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单词 At peace
1. The two countries were at peace.
2. The countries have been at peace for more than a century.
3. The country is at peace with its neighbours for the first time in years.
4. He never felt really at peace with himself.
5. The old lady is at peace now.
6. She felt at peace with the world.
7. Her father is at peace now.
8. Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.
9. Lynn seems to be more at peace with herself these days .
10. All was at peace in the dead of the night.
11. He says he's at peace when he's walking in the mountains.
12. Now she is at peace and her suffering is over.
13. Although the two countries were officially at peace, fighting continued.
14. The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.
15. He seemed at peace with that knowledge.
16. She looks so gentle, so much at peace.
17. His father looked at peace now, ready for anything.
18. The creation of a world at peace is one of the foundation stones of Judaism and Christianity.
19. I stretched again, feeling content and at peace, and watched the curtains lift in a light breeze.
20. He died with his family all around him, and with his soul at peace.
21. She suffered greatly while she was alive, so let us hope her soul is now at peace.
22. For the first time in months, she felt calm and at peace with the world.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. It was a moment to be savoured, when danger was past and I was wholly at peace.
24. We walked in the wintry Perthshire countryside and were happy and at peace, refusing to think beyond the present.
25. As time went by, Mr Utterson became calmer and more at peace with himself.
26. This was where his grandfather had come as a young man, to worship and to be at peace with himself.
27. At the most profound, over which we had no conscious control, we were ideally suited and at peace.
28. Just this moment, plotting how not to leave footprints on her clean floor, she was at peace.
29. During that time it's proved itself an able ambassador for Britain, at peace and at war.
30. Until his polar opposite steps lightly down on to his moon-paved home ground, the sleek beast-headed man sits at peace, inviolable.
1. The countries have been at peace for more than a century.
2. The country is at peace with its neighbours for the first time in years.
3. She suffered greatly while she was alive, so let us hope her soul is now at peace.
4. Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.
5. Although the two countries were officially at peace, fighting continued.
31. The body goes, the soul and peace remain. 1 have found myself at peace with death.
32. It was an age of unparalleled prosperity: the empire was at peace and trade was flourishing.
33. He said he felt balanced and at peace with his choices.
34. We feel sad when people we know are not at peace with one another.
35. For the first time in days Hilary felt at peace, the hurt and pain pushed aside for a while.
36. She was in the birth canal, her head and ears were covered, she was at peace.
37. I was much more at peace with myself and more accepting of the way that I looked.
38. This he would find touching beyond anything: Sien brought to rest, at peace in a thrilling silence.
39. Please, Franklin concluded, do not publish that paragraph; he wanted to leave this world at peace with the sects.
40. The attack came during the launch attended by Michael Heseltine, the defence secretary, of a booklet called Playing at Peace.
41. You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom. Malcolm X 
42. If you do this, you will not be at peace with me in the future.
43. When they had gone she felt fulfilled, emptied, at peace.
44. A voice saying peace, sit at peace, sit at peace.
45. I feel at ease within myself and I am at peace.
46. It is music and dancing that make me at peace with the world. Nelson Mandela 
47. The country is at peace with its neighbors for the first time in years.
48. Dianne sounded at peace as she packed to leave town.
49. I replace my urban costume with jeans and a sweatshirt and feel more at peace.
50. Thinking about this, he felt happier, and then quite at peace.
51. There must be a better way to achieve a city at peace with itself.
52. Afterwards, they lay quietly together, wrapped in each other's arms, smiling a little,[http:///at peace.html] totally at peace.
53. His gaze appeared to be fixed straight ahead, and he seemed utterly at peace with himself and his surroundings.
54. And when we are satisfied and at peace, then we are ready for the endless joys of the mental life.
55. Do you think they can live at peace with their bloodstained hands?
56. So, the spirit of loving-kindness, compassion, wisdom, and insight is about paving a path, building bridges, and erecting homes and through this, our hearts are very happy and at peace.
57. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
58. Make peace with yourself for you are not at peace within and are accolading disachievement of us. We are not here to dis-achieve but to find our way to increasing union of self.
59. As a matter of fact, the town was at peace.
60. They have left us our fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.
61. An Englishman is never happy but when he is miserable, a Scotchman never at home but when he is abroad, and an Irishman never at peace but when he is fighting.
62. Yet to the north, the breakaway region of Somaliland is stable and at peace.
63. Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man.
64. The leaders of Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army failed to appear at peace talks on the Sudan-Uganda border, Congo border on Sunday.
65. I see a world at peace, a world on which the gibbet's shadow does not fall.
66. In Sun Zi' Art of War, the supreme end of war is to "keep the country at peace and protect the people", and Sun Zi's superexcellent theory, "subdue the enemy without fighting", is to serve this end.
67. While you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell.
68. at peace and free from care, in a long nonage, in a sleep deeper and calmer than that of infancy, wrapped in the softest and finest dust.
69. People who consciously attempt to be thankful and appreciative tend to feel happier and at peace to a greater extent than others.
70. I recognized Diana, at peace at last, fanning herself with a feather punkah, and perhaps sending me a signal of recognition.
71. Paul tells us to stand in truth, to be sure of our salvation, to live a holy life, to be at peace in our hearts and to always have the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in our hands.
72. To be perfectly at peace amid the hurly-burly of daily life is a secret worth knowing.
73. Nations at peace still have rape, they still have murder, and they most certainly still have corruption and venality.
74. You are much more protected & at peace of mind against any untoward incident.
75. On this his wedding day, he seemed strangely at peace.
76. Liberia is at peace.
77. It would kill this monstrous soul - life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace.
78. The UN offered Aki Ra a chance at peace, and he took it.
79. When Amenhotep IV, as he was originally called, ascended the throne in 1353 B.C., Egypt was a flourishing empire, at peace with its neighbors.




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