
(39) In part, the present high level of antipathy toward foreign travel is easy to explain.
(40) This filling gives a high level of insulation and offers good internal stability.
(41) Analysts are concerned about the high level of consumer debt.
(42) The company continues to enjoy a high level of sales.
(43) Playing to a consistent length is one of the basic requirements to perform to a high level.
(44) Immediate priorities should include improving facilities to deal with infectious agents that require high level microbiological safety precautions. iii.
(45) A feature throughout their history has been a very high level of investment in overseas securities.
(46) You have the advantage of being able to raise money, to create news, of having a high level of recognition.
(47) The delivery companies will rely on a high level of trust and knowledge of the customer.
(48) The findings show a high level of alcohol abuse among teenagers.
(49) He suggested that the Government were engineering or conniving at a high level of unemployment.
(50) Do you prefer exercise that has a high level of excitement attached to it? 10.
(51) It requires a high level of stamina, a thick skin and a flexible mind.
(52) They were craftsmen, albeit craftsmen of a very high level.
(53) Sec. in his report remarked on the high level of activity there has been during the past year.
(54) User Friendly City of Angels offers a user-friendly professional atmosphere coupled with a high level of comfort.
(55) This high level of growth is largely attributable to the current extremely low level of industrialisation.
(56) This area was specifically targeted because of the high level of involvement of people living there in road accidents.
(57) People who suffer heart attacks tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood.
(58) The high level of commitment at the state level for special education programs. 4.
(59) It must also provide a high level of water vapour resistance.
(60) The Voith Schneider propulsion system provided the high level of manoeuvrability required for port operations and for barge handling in the estuary.
(61) It is also an extremely distinctive feature in terms of its high level of geographical polarization.
(62) Outside Kent there are particular regions which reveal a high level of consumption of exotic goods imported from aboard.
(63) Firms with a sustained high level of exports over a longer period may provide further figures for consideration as a consistent exporter.
(64) Not just that,[Sentencedict] but doing something at an exceptionally high level is something that I strived to do in life.
(65) This approach reinforces the idea of a very high level of insulation, coupled with high thermal mass.
(66) This post demands a high level of commitment in dealing with individual companies seeking sites and premises on a confidential basis.
(67) High level waste remains active for 250,000 years and is highly toxic to most life forms.
(68) Perhaps the most remarkable finding was the diversity of knowledge among the participants and their high level of interest.
(69) Such old people customarily exhibit behaviour which is extraordinarily difficult to tolerate and which raises a high level of anxiety.
(70) Finally when molecular motion increases to a sufficiently high level, all the chains behave like weak springs the whole time.
(71) Adults are at least able to acquire, even though this may not be at a sufficiently high level of competence.
(72) It is our intention to provide a high level service for planning work using the central system.
(73) And a high level of production is indispensable for economic security.
(74) We found a high level of assessment activity by community nursing staff using structured questionnaires.
(75) Living as it does at high level, it produces fewer lambs than other breeds.
(76) There is a high level of consensus among historians of the eighteenth-century Poor Law that relief in general was neither ungenerous nor ineffective.
(77) Defence could muster cogent arguments to maintain an unusually high level of expenditure.
(78) The aim is to achieve a high level of income with the prospect of long-term capital growth.
(79) A high level of industrial output, too, is likely to entail higher real levels of bond issuance.
(80) Opinion polls showed a high level of domestic approval for Shamir's handling of the war.
(81) That disparity was due to the high level of mortgage lending at Bankinter.
(82) Through a high level of devotional art they enact stages of the contemplative game - indeed provide means of play.
(83) Church architecture of the medieval period demonstrates a high level of awareness of the effect of form on consciousness.
(84) After one more headland we joined the official high level route to go round the edge of a deep gully.
(85) Deciding the court timetable in order to maintain a high level of attention for the duration of sittings.
(86) They mounted an especially effective legislative liaison operation that secured a high level of Republican unity while drawing in conservative Democrats.
(87) Air France has maintained a high level of service for many years.
