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单词 radiant
释义  ra·di·ant /ˈreɪdiənt/ adjective  1  HAPPYfull of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive 容光焕发的,喜悦的 She looked radiant in a white silk dress. 她身穿白色真丝礼服,看上去光彩照人。 a radiant smile 灿烂的笑容radiant with They were both radiant with happiness. 他们两人都喜气洋洋。2  [only before noun] literaryBRIGHT very bright 灿烂的,明亮的 a lovely day with clear blue skies and radiant sun 碧空如洗、阳光灿烂的一天3. [only before noun] technicalTP radiant heat or energy is sent out in the form of waves 〔热量或能量〕辐射的,放射的 —radiantly adverb She looked radiantly beautiful. 她看上去美丽动人。Examples from the Corpusradiant• Her face tipped up, radiant.• She looked a picture, radiant, all in white.• For years and years they crossed rivers and oceans to find the Simorgh, that fabulous creature, radiant and dazzling.• But Gabby was so healthy and radiant and strong.• a radiant bride• She looked at him with radiant eyes.• Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud.• radiant rubies and diamonds• She announced, with a radiant smile, that she was going to have a baby.• They were radiant when they returned.• He was radiant with excitement when he came off the stage.• With each step, they are becoming more and more radiant with light.radiant smile• Passing the window, he saw Olivia Davenport, muffled in fur, approach Hoppy with a radiant smile.• The nurse brought Michael a cup of tea and he thanked her, giving her one of his radiant smiles.• Courtiers who had come to expect her barely to acknowledge them were suddenly treated to radiant smiles and cheerful banter.Origin radiant (1400-1500) Latin present pasticiple of radiare; → RADIATEra·di·ant adjectiveChineseSyllable  of in full happiness way Corpus a and love, that




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