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单词 redhead
释义  Related topics: Colours, Hair & beautyred·head /ˈredhed/ noun [countable]  CCDCBsomeone who has red hair 红头发的人Examples from the Corpusredhead• She was a redhead, too.• On the other side, by the kitchen entrance, stood a cute redhead.• This is a lapse on his part, but is hardly comparable with Jaromil's treatment of his mendacious redhead.• Lucy was the sort of redhead who bronzes beautifully.• I did hear him moving around but when I woke up later neither he nor the redhead was to be seen.• The redhead had gone home and reported him to his father.• The redhead suddenly let out a blasting laugh that was aggressive and mean-spirited.• The redhead was leggy and had a terrific·head nounChineseSyllable  who red Corpus someone has hair




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