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单词 Densely
1. The inner cities are no longer densely populated.
2. The community is densely populated.
3. The territory was never densely settled.
4. The southeast is the most densely populated area.
5. The universe evolved from a densely packed primal inferno.
6. A grove of trees shadowed the house densely.
7. Java is a densely populated island.
8. Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.
9. Both disk and arms are densely covered with granules.
10. Other industrialized and densely populated countries have similar problems.
11. Rows of guillemots, densely packed, squatted on narrow sills.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. In less densely populated areas the recovery rate is of course correspondingly lower.
13. The densely stitched image has a sketched, animated quality. it sits off-centre with an odd perspective, as if seen from above.
14. These inside surfaces are the most densely populated region of the human body.
15. Lithotripsy of a densely calcified gall bladder stone has been described in a case report.
16. But the densely populated central provinces present a very different picture.
17. London's main airport is surrounded by densely populated residential areas.
18. They include high-speed chases through densely packed suburban areas, filmed from the air by helicopters.
19. The whorls are arranged densely and alternately on the stem to form rosettes.
20. Bear in mind that the densely planted tank has only recently become popular.
21. The north-east, with 60 million people, is the most densely populated part of the United States.
22. The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded.
23. But at first the cities simply increased in number, grew in population and became more densely packed.
24. Eaglesbush Valley - a tranquil woodland walk within the densely populated area of Melincrythan.
25. Narrow paved streets that are little more than alleys wind informally round a low ridge once densely packed with houses.
26. The provision of psychiatric care to these areas must, necessarily, be different from that for densely populated cities.
27. In addition to those with macrophage morphology, a population of smaller and more densely stained cells, could be identified.
28. Cairo experienced a sudden spurt of growth that turned it into one of the most densely populated urban areas in the world.
29. There may also be objections to its carrying vast loads over densely populated areas.
30. This means the aquarium will not need cleaning as often as a less densely planted one.
1. A grove of trees shadowed the house densely.
31. The area is quite densely populated and the majority continues to be actively farmed.
32. The Point, densely covered with expensive apartment blocks and high class properties, is the millionaires' district of the city.
33. The ventral interradial areas are also covered with granules although perhaps not as densely as the dorsal surface.
34. As these fish are rather shy, the tank needs to be densely planted to provide them with plenty of cover.
35. Don't pack them together too densely, and leave gaps around them.
36. These were to be more densely populated and smaller areas than the national parks, but areas still requiring special protection.
37. In densely populated areas, the chances of finding such obvious sites that have been overlooked by previous archaeologists are very small.
38. Understandably this kind of thing angers the inhabitants of less densely populated regions such as Ogoniland.
39. The tank was very densely planted, with lots of hiding places for these shy fish.
40. The cemetery is so densely occupied that in many of the mausoleums, coffins are piled up to 10m high.
41. In front is a lush,(http:///densely.html) densely landscaped yard; in back is the obligatory pool.
42. From what you can see, the interior is densely packed with a bewildering array of molecules in all shapes and sizes.
43. In contrast, life within the multiple-family house was carried out within densely populated spaces.
44. This is the wildest, bleakest and least densely populated area of Ulthuan.
45. The Diamond Mineral Baths were reached through flower-scented botanical gardens, in a densely wooded gorge.
46. Abruptly, in front of the charging sepoys, who were already bewildered by the densely whirling white flakes, the ground erupted.
47. Versatec: A densely woven fabric made from highly breathable superfine fibres.
48. The opening Vivace of No. 102 is the most dynamic and densely argued movement in all Haydn's symphonies.
49. There is a massive file cabinet stuffed with documents so old and densely packed they may be ready to ignite spontaneously.
50. The best places to get multiple reports are densely populated areas, which means cities.
51. The yew trees grew densely, some of them covered with ivy that rustled and rattled.
52. Simnel means fine flour and the cake is densely packed with almond paste, currants, citrus peel and spices.
53. The seedlings grow as densely as four to five per square inch.
54. Plants 20 small plants per square foot looks densely planted.
55. Normally the crowns of redwoods are so densely foliated that you are not able to see the sky.
56. Bone destruction is commonly seen in this disorder with the plasma cells forming densely packed groups in the lytic areas.
57. These countries are densely populated.
58. Stamens 4, distinct; pistillate ca. 1 cm, densely pilose.
59. Packed as densely as 300 to the square yard.
60. Densely populated Atlantic coast, inland areas are more scarce.
61. Petiole (2-)4-11 cm, white maculate, densely villous.
62. We passed through miles of densely wooded country.
63. Branchlets, petioles, leaves, and pedicels densely tomentose, not hirsute.
64. The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.
65. The densely populated sliver of Mediterranean coast which Israel seized from Egypt in the Six Day War of 1967.
66. Moreover, this company long-term necessary turn over type rubber builds up the two-film tire stereotypia vulcanizing machine, the steel mill densely builds up casts machine and so on.