(88) A high level of concern about children was the main factor in psychological stress among men as well as women.
(89) Depending on various factors, production might find its equilibrium at a high level or a low one.
(90) Despite similar appeals by government officials, public discontent remained at a high level, and most workers continued their strike.
(91) As noted above, a high level of production is essential for the economic security of workers, farmers and businessmen.
(92) The alternative path a-d, by just reaching the higher side of the cusp, leads to a high level of success.
(93) Quite simply, domestic policy performance was not sufficiently competitive to match a high level of domestic demand.
(94) Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
(95) The person will have a high level of emotional arousal and be particularly sensitive to social influences which can affect arousal.
(96) They also bring a high level of expertise which will obviously benefit our clients.
(97) There may be a variety of social sanctions which lead to a high level of participation.
(98) Incentives were announced yesterday which analysts agreed ought to guarantee a very high level of retail demand for the shares.
(99) Originally torpedo bombers first then high level bombers and dive bombers.
(100) Like other graphics, fonts can be described in a high level manner,[http:///high level.html] or as bit mapped images.
(101) The Catalans have also achieved a tremendously high level of autonomy.
(102) I was greatly impressed by the high level of commitment to the achievement of success by everyone that I met.
(103) Those species studied have large thyroid glands and a high level of circulating thyroid hormones.
(104) However, a high score does not necessarily predict success in a high level job.
(105) Three spray levels give good wash results and a high level of insulation means the machine is quiet.
(106) It aims to achieve a high level of income for ordinary shareholders as well as providing capital growth.
(107) To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures, High Performance Fortran also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities.
(108) For other groups the authors note that the overall marginal tax rate was at an historically high level in excess of 60 percent.
(109) One criticism of the bond funds is the relatively high level of charges.
(110) This was impressive, showing considerable commitment on the part of the voluntary members and a high level of financial responsibility among the branches.
(111) Experience of conducting high level negotiations, contract and royalty management.
(112) At a high level of connectivity, and a high number of members, the dynamics of mobs takes hold.
(113) He says he's amazed - but also pleased - by the high level of demand.
(114) This account is, of course, on a high level of generality.
(115) A high level of customer service also tends to greatly increase distribution costs.
(116) These two attributes together would mean that a high level of stress would cause the individual to become overwhelmed.
(117) But there are two ways of interpreting the high level of agreements being reached between farmer and park authority.
(118) We are a totally independent company dedicated to providing a high level of professional services to users of all Lotus software.
(119) A territorial sunbird can time its visits to a particular flower such that its nectar has built up to a high level.
(120) It offers both traders and customers a high level of certainty as to exactly what is on offer.
(121) The road maintains a high level above the Sound of Sleat, although views are obstructed in places by dense conifer plantations.
(122) The refuge was crowded with skiers following the Haute Route - the high level alpine traverse.
(123) According to its radioactive content, it is designated by the industry as either low, intermediate or high level.
(124) Each trainee is expected to show a high level of expertise before they graduate.
(125) This computerised derivatives market guarantees a high level of market transparency and a rapid handling of clients' transactions.
(126) Because, perhaps surprisingly to its critics[http:///high level.html], the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction.
(127) To save you from stooping, the oven door has a high level handle.
(128) Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War.
(129) Where this problem was found at high level on the aisle gable walls, it was owed to a poor constructional detail.
(130) A high level of production has become a keystone of economic security.
(131) They laid great emphasis on the value of a high level of participation by members of the lesbian and gay communities.
(132) Ruching is the high level process of draping.
(133) to gain a high level of competence in English.
(134) High Level Data Link Control Procedure?
(135) This process needs a high level of technical skill.
(136) Sandstorms and high level jet stream always occurred together.
(137) The high level of capital gains tax discouraged investment.
(138) The performance was at a gratifyingly high level.
(139) The sustained high level of blood alkaline phosphatase.
(140) Hence the rainforest’s high level of humidity, visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudlets drifting over the canopy.
(141) But the A.A.P. warns parents and doctors against several kinds of treatment programs. These include those that claim a high level of success or a cure for the disorder.
