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单词 Tec
1 The TECs are given the responsibility.
2 Now, with the TECs, we intend to introduce new financial help for career and training guidance.
3 Perhaps the TECs are coming up with new ideas about the sort of training that should be developed.
4 TECs and LECs will be closely involved in developing and implementing this new initiative.
5 TECs play an important role in helping companies attain it.
6 If all TECs are as helpful and supportive as Bradford, then long may they flourish.
7 The Government have launched TECs, but they have then provided less funding than was envisaged.
8 It is welcome that the TECs are administering that scheme and that a minimum reward is at least available in that situation.
9 We will encourage all TECs to adopt plans to help women trainees have equal access to training opportunities.
10 Will he join me in congratulating the TECs on the part that they are playing in promoting the local economy?
11 While local programmes are the responsibility of the TECs, the Government guarantees the offer of help to particular groups of unemployed.
12 TECs do not themselves provide programmes; they contract out to training providers.
13 Negotiations between particular TECs and providers must be a matter for those TECs and providers.
14 TEC and design engineer on new painting supplier qualification.
15 Equipment requirement engineering(ERE) is a new engineering tec field.
16 The TEC of the reduced coating is reduced after annealing at 900 ℃.
17 Tec AG was implanted ia an incision less than 1.5 mm, Dr.
18 It is consisted of temperature acquisition, temperature setting, temperature display, differential amplifier, PID control circuit, limited circuit and thermoelectric cooler (TEC) Driver.
19 But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state.
20 As the recession deepens, it is going to force the TECs into choosing between three undesirable options.
21 The government, they say, is bluffing when it claims that TECs are intended to tackle Britain's persistent skills shortage.
22 I demand a reply from the Minister about my request for an inquiry into the financial ramifications for Mid Glamorgan TECs.
23 The national conference will bring together chairmen and chief executives of business partnerships, City Challenges and TECs.
24 Those letters tell us that more than half the TECs are not meeting the youth guarantee.
25 It is possible for such programmes to meet the objectives of organisations such as LEAs and TECs thus attracting additional funding.
26 Based on the position evaluation, position class oriented compensation system is designed for TEC.
27 The device relies on a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor sensing device TEC target temperature can be from a DAC or an external resistor divider circuit analog-ended input.
28 Results showed that compared with porous SiC ceramics, the MOR of SiC-cordierite was improved significantly, and the TEC decreased remarkably, and the apparent porosity also decreased.
29 The ba - sic principle, formation and development of the - XU - TEC process and its industrial applications were introduced.
30 Using 59 good quality observation data from IGS tracking station, this paper analyses the result of TEC that is caused by X5. 7 solar flare on Jul. 14 2000 and X14. 4 solar flare on Apr . 15, 2001.
31 The rub is that bidirectional - TEC drive an inconvenient design problem.
32 According to the Peltier effect and contraposing the characteristic of TEC, the method of fuzzy control is presented.
33 Following the development of computer and network tec hn ology , modern distance education is becoming the most advantageous complement and challenge to traditional education.
34 Fraser of the City of Edinburgh Council . Traffic Engineering & Control ( TEC ) March 1999 .
35 Sci - tec competency is the focus of attention at home and abroad.
36 The analysis shows that there are appreciable increases of electron density both in the ionospheric D-region and the F-region and the latter is the main part of the sharp TEC increases.
37 Two kinds of expanded core fibers (ECF) are fabricated, one is single-mode fiber cascaded gradual index (GI) fiber and the other is thermally diffused expanded core fiber (TEC).
38 The system is mainly composed of single chip computer, temperature sensor, D/A converter chip and thermal electronic cooler (TEC). Fuzzy logic control is implemented through software programming.
39 Interpreting microsimulation output by Emily Seaman SIAS. Traffic Engineering and Control TEC June 2006 Emily Seaman.
40 Is that Sichuan builds the occupation Tec college entrance examination admission line in 2009 a number?
41 Based on the linear correlation between the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) and solar activity, an empirical model of the TEC is derived using the measured data of the TEC at Xinxiang.
42 The TEC temperature control system constructed by PWM bipolar - current controller based on UC 3638 is explained.
43 This paper presents the operation principle of thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and the temperature-stabilization control of TEC.
44 Usually, ionospheric Total Electron Conten (TEC) variation with time can be viewed as a stationary random process under quiet conditions.
45 The Graphic Design program is designed for students wishing to pursue a career in the exciting field of Graphic Arts. This program provides the practical and tec...
46 Results: 1 . The protein and mRNA of ICAM - 1 was expressed at low levels on nomoral TEC.
47 These prove that the calibrated TEC method is a good algorithm for inversion of ionospheric GPS occultation, especially when the LEO's orbit is low.
48 The MAX1968 is a highly integrated and cost-effective, high-efficiency, switch-mode idea for driving a wide variety of the thermo-electric cooler (TEC) elements.
49 People follow hi - Tec system do the business but nobody tell that is an issue the future.
50 Do Hunan masses matchmaker occupation Tec have the advertising design special field? Whether good or not?
51 It is shown that the TEC variation is associated with the local time the solar perturbing occurred and the coupling of the ionospheric particles of high latitude with the solar particle.
52 Yes developed by Tsinghua University, a college computer experiment with machines TEC 2000 development of on - line communications.
53 He briefly worked for his father in construction, but then took a job he found through a friend of his father's at the Tel Tec Detective Agency .
54 The chemical principle of extracting gold with ion exchange resin is discussed, the latest progress and prospects of the research on ion exchange resin are pointed out, and the tec...
55 The freshman of Anqing occupation Tec enlists in 2009 time?
56 The theory of thermo-electric cooler (TEC) using Seebeck effect is introduced, and the design of temperature control circuit based on ADN8830 is discussed.
57 Bosch, Volkswagen and Li - Tec will also be involved in the three - year project.
58 Maintenance client's relationship in relevant fields . Providing tec . and commercial supports for profession customer.
59 Ingredient: The ingredient is very complex, it include nutriments of protein, vitamine, sugar tec.
60 Is that Inner Mongolia builds the occupation Tec admission line in 2009 a number?
61 The Seller ( vendor ) is Toyo Engineering Corporation ( TEC ) of Japan.
62 Voltage and other tec. Parameter can be according to the customer required.




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