67. VEGF-induced metastatic colonies were surrounded by densely packed stromal cells before detectable angiogenesis, suggesting that VEGF is involved in the initiation of desmoplasia.
68. The red spider lilies spread unendingly. Day by day they grow more and more densely and sadly.
69. Numerical approach to vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of densely random, spherical scatterers is discussed.
70. All chromosomes of the large genomes, maize and barley, were densely labeled with strongly labeled regions and weakly labeled or unlabeled regions being arranged alternatively throughout the lengths.
71. The promenade Malmaison densely covered many of the world's top brand stores.
72. concrete jungle that is Tokyo, one of the world's most densely populated cities(/densely.html), has little space for parks. But things are starting to look up.
73. Densely built areas of cities heat . This is known as the urban heat island heat - island effect.
74. Noise pollution is at its worst in densely populated areas.
75. The creation of this highway through the Serengeti National Park, home to the most densely populated animal migrations in the world, is just another irony of this modern world.
76. Young shoots, petioles, abaxial surface of leaves, inflorescence, calyces and pods densely tomentose.
77. Leaf blade abaxially initially densely yellow tomentose, glabrescent ; inflorescences to 40-flowered, larger, initially densely white tomentose.
78. More sensitive read-out heads are therefore required if information has to be packed more densely on a hard disk.
79. Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate.
80. Fruit pyriform; leaf blade abaxially densely gray or yellowish gray tomentose.
81. Beneath the thalamus, labeled fibers were densely distributed in zona incerta, the medial edge of internal capsule and the area surrounding mammillothalamic tract.
82. Densely hairy perennial having mostly triangular basal leaves and rose-purple flowers in panicled clusters.
83. Efflorescence makes it hard for meteorites to stay in densely populated areas, Hu explained, but they could last for millions of years in Antarctica's dry,() cold weather.
84. Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm; galea narrower, truncate at apex.
85. Leaves thick textured, usually 1.5-2.2 cm long and 3mm thick, midvein has the same color of stomatal band, densely and evenly papillate, margin flat in living state.
86. In the first instance, we would like to apply the MN's mobile history for the criterion of selecting proper MAP in the densely meshed tree topology.
87. Increasing Densely, the key to success of the Convenient Stores in Japan.
88. Mr. Redzepi among his cooks in the densely staffed Noma kitchen. The two cooks in the foreground are preparing a steak tartare dish.
89. Glaciers are simply accumulated snow, packed densely into ice over thousands, even millions, of years.
90. In part, this is no surprise for any hurricane targeting such a densely populated area, as residents rush out to snap up supplies of bottled water and D batteries.
91. A highly localized, specialized piece of substrate is densely overgrown.
92. Brooklyn is both an important industrial center and a densely populated residential area.
93. The linear and densely spreading phased array was usedand the probe parameters were optimized by calculation.
94. The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.
95. A good mine site will be not only densely strewn with nodules, but also benign.
96. The most striking geographic feature within this densely - populated area is Alps Mountain Range commonly called Alps.
97. Densely built areas of cities trap heat. This is known as the urban heat - island effect.
98. Our work suggests there were many areas with regional societies, that were fairly densely settled, sedentary, and practiced semi-intensive agriculture.
99. His novels are filled densely and strikingly with blood and violence which strongly and licentiously exposes and portrays the tribulation.
100. These fibres were distributed more densely in the hippocampal hilus and CA3 transparent layers than in molecular layers, but sparsely in pyramidal or granular layers.
101. The Shorttube Lycoris spread unendingly. Day by day they grow more and more densely and sadly.
102. These improvements lowered the cost of marketing farm products and enabled farmers to move to areas far from the more densely settled East.
103. An administrative district of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, usually composed of several densely populated communities(), resembling a borough but lacking a borough charter.
104. Distinguished from its congeners by the colour of body, elytral maculations and pronotum densely and finely granular.
105. A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers.
106. The sub-official escapes hangs mainly has the woman who in the prolificacy, produces densely, at childbirth many year sequelae, may add gradually stores implements the birth control now.
107. Rhizome short and stout, densely covered with golden brown long hairs.
108. The demonstrator had charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters.
109. Li - Be - Ta - Nb - bearing deposits in Lianyun Mountain on thewing of Lianyun Mountain anticline the densely distributed pegmatite area.
110. Stem and young branches sparsely pilose-strigose, densely strigose on nodes.
111. The amorphous ethylate tantalum jellied is prepared and is spreaded out densely on the surface of C/C composite material to form a multi-films.
112. Stipules lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, membranous, densely covered with short brown pubescence, glabrescent , basal ones bract like and persistent.
