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单词 reap
释义  Related topics: Cropsreap /riːp/ ●○○ verb  1  GET[transitive] to get something, especially something good, as a result of what you have done 获得,取得〔成果〕reap the benefit/reward/profit (of something) Those who do take risks often reap the rewards. 那些真去冒险的人往往会得到回报。2. you reap what you sow used to say that if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you, and if you do good things, good things will happen to you 自食其果;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆3. [intransitive, transitive]TA old-fashioned to cut and collect a crop of grain 收割〔庄稼〕;收获 → harvest —reaper noun [countable] → Grim Reaper, the→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreap• But it was Margaret Thatcher who reaped all the benefits.• Note that this is only half the apparent pay advantage the average woman would reap from being paid like a man.• The plan is provocative, but it is not reaping fulfilling results this week.• Several predicted that they will be reap higher yields and profits while saving their soil.• Siemens also has used the lessons learned in its apprenticeship programs to reap much broader cost savings.• The team reaps only ridicule or, on a good day, apathy.• Men and women and children with lives of their own would be waking to reap their own dear sorrows.• On the contrary, even before the war ended, the property-owners began to reap their reward.reap the benefit/reward/profit (of something)• Telecanvassing is now up and running very efficiently in Salisbury and will continue to flourish and we will soon reap the rewards.• Let's reap the benefits of a service that is at least 30% better.• I was quite happy to reap the benefits of being a fully fledged malai killer.• Writers, too, often reap the benefits of creative collaboration.• Gainsharing signaled a new way of reaping the rewards of performance.• All this has happened in the country that was first to reap the benefits of radical reform.• But women aren't the only ones to reap the rewards of such praise.• The only way to reap the rewards of that is to do well in the playoffs.Origin reap Old English reopanreap verbChinese  result Corpus a good, of as something especially get to something,




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