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单词 Eris
(1) Along with its moon, Dysnomia, Eris is the most distant known object in orbit around the sun.
(2) Eris is about 9 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) from the sun at its farthest orbital point, making it about twice as distant as Pluto.
(3) Should Eris, and many other objects circling the sun beyond Neptune's orbit?
(4) Eris is a Kuiper Belt Object, one of the most recent discoveries in the solar system.
(5) The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.
(6) Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
(7) Will Planet X or Eris approach the Earth and threaten our planet with destruction?
(8) At a wedding party Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple bearing the words "For the fairest!
(9) Eris is shown above in an image taken by a 10-meter Keck Telescope from Hawaii, USA.
(10) So Pluto should be a planet, as should Eris and the dwarf planet Ceres (the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), as well as many other objects.
(11) Eris was discovered in 2003, and is likely composed of frozen water-ice and methane.
(12) Dwarf planets Pluto and Eris are trans-Neptunian objects that orbit in the Kuiper belt of objects past Neptune.
(13) Eris is just slightly larger than Pluto, but orbits as far as twice Pluto's distance from the Sun.
(14) Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said.
(15) Droid, Milestone, Eris, Moment, Spica, even the Hero, all have had their Eclair, one way or another.
(16) Those new rules cast Pluto out, and put it in a new, and very exclusive, club of just five confirmed dwarfs in the solar system: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.
(17) Furious at having been left off of the invitation list again, Eris decided to make trouble.
(18) Thus, from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis and the golden Apple of Discord thrown by Eris, we have the beginnings of the Trojan War.
(19) Also located in this area, but far beyond the range of amateur telescopes, is the dwarf planet Eris.
(20) In the above drawing, a scientific artist has imagined Eris and Dysnomia orbiting our distant Sun.
(21) Don Yeomans, NASA senior research scientist Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
(22) Pluto was demoted to a newly created category, "dwarf planet," in 2006, partly because of the discovery a year earlier of Eris, another icy body from Pluto's neighborhood.
(23) This apple was thrown into a banquet13) on Mount Olympus by Eris, the goddess of strife14), who was jealous that she had not been invited.
(24) There is no such planet, though it is often equated with Eris, a plutoid orbiting safely and permanently beyond Pluto.
(25) Gods are invited to participate in the wedding and not only the goddess Eris not invited.




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