113. One of the world's most densely built-up and populated metropolises, Hong Kong is also one of the most brightly lit.
114. Narglatches have densely padded feet that silent their footfalls make them remarkably stealthy for their size.
115. Most of the Chinese immigrants were from the densely populated southern provinces of Guangdong (Kwangtung) and Fujian (Fukien).
116. Ground conditions are not necessarily enigmatic in densely covered areas, even in rain forests.
117. Leaves densely hirsute especially on veins of abaxial surface. Flowers opposite. Corolla tube conspicuously puberulent annulate inside.
118. The densely populated area faces shortages of food, medicine, water and electric power.
119. Bangladesh, the third-largest borrower of funds from the Bank's concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
120. Still, the State Premier Anna Bligh said she'd feared much wider devastation, given the scale of the storm, its once- in-a-century power, and the fact that it hits such a densely populated area.
121. Tail and britches densely coated and heavily feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff is shown naturally.
122. Description: Evergreen trees, up to 5 m high ; bud - scales densely covered with grayish silky short hairs.
123. Description: Perennial herbs, 5-20 cm tall, densely white villose; roots slender, terete , up to 40 cm long, fleshy, stem buried in sand with apical part emerged above ground.
124. The shell plating in way was seriously corroded and densely pitted .
125. Peace river region of originxiang fu streets and towns , less densely ene.
126. Full of water, densely grained and smelling like bourbon, the rough-cut framing lumber I'd ordered spanned 18 feet and looked like bridge supports.
127. Drupe subglobose, 3-4 mm in diam. , densely mixed pilose and glandular-pubescent, red at maturity.
128. The chilled cast iron roller, covered densely with the half-moon grooves on its hardened surface for hot-rolling the mild steel checkered plate , is a typical hard-to-machining workpiece.
129. In addition to these fundamental tasks, a top priority at present is to prevent the virus from establishing a foothold in densely populated urban or peri-urban parts of the country.
130. The slopes of the hills have been densely planted with tea bushes.
131. Results:The medial rectus subnucleus of the oculomotor nucleus distributed throughout the ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus, but clustered densely in the central to ventral region of it.
131. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
132. Result:The novel root canal material can seal apical densely and has better degree of obturation than normal materials.
133. The red spider lilies spread unendingly. Day by day they more and more densely and sadly.
134. June 15, 2005 — For the past 18 years, Sister Dina Nyiranuma, has worked in a health centre in one of the poorest and most densely populated neighborhoods of Kigali, Rwanda's capital.
135. Dr. Mech said a maximum electrode number would eventually be reached because if they are packed too densely, retinal tissue could be burned.
136. Urban yellow fever: Large epidemics occur when infected people introduce the virus into densely populated areas with a high number of non-immune people and Aedes mosquitoes.
137. Leaves densely glandular and abaxially scabrous ; corolla white with a yellow center.
138. The most densely populated areas tend to be along major water banks.
139. Insect adhesive pads are either relatively smooth or densely covered with specialized adhesive setae.
140. A small North American diving duck(Bucephala albeola) having black and white plumage and a densely feathered, rounded head.
141. Mast cells densely lied in circumambience of lymphoid nodule and sparsely in central zone, but diffusely distributed in medulla.
142. With cultivated method, the ginseng is densely planted in raised beds.
143. The cramped, concrete jungle that is Tokyo, one of the world's most densely populated cities, has little space for parks. But things are starting to look up.
144. A relative of parsley, its moss-like appearance belies thousands of flowering buds on long stems which are so densely packed together they can take the weight of a human.
145. Stock stout, forming an erect trunk sometimes up to 1 m tall, apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales.
146. In those densely populated area there are lots of conflicts in society, economy, culture and environment.
147. Inflorescence racemose to 7 cm at fructification , densely yellow pubescent.
148. However his literary agent advised him that the work needed some re-writing and was densely packed with themes and ideas that needed expansion and development.
149. The densely populated province is home to four major rivers that eventually drain into the Indus River, the nation's largest.
150. Both West and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to often densely forested hills and mountains, the highest of which is Mount Kinabalu at 4,095.2 m on the island of Borneo.
151. He felt the ridgy densely textured bark of the tree.
152. Leaves and herbaceous branchlets of current year densely papillate -hairy.
153. Stems single or several and cespitose , branched above, densely hispid, hairs discoid at base; branches slender, spreading.
154. Manjusakas spread unendingly. Day by day they grow more and more densely and sadly.
155. Culm sheaths thin; glumes and lemma densely glaucous, sparsely puberulous or nearly glabrous.
156. In contrast, low grade papillary tumors demonstrate densely arranged but normal-shaped small cells extending outward from fibrovascular cores.




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