随便看 |
- the-musee-d'orsay
- the museum of london
- the-museum-of-london
- the museum of mankind
- the-museum-of-mankind
- the museum of modern art
- the-museum-of-modern-art
- the museum of the moving image
- the-museum-of-the-moving-image
- the mutiny on the bounty
- the-mutiny-on-the-bounty
- the my lai massacre
- the-my-lai-massacre
- the mystery of edwin drood
- the-mystery-of-edwin-drood
- then
- then again
- the naked ape
- the-naked-ape
- the naked eye
- the name/date/title etc escapes somebody
- the name escapes
- the name escapes sb
- the name escapes somebody
- the name of the game
- Invagination
- Roofing tile
- Sweepstakes
- Homy
- Production output
- Call the roll
- Tissue typing
- Feculence
- Mother goose
- Twilight zone
- 为善如负重登山,志虽已确,而力犹恐不及:为恶如乘骏马走坡,虽不加鞭策,而足亦不能制
- 为善易,避为善之名难;不犯人易,犯而不校难
- 为善的受贫穷更命短,造恶的享富贵又寿延
- 为善者不云利,逐利者不见善
- 为善者不改其度,故能有济也。民不可逞,度不可改
- 为善而偏于所向,亦是病。圣人之为善,度德量力,审势顺时,且如发棠不劝,非忍万民之死也,时势不可也。若认煞民穷可悲,而枉己徇人,便是欲矣。
- 为善虽人不知,积之既久,自然善积而不可掩;为恶若不知改,积之既久,必至恶极而不可赦
- 为国之道,先求不乱,而后求治。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 为国之道,必须抚之以仁义,示之以威信,因人之心,去其苛刻,不作异端,自然安静。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 为国争得荣誉的童第周