(142) The grading of the lexicon can deduce the number of the incorrect entries in the high level lexicon effectively, which makes the translation lexicon more practicably .
(143) The time synchronization mechanism for migrating entities in HLA (high level architecture) federated simulation is studied.
(144) Figure 1 presents a high level view of the components of the integration scenario.
(145) Resistance material: high level conductive material, good abrasivity, and abrasivity attain 100mil. cycle.
(146) We provide high quality, well-designed furniture and furnishings, a high level of comfort in beds and seating, well-appointed bathrooms, and superbly designed kitchens and room amenities.
(147) However, you don't expect weak quality of the maximum relative aperture, high level of chromatic aberration, significant coma and noticeable astigmatism along with huge vignetting.
(148) FTAM. one of the high level LAN software developed in accordance with OSI standard is introduced.
(149) Future gross margin , net interest margin will continue to maintain a high level.
(150) Besides, the authors make a suggestion on how the automatic plotting of terrain perspective graphy with high level of reality can ber...
(151) The supervisory control system of Hydraulic power plant is an important factor to achieve high level automation.
(152) In truth only the high level data model must be completely developed.
(153) A new step function was designed to provide a fast avalanche effect and a novel two lines structure was designed to provide a high level of security.
(154) The subsystems on the low level aim at different domain objectives and the high level with metaknowledge acts as a coordination role.
(155) But, its enter tolerance a bit small,[] furnace head thermic load is very inaccessible high level requirement.
(156) Advanced ERP system, ensure high level on time in full service and low inventory level.
(157) The article sums up AI as the high level information processor of ideal machine.
(158) Optimization of actuator disposition in high level multiple degree of freedom structures is an important problem.
(159) AVS video encoding speed has already been raised in a high level by algorithm optimization.
(160) One full of vigor and vitality of the Jianghan University is the high-spirited attitude towards the building of a high level of local comprehensive university with giant strides toward the goal.
(161) College towns such as Blacksburg, Va. , generally offer a high level of amenities at affordable prices.
(162) A high level of proficiency in English is a requirement for the Teaching Fellow position.
(163) Conceptual tiers divide the pattern space at a very high level into business domain patterns, solution design patterns, and infrastructure patterns.
(164) High Level Architecture (HLA) is designed to facilitate the interoperability of simulation application and reusability of simulation resource.
(165) Comparatively speaking , the bourgeoisie and its intellectuals have a high level of education and technical know-how.
(166) Key technologies of implementing BPS model for VE based on High Level Architecture ( HLA ) were discussed.
(167) High level of parts interchangeability for all gearmotor components benefits the customer with increased options, reduced costs, faster deliveries, and a faster maintenance "learning curve".
(168) Identify, meet and establish relations with high level regional and global security design makers.
(169) The front living area ventilates through a series of louvres in a bank of high level clerestory.
(170) Other than a few unfortunate incidences and minor unsportsmanlike conducts, this Olympics brought an excitement from the high level of competitions.
(171) Cardinal signs of inflammation will occur only when there is rapid, high level stress in an area such as in acute trauma, repetitive stress episodes, allergic/toxic reactions and metabolic disease.
(172) Mid-Lower Ordovician reservoir was characterized by early accumulation, early filling and high level of oil and gas evolvement. Late Ordovician-Silurian was main period for hydrocarbon accumulation.
(173) However, cost inflation has been for the last three years at a record high level.
(174) Obtained the company high level affirmation in the brand design strategy idea!
(175) Calculation and storage are trouble for high level matrix . For the sake of these problems, the storage method of the sparse matrix, unit matrix, symmetry matrix are discussed in this paper.
(176) Conclusion: The intraoral approach for the high level rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve is a new method with little trauma quick rehabilitation and good effect.
(177) High Level Architecture ( HLA ) is new generation distributing interactive simulated Architecture developed from DIS.
(178) think of the product backlog as a high level, prioritized list of everything you want to build.
(179) "He does have a very high level of some psychopathic traits, " Maden said.
