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单词 recast
释义  Related topics: Media, Performingre·cast /ˌriːˈkɑːst $ -ˈkæst/ verb (past tense and past participle recast) [transitive]  1  MAKEto give something a new shape or a new form of organization 重铸;重塑;重组 an attempt to recast the statement in less formal language 用不太正式的语言改写声明的尝试2. AMAPto give parts in a play or film to different actors 更换〔戏剧、电影中的〕演员,重新安排〔角色〕 —recasting noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrecast• The sociological models described so far needed to be recast.• Without exception, their names had been changed and their commitments recast after the Communist Revolution.• The substantive powers of the Weimar President have been recast and redistributed.• It forces the investigator to recast his ideas from the beginning.• Susan intuited that the Dream was evolving fast, recasting its inhabitants, twisting its externals.• A fundamental shift in the emerging essence of the fishnet organization is the recasting of problems as dilemmas.• Brennan has worked diligently to recast the company's·cast verbChineseSyllable  a form new to Corpus shape new a something of give or




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