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单词 dolmen
释义  Related topics: History, Architecturedol·men /ˈdɒlmen, -mən $ ˈdoʊlmən, ˈdɒːl-, ˈdɑːl-/ noun [countable] technical  SHAAtwo or more large upright stones supporting a large flat piece of stone, built in ancient times 〔古时建造的〕石桌坟,支石墓〔由两块或多块竖立的石头支撑起大块扁平的石板构成〕Examples from the Corpusdolmen• In addition to the circle, there was the King Stone standing stone and the Whispering Knights, a dolmen in close proximity.• He was the first person I'd met that day who didn't know what a dolmen was.• The shadow's information proved to be correct; fifteen minutes later, I found my dolmen.• The shadow appeared to have an extensive knowledge of dolmens and their whereabouts.• We talked of dolmens and stone circles.• Elisabeth walked the few metres down the path to the round dolmen.• I must have passed in and out of several counties that morning, looking for that dolmen.• Sure, of course I know where the dolmen is.Origin dolmen (1800-1900) Breton tolmen, from tol “table” + men “stone”dol·men nounChineseSyllable  supporting piece upright flat two large more large a or stones Corpus




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