(180) Results show that there exists a high level impulse output area, called the "fuzzy extreme value", around the extreme impulse output value when human muscle is trained with different load.
(181) Uses a bottom-up approach to teach students how high level language control and data structures are represented at the machine level. Introduce the student to systems programming.
(182) Oneidea is that there is such a high level of redundancy of function in the normal brain that what little remains is able to learn to deputise for the missinghemispheres.
(183) The median line of daily medicine cost of operations on the digestive system and the integumentary system keeped ata high level in the period of 1-6 days after operations.
(184) An insurer's ability to maintain a high level of financial stability while meeting financial objectives is another clear indicator of its long-term security.
(184) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(185) High level inventory analysis related to product line level performance.
(186) Forex (FX) trading on margin carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors.
(187) This recent innovation is based on highly specific antibody fragments, which provide a high level of specificity and sensitivity for L. monocytogenes strains.
(188) Older age, higher depressed severity, co-current suicidal ideation and obsessive-compulsive symptoms may be the risk factors of TRD with high level of anxiety.
(189) This paper gives an overview of the Verification, Validation and Accreditation ( VV & A ) in High Level Architecture ( HLA ).
(190) The growing complexity of modern ICs is driving the trend of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) towards testing at high level, particularly at register transfer level (RTL).
(191) The pharmacodynamic parameters indicated that the affinity index and action intensity of PL and TS were significantly reduced in solution containing high level insulin.
(192) Using a novel cycle encoding method, ADM is performed on a JTC in one step. With a high level thresholding value, the correct justification can be achieved from the correlated resultant image.
(193) It was showed that the lysostaphin gene could express stably in high level in Bacillus sphaericus.
(194) Open High Level Architecture (HLA) is composed of HLA frame and rule, interface standard and object model templet (OMT).
(195) After transformation, the control system had an advanced technology, a high level of security, reliable quality, convenient operation, substantial increase in production efficiency.
(196) The instrument is suitable for determing of anions, alkali metals and alkali earth metals in nuclear fuel reprocessing solution and high level liquid waste.
(197) Serve as a role model for employee success and achieve a high level of customer service.
(198) The Ming Dynasty was in the late period of China's feudal society with high level of feudalization.
(199) Methylation analysis showed there were different levels of methylation in Zizania latifolia, but high level of methylation in rice.
(200) In a high level with barium titanate, the small amount by addition of carbonyl iron resulted in the sharp rise on dielectric loss.
(201) Simonson's team expected to relocate the body during their high level search.
(202) In other words, each of the high level tasks is mapped to something like a subprocess.
(203) Iris Murdoch, who combines a prolific output with a consistently high level of fictional achievement, is universally acknowledged as one of the most important novelists in postwar Britain.
(204) QA is a high level application of natural language processing.
(205) The high level of HC in the exhaust gas may damage the catalytic converter.
(206) A flowsheet of TRPO process for removing actinides from high level waste solution is proposed.
(207) For this PhD programme I will be at high level mammalian visual system, e . g . face recognition.
(208) The digital video disc(DVD) product is a high level science and technology in the information technology field, it will become a main media at the multimedia times.
(209) Legume are favorable as the experiment materials because of the high level of proteins they contained.
(210) Gu Ge still announces to will undertake to company high level major key is rectified weighing.
(211) If it is a high level of teacher lectures, students will definitely absenteeism rate dropped significantly.
(212) EP 9307 ETHERNET high level driver, it does support normal network function.
(213) In order to attain a high level of vibration control, piezoelectric patches are placed on the maximum mode strain locations of the structure.
(214) Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students.
(215) Start at a high level of chunking to define the initial problem.
(216) The language proposed here provides a high level programming tool for mobile robots.
(217) Although the county,[http:///high level.html] but the high level of consumption than the city.
(218) In our previous column, we discussed software security analysis at a high level, introduced a methodology for assessing software security, and explained the key characteristics of a risk analysis.
(219) Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great treasure-house. We should explore them and raise them to a high level.
