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单词 real
释义 Word family  noun realism realist reality unreality realization adjective real unreal realistic ≠ unrealistic verb realize adverb real really realistically ≠ unrealistically  Related topics: Finance, Economicsreal1 /rɪəl/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  important 重要的BASIC something that is real exists and is important 真实而重要的 There is a real danger that the disease might spread. 这种疾病确实有蔓延的危险。 We need to tackle the real problems of unemployment and poverty. 我们需要解决失业和贫穷这两个实际问题。 There is no real reason to worry. 没有什么真正的理由需要担心。2  not artificial 非人造的REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIAL something that is real is actually what it seems to be and not false or artificial 真的,真正的 OPP fake a coat made of real fur 真皮大衣 She had never seen a real live elephant before. 她以前从未见过活生生的大象。 Artificial flowers can sometimes look better than the real thing. 人造花有时比真花看起来更漂亮。► see thesaurus at genuine3  not imaginary 不是想象的REAL/NOT IMAGINARY something that is real actually exists and is not just imagined 实际存在的,非想象的 The children know that Santa Claus isn’t a real person. 孩子们知道圣诞老人不是真实的人物。 Dreams can sometimes seem very real. 梦境有时显得非常真实。 Things don’t happen quite that easily in real life. 现实生活中不会动不动就有这样的事情发生。4  the real world used to talk about the difficult experience of living and working with other people, rather than being protected at home, at school, or at college 现实世界 the shock of leaving university and going out into the real world 离开大学走进现实世界感受到的冲击5  true 真的 [only before noun]REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIAL actual and true, not invented 真实的,非编造的 That’s not her real name. 那不是她的真名。 What was the real reason you quit your job? 你辞职的真正原因是什么?6  feelings 情感 a real feeling or emotion is one that you actually experience and is strong 真实的;强烈的 SYN genuine There was a look of real hatred in her eyes. 她的眼神里有一种强烈的仇恨。 I got a real sense of achievement when my work was first published. 我的作品第一次发表时,我有一种真切的成就感。7  right qualities 正确的品质 [only before noun]REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIAL a real thing has all the qualities you expect something of that type to have 真正的,名副其实的 I remember my first real job. 我还记得我第一份真正的工作。 Simon was her first real boyfriend. 西蒙是她第一个真正的男朋友。 SPOKEN PHRASES8  for emphasis 用于强调 [only before noun]VERY used to emphasize how stupid, beautiful, terrible etc someone or something is 十足的 Thanks – you’ve been a real help. 谢谢——你真是帮了大忙。 The house was a real mess. 房子真是一团糟。9  for real SERIOUS/NOT JOKINGseriously, not just pretending 真正地,确实地,认真地 After two trial runs we did it for real. 试行两次以后,我们真正地干了起来。10. are you for real? American EnglishSURPRISEDDISAPPROVE used when you are very surprised or shocked by what someone has done or said 你是认真的?〔用于对某人的行为或言论表示吃惊或震惊〕11. get real! SENSIBLEused to tell someone that they are being very silly or unreasonable 别傻了! 现实点!12. keep it real to behave in an honest way and not pretend to be different from how you really are 表现诚实,不虚伪13  BFPEmoney 钱 [only before noun] a real increase or decrease in an amount of money is one you calculate by including the general decrease in the value of money over a period of time 〔钱的增减〕实际的〔已将货币贬值计算在内〕 a real increase of 6% in average wages 平均工资6%的实际增长率 The average value of salaries has fallen in real terms (=calculated in this way). 薪水的平均价值实际上下降了。Examples from the Corpusreal• You will have real choice as to how your pension payments are invested.• Now that's real coffee!• Real commitment is needed from everyone on the team if we're going to make this project work.• Is that a real diamond?• My new firm gave me the chance to make a real difference.• Jack isn't their real father.• Jane's been a real friend to me over the years.• Someday, I think, it will evolve into a place with real golf spirit.• His problems are very real. I don't think you should laugh at him.• In the developed countries the effects have been stagnant wages and high real interest rates.• The real issue is how can we help prevent heart disease?• He sounds like a real jerk.• He's never had a real job.• Sometimes this happens with a fishing style, small improvements, slight changes. but no real leaps forward.• real leather• The house is a real mess.• People call him Baz, but his real name is Reginald.• Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jean Baker.• Are those flowers real or artificial?• She was clearly in real pain.• When Phil started in Dayton you were watching real people talk about things they were really concerned about.• All of the characters are based on real people.• The noise is becoming a real problem.• So what's the real reason you were late?• He didn't show any real regret for the suffering he had caused.• She's a real tomboy!• This is, of course, just what happens in a real real• Although it is a close-run thing arithmetically, there seems to be no real basis for this charge of bastardy.