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单词 Efferent
1, The efferent glomerular capillaries form a capillary plexus surrounding the proximal tubules.
2, Some juxtamedullary glomeruli have two efferent arterioles.
3, Objective To investigate the efferent pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus to the inner ear.
4, The efferent fibers of the lateral part of the medial mammillary nucleus projected mainly to the ipsilateral anteroventral nucleus of the thalamus.
5, The efferent fibers which projected from PVN to ependyma of the spinal cord perhaps released neurohormones into cerebrospinal fluid,[http:///efferent.html] thus having effects of regulation on the spinal cord.
6, It is recently found that the efferent vague nerve inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine release and protects against IRI and termed this vagal function "the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway".
7, What other efferent pathways are involved in the vomiting response?
8, The efferent projections of the habenular nuclei follow three routes, the rostral, contralateral and caudal pathways.
9, Objective To study the localization of efferent neuron and its terminals of artificial somatic-autonomic reflex arc.
10, The characteristics of efferent terminal neurons eliciting excitatory and inhibitory responses were studied pharmaco- logically.
11, The efferent projections of hypothalamic and brain stem nucleuses to nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi were studied by means of the retrograde axonal transport of HRP technique in cats.
12, There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons.
13, The efferent projections from paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN)to ependyma of the spinal cord were traced anterogrately with HRP technique in the rat.
14, Objective:To investigate the functional efferent pathway from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) of the medulla oblongata and the distribution of NADPH din the pathway.
15, The efferent fibers of the lateral mammillary nucleus projected bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, but more on the ipsilateral side.
16, Conclusion Activity of CGRP efferent vestibular system plays a regular role on accelerating vestibular compensation.
17, By the nerve that send a person one spinal cord erects centre one efferent nerve one effect implement the nerve reflex arc of phallic sponge body is finished.
18, Can adjust again all sorts of functions inside body (communicate through efferent nerve adjust instruction) , with sponsorial body complete and unified reach its to the environment suit.
19, In most nerves, there are both afferent or sensory nerve fibers and efferent or motor fibers.
20, The ostrich epididymis is composed of rete testis , efferent duct and ductus epididymidis.
21, Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system ; efferent.
22, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor may delay the diabetic nephropathy through dilating the inferent and efferent arteriole and decreasing intraglomerular pressure.
23, This paper describes an approach to integrating connectionist and symbolist. The main idea is to present Afferent and Efferent functions. Their definitions are also given in details.
24, Concurrent interstitial morphological alterations and hyalinization of afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles also occur.
25, The chlorophyll and cancer cells located in the subcapsular sinuses and peritrabecular sinuses of the lymph nodes, while there were no them in medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatic vessels.
26, Dysfunctions occurred in various Ievel, such as brain, spinal cord, vesical detrusor and mucous membrane, their afferent and efferent nerve, are responsible for bladder overactivity.




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