(220) Polysaccharides contamination is the major limitative factor for high-quality RNA extraction from the high level polysaccharides tissues in field-grown rice leaves and immature seeds.
(221) Droits of the criminal injured party develop from high level to low level from the beginning and improve gradually.
(222) Young cleric : Your phrenology tests indicate a high level to mental stress, specifically in this area.
(223) When a nuclear physicist try to increase energy of electron, the electron immediately pleased transition immediately from low energy level to high level.
(224) Despite Beijing's high level of consumption, but the income of ordinary people did not so optimistic.
(225) Avian influenza virus can causes a very high level of morbidity and mortality. It is not only greatly harmful to culturist, but also underlying dangerous to human being.
(226) However, the temperatures and oxygen fugacity of magmas at high level magma chamber decreased along with fractional crystallization.
(227) In some organizations requirements may end up in high level project plans, functional specification documents, in design documents, or in other documents at various levels of detail.
(228) Dr Nikogosian said that Bhutan had a relatively high level of consumption of smokeless tobacco and prevalence of tobacco use among young people.
(229) The result shows that, the antibody reach a high level 6 weeks after immunized.
(230) The High Level Qualifier is added as a prefix to the data set name.
(231) Taking yesterday's High, Low, Open and Close Camarilla indicator calculates 10 levels: 5 "L" low levels and 5 "H" high level.
(232) Under high level of the Dichlorvos, the toxicities of the Dichlorvos to the Marine Chlorella can be classified into 3 category at different salinities.
(233) It is very important for reducing semantic difference between high level language and machine language as well as for shortening compiler program length and compiling time.
(234) In the construction of high level and exceeding high level building, the falsework is the key technical project.
(235) Already mentioned above, the current inventory at a high level in the lower, survive in trouble, low profits, but upstream production profits in excess of PTA and PX.
(236) This was a bright side of last month's high level meeting on chronic noncommunicable diseases held during the UN General Assembly.
(237) When high level sparks are detected, the infeed conveyor is stopped, and the product reject flap in the discharge chute is opened by a signal from the spark detector control unit .
(238) In oder to reduce the recurrence rate, the author developed a new method and operated on 19 cases with intraoral high level trigeminal neurotomy based on 21 cases of adult human skull anatomy.
(239) It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of thought and mental energy.
(240) According to Pfizer, the questionable batches of Viracept contained an unusually high level of the compound ethyl methanesulfonate, or EMS, a suspected human carcinogen.
(241) Hypercalcemia is an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood.
(242) Buddha tatu accommodate to let the world to lay's, this is a very high level.
(243) Achieve a high level of CBE awareness and penetration in all markets and applications.
(244) The security model is the cornerstone for developing the security operating system,[http:///high level.html] while the formal method provides high level assurance for the understanding of the security model accurately.
(245) To a country , especially China , a large country with so large population , achieving a high level of employment is one of the major goals of the country .
(246) Unscramble Alibaba the high level changes blood greatly: Is Ma Yun enrolled exceptionally again?
(247) During the welding process, when underwater welding power outputs high level, the system stops feeding wires and wires burn upwards with forming molten droplets.
(248) Hence the rainforest's high level of humidity , visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudletscanopy.
(249) So professionally and a high level of material must be specified.
(250) The Nao Robot by Aldebaran Robotics, is an amazingly advanced bot that boasts cognitive skills, a high level of motion with 25 degrees of freedom and its programmable.
(251) The scenery spots are intimately connected with the culture. The culture itself is the setting point and soul of modern tourism and its connotation is the basis of high level scenery spots.
(252) Individuals can place an extreme importance on other people's opinions and sometimes put a high level of significance on appearance and social status as a means to get attention.
(253) The study was conducted to examine the effect of high level dietary copper on blood parameters in ducklings by the methods of hemopathology.
(254) Many traditional manufactural enterprises have acquired a great deal benefit and got a high level management since they use the information technology in the management.
(255) For its well properties showing in research about immobilizing high level radioactive waste, pyrochlore which stably exists in nature has been well studied in recent years.