• Second, unlike other wars, there are no real casualties in this one, but a lot of winners.• It was a confusing situation, no real clues, nothing concrete.• None the less we are twinned with a small town in Hampshire with which we have no real connection.• There are no real department stores as such, most shops being small and specialized.• So no real number, positive or negative, squares to produce a negative result.• In the case of manifest content there is no real problem.• The ulcer was no real surprise.real live• But hate crimes take place in a real live community, and people need to be aware of that.• To actually see crabs scuttling across the floor and live sponges and even real live fish was astonishing.• Later rather than sooner a real live girl deals with your call in person.• In the Hollywood Canteen, where GIs and gobs were served by real live movie stars, he was in uniform.• Gordon Beamish was a real live optician.• Her relations with the real live Patrick were exactly as before.• She's a real live wire. real life• Q: Are you a cheerleader in real life?• Darwin could not be taught in the schools; but a perversion of Darwin could be practiced in real life.• I have made the reflected objects darker, just as they would be if seen in real life.• I only knew it from sepia pictures and it was something I thought I'd never see in real life.• Moving house Moving house in real life can be a great worry to young children.• On TV he plays a teenager, but in real life he's married with two children.• Once, in real life, I was on a boat full of steelworkers, and we sailed through South Chicago.• In a relatively short season of television, Ellen demonstrated what in real life often takes a lifetime.• He has confided that he once told Claudia that in real life people do not go around analysing everyday rituals.• She's much prettier in real life than she is in this picture.• In real life there's no magic wand to make all our problems disappear.real reason• She went back to the car, a little flushed, knowing her real reason for being there.• For an ugly moment I had been convinced she had guessed the real reason for my avid professional interest in Bill Francis.• The real reason for the practice was a genuine shortage of new leads.• I heard the real reason the game on Monday was postponed was because Hunslet ploughed it on Sunday.• This was just an excuse: the real reason they wanted to come was that they very much needed food at home.• But the gift shop is the real reason to stop, with all sorts of condiments, spices and cookbooks for sale.• Basically, she knew the real reason why she shunned the group was because of her shyness.• That was the Judgment of Paris, famed everywhere as the real reason why the Trojan War was real terms• Local authority expenditure during the 12 years since we took office has risen by 26 percent. in real terms.• Since 1981, the electronics industry had increased output by an average rate of about 14 percent a year in real terms.• The majority of contemporary items will probably not appreciate in value to any worthwhile degree, at least in real terms.• It has risen sharply in real terms, as the hon. Gentleman knows only too well.• The budgets for federal law enforcement and tax collection would both be down more than 10 percent in real terms by 2002.• The university and polytechnic libraries now spend probably more in real terms on library guides than they ever did.• Pensions have increased in real terms over the last twenty years, but not as fast as real personal disposable incomes.• In real terms, U.S. foreign aid has dropped by 30%.real2 ●●● S2 adverb American English spoken  VERYvery 非常 He’s real cute. 他非常性感迷人。 It was real nice to see you again. 能再次看到你真是太好了。Examples from the Corpusreal• Maybe I just twisted it real bad.• I remember all this part real clear.• He got up real close to the bear and took a picture.• Carla's little boy is real cute.• You got to get a permit for those, and the permits are real expensive, okay?• This was real good of you, Clarence.• I tried to pray, real hard I tried.• I felt something real heavy on my chest.• He was real sensitive during the dinner, and so was Ann.• I think it was real sweet that she called me herself.• I know my kids real well.• The sidewalk was real wet and slippery.From Longman Business Dictionaryrealreal /rɪəl/ adjective real earnings/profits/value etcECONOMICS earnings etc that are calculated after including in the calculation the effects of inflationTheir data show that average real earnings of men aged 20-40 in 1987 were lower than in 1974.Origin real1 (1400-1500) Old French Medieval Latin realis “of things (in law)”, from Latin res “thing”real1 adjective →SPOKEN PHRASES1real2 adverbChinese   Corpus something is that Business real exists and




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