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单词 Canaan
1) It ends on the eve of entry into Canaan.
2) They bowed and presented the gift from Canaan.
3) And they came to the land of Canaan.
4) Israel is also known as the Land of Canaan.
5) Jacob lived in Canaan with his twelve sons.
6) Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness and told his two brothers outside.
7) Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with an elite corps of cavalrymen.
8) I spent a weekend in Canaan Valley, West Virginia taking a telemark workshop offered by North American Telemark Organization (NATO) in January.
9) And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food.
10) And Ham, the father of Canaan , saw his father unclothed, and gave news of it to his two brothers outside.
11) When this happened Abram had been in Canaan for ten years.
12) They left Simeon behind and returned to Canaan, and told Jacob the whole story.
13) Jacob and his family in Canaan had no food to eat, either.
14) Cursed be Canaan a servant of servants to his brothers.
15) Almighty God / God Almighty appeared to Jacob in the land of Canaan.
16) The brothers started with Benjamin and the money and a gift from Canaan.
17) Did you notice that blessing and testing met Abraham on his arrival in Canaan?
18) Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan.
19) So: the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the area we refer to as the Fertile Crescent, of which a little part here about the size of Rhode Island is Canaan.
20) He is a musician and church building committee member of Canaan Baptist Church.
21) 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
22) Haran Terah, Lot, Abram, and Sarai left Urand following the fertile crescent of the Euphrates River, headed toward the land of Canaan.
23) She died at Kiriath Arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to weep over her.
24) Go up into the Abarim Range to Mount Nebo in Moab, across from Jericho, and view Canaan, the land I am giving the Israelites as their own possession.
25) Speak to the and say to them :'When you cross the Jordan into Canaan.
26) Deborah called Barak to fight a war against Jabin king of Canaan.
27) And the sons of Ham ; Cush and Mizraim andand Canaan.
28) And the sons of Ham ; Cush, and Mizraim , and Phut,(http:///canaan.html) and Canaan.
29) Jacob and all the people with him Luz ( that is, Bethel ) in the land of Canaan.
30) The sons of Ham were Cush , Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.
1) Almighty God / God Almighty appeared to Jacob in the land of Canaan.




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