(256) Looking at the modern sports, a high level of athletic competition has become a glittering commodity.
(257) You must measure up to a very high level of performance.
(258) The results demonstrate that 1-hydroxypyrene in human urine is correlated at a high level of significance with the contents of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air.
(259) An abnormally high level is an indicator that egg quality is low.
(260) It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin A liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis.
(261) Rowling - a trustee of event organiser The Children's High Level Group - will also meet gifted underprivileged children.
(262) The transition zone of desert plant communities generally has high level of species diversity and relatively low degree of ecological dominance.
(263) My company has an independent processing factories, a high level of processing workers, advanced processing equipment,() to provide you with absolute precision measurement and installation.
(264) In the material composed of the concept with the high level of abstraction, pupils tend to use hybrid strategy and conjunctive strategy.
(265) Men are not safe , especially those who aet little meat and have a high level of physical activity.
(266) Cell density cultivation and high level expression of recombinant urease A fusion protein in Helicobacter pylori.
(267) High level of harmful talcum and fine grain of molybdenite and magnetite are the main reasons of being difficult to separate.
(268) Liabilities ratio for 57.5%, 42.5% liquidity ratio , indicating their high level of indebtedness, debt program inadequate.
(269) Under this environment, consumers may be locked by a particular brand because of the high level of transfer cost.
(270) When the input is high or low, the 555IC works on the Schmitt trigger condition, and the digital tube demonstrates H or L, which shows the input signal is at the high level or the low level.
(271) The illinium electrode produces a slim arc when used in welding. With a high level of compression, it has a bigger melting depth in medium and high currents.
(272) Fortran is perhaps the most widely used high level programming language.
(273) Under the condition of low use of chemical medicine, adopting the measure of two-phase oxide bleaching and hydro peroxide bleaching, the pulp whiteness reaches high level.
(274) Adenovirus-infected MSCs seeded onto PLGA showed high level of proliferation, and mass synthesis of cell matrix was observed with electronic microscoping.
(275) Assembler code program containing library function name is firstly translated into intermediate language program and then into high level language program to reduce complexity of decompilation.
(276) An abnormally high level of insulin in the blood, resulting in hypoglycemia.
(277) M2C people cooperated with each other as a closely-knit family. This summit not only bring lots of high level idea to the CEOs but also greatly help with the company's cohesive force.
(278) Maintain good relationship in high level of customers PSB Design Institute etc.
(279) The amphibolous answer that Sohu high level gives out to this, analysts of the drive that do not have a law the doubt of mind.
(280) The Shang achieved a high level of bronze- age urban culture and is the first known state in China to leave written records- the oracle bones.
(281) It is therefore suggested that the relatively high level of ABA in the pericarp and testa is the major cause of the achene dormancy.
(282) The controlling means configured for controlling the culture medium to submerge the porous matrixes at high level, and to emerge the porous matrixes at low level.
(283) This year, we are also trying to offer a world magic feast with high level, high style, and high standard by meticulous preparation, strict demand, and considerate service.
(284) The characteristics and the role of the SE low-level jet between typhoon and pacific subtropic high especially the connection between SE low-level jet and the westly high level jet were revealed.
(285) Over the years, Coil has maintained a high level of professional standards, pursued to integrate traditionalism and trendiness ,[http:///high level.html] and strived to create the maximum value for customers.
(286) Most of the joint-stock banks deposits of individuals less than 10% of total deposits, deposits stability is poor, the cost always remain at a high level.
(287) It is the process of developing circulation productive power at a high level and also a process of institutional reform as well as innovation of system and concept.
(288) The project has the high level of project management capability, a standardized document format.
(289) The effect of exogenous JA and mechanical wounding on the induction of the secondary laticifer differentiation was limited to treated site where high level of JA was expected.
(290) Economic internationalization phase is the high level that extroversion economy grows and inevitable trend.
(291) For example, a requirement may be described at a high level of abstraction in business terms, but another one can be a very detailed technical description.




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