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单词 Interrogator
1. He refused to tell his interrogators anything.
2. His interrogators finally forced him to confess.
3. The interrogators put the prisoner to torture.
4. I was well aware of what my interrogators wanted to hear.
5. They talked so fast that their interrogators had trouble keeping up.
6. Ignored was the consideration that interrogators of prisoners do not come forward as witnesses against themselves before police boards or civil courts.
7. Moreover, none of the allegedly violent police interrogators named in both books have sued for libel.
8. Both the interrogators had been doing their job for so long that they no longer thought much about what they were saying.
9. The interrogators were quietly sacked and sent to work in the coal mines.
10. Finally the interrogators must have lost their patience, or perhaps it was just the heat of the vodka.
11. Interrogator Michael Goldman Gilad, was there.
12. The TSB 2500 IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder is one of the most advanced systems compliant with the latest NATO and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and regulations.
13. An interrogator clutched one detainee's neck so that he repeatedly passed out.
14. Three years ago, the alleged chief interrogator at a torture center in Argentina was found running a genteel antiques shop in The Plains, Virginia.
15. I was an interrogator at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
16. VDI? Video Data Interrogator?
17. It says one interrogator threatened to kill the children of one 9/11 suspect, while another threatened a detainee's mother.
18. The author of this essay is a former interrogator at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.
19. Before each session, he had watched their suspect sizing up his interrogators, readying his replies in measured tones.
20. Ray was seldom inclined to be succinct, and he gave his interrogators the full benefit of his thinking.
21. After baggage and passport checks, passengers are individually quizzed by interrogators.
22. She was a former civil servant and escaped death only by telling her interrogators that she was a peasant.
23. He must make the switch from half-baked seducer to ruthless interrogator as brutally as possible.
24. The suspect finally confessed the details, faced with the attack of the interrogator.
25. AGILITY TUNING, The capability of the DME to alternately tune between two different DME stations in order to get two distance readings from one interrogator.
26. The ISO/IEC 18000-6C protocol standard, and designed an UHF RFID interrogator based on the standard are.
27. Secondary radar is an important equipment in modern air traffic control system, it identify the target by interrogator sending a inquiry toward the aircraft and the aircraft responsing in the air./interrogator.html
28. In addition, prolonged stress could also lead to the creation of false memories based on information and supposed facts presented by the interrogator.
29. The radar includes a fully integrated Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator system.
30. On the face of it, the coercive model for interrogation seems like common sense: there is information that the interrogator wants to know and the subject holds but doesn't want to give up.
31. The principal OIC interrogator then took me through a long list of questions dealing with the definition of sexual relations that Judge Wright had imposed.
32. 'Yeravda' was the reply given by Mahatma Gandhi when asked about his address by a British interrogator.
33. No, I was not mad, but my interrogator was furious.
34. One day, Karl Heinz saw his interrogator again in the courtyard of the building where he was being held.
35. For example, the MSSR 2000 I interrogator is operated by the naval forces of Germany, France, Norway and Finland for the military friend-or-foe identification (IFF).
36. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."
37. Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately.
38. He also claims an American interrogator submitted questions for others to ask during this process.




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