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单词 refresh
释义 Word family  noun freshness refreshment refreshments refresher adjective fresh refreshing refreshed verb freshen refresh adverb freshly freshingly refreshingly  Related topics: Computersre·fresh /rɪˈfreʃ/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]RECOVER/GET BETTER to make someone feel less tired or less hot 使恢复精力,使提神;使清凉 A shower will refresh you. 洗个淋浴你就凉快了。refresh yourself (with something) He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea. 他喝了杯冰茶提了提神。2  refresh somebody’s memory REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto make someone remember something 使某人想起,唤起某人的记忆 I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route. 我看看地图,回忆这条路线。3  refresh somebody’s drink American EnglishDFD to add more of an alcoholic drink to someone’s glass 给某人添酒 SYN British English top somebody up Can I refresh your drink? 我给你再加点酒好吗?4. [intransitive, transitive] technicalTD if you refresh your computer screen while you are connected to the Internet, you make the screen show any new information that has arrived since you first began looking at it 刷新,更新〔网页〕 SYN update —refreshed adjective Jen returned from vacation feeling relaxed and refreshed. 珍度假归来,感到轻轻松松、神清气爽。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrefresh• Karl von Bruhel awoke feeling calm and refreshed.• Having eaten, I felt refreshed and calm as I got into bed.• A brief nap was enough to refresh him after the flight.• He could have returned refreshed in the morning to kill off the match completely.• She had insisted on coming with me to refresh, so she said, her memory of that ghastly old trout.refresh yourself (with something)• She must enter without fear and bathe and refresh herself.• To a large extent, however, Wright thinks people tend to refresh each other.• You can always take a few days off immediately before the exam to rest and refresh yourself.• You must take a turn around the garden, ma mie, to refresh yourself.• After refreshing himself at the bar, Isaac came back for him, prescient to the altered expectations of official white men.• It could wait the length of time it took a man to refresh himself with December air.• Here presumably Miss Wharton and her fellow helpers would arrange the flowers, wash out their dusters, refresh themselves with tea.• Perhaps he should refresh himself with the facts.From Longman Business Dictionaryrefreshre‧fresh /rɪˈfreʃ/ verb [intransitive, transitive]COMPUTING to make your computer screen show any new information that has arrived while you have been looking at a particular website etc→ See Verb tableOrigin refresh (1300-1400) Old French refreschir, from freis “fresh”re·fresh verbChineseSyllable  less Business or someone make to tired Corpus feel




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