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单词 flushed
释义  flushed /flʌʃt/ adjective  1  EMBARRASSEDEXCITEDred in the face 脸红的 He looked hot and rather flushed. 他看上去很热,脸色通红。 Her cheeks were flushed, her expression angry. 她双颊通红,一脸愤怒。flushed with He leaned forward, his face flushed with anger. 他身体前倾,脸都气红了。2  flushed with success/excitement/pleasure etc EXCITEDexcited because you have achieved something 因成功/激动/满意等而兴奋的 The team are still flushed with success after their weekend victory. 那支球队仍在为周末的胜利而兴奋。Examples from the Corpusflushed• Nona was feverish and flushed.• Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled, while the deep rose pink of the bodice suited her to perfection.• A flushed and jolly character raises his glass among friends and family - how real, how reliable is that evidence?• With dark hair rumpled by the wind, flushed face and those brilliantly blue eyes, he looked very handsome.• Soon Rainbow's cheeks are flushed, her eyes are sparkling.• Her face was flushed, her mouth slightly open, her teeth lying in a glass on the night table.• There on the settee, looking a little flushed, sat Rosemary.• He lowered his head on to the table; the marble felt fresh in contact with his flushed skin.cheeks ... flushed• His breathing would become rapid and shallow, his cheeks flushed.• Bryony's cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright and excited.• Laura's cheeks flushed as she hunted in her handbag for her bunch of keys.• His brown curls were tousled and his cheeks were still flushed from sleep.• Soon Rainbow's cheeks are flushed, her eyes are sparkling.• Her cheeks flushed now at the thought of doing the upstairs, even though Grondine said he never went up there anymore.• Her cheeks are flushed the fluorescent melon orange that also glimmers on her lower lip.• Her shoulders shook with laughter, her alabaster cheeks flushed with warmth.flushed adjectiveChinese  red in Corpus face the




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