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单词 Juristic
1 The second juristic text to consider, however, does point towards enforcement.
2 Such duplication could cause juristic confusion and undermine the very values intended to be protected.
3 Article 40 While terminating a juristic person shall discontinue all activities except for liquidation by law.
4 Article 2 A labor union shall be a juristic person.
5 Juristic act subject to conditions as the allocation of risks and an important means for the future is not uncommon in practice.
6 Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted.
7 On the Independent Principle & Abstract Principle of Juristic Act of Real Right.
8 In the aspect of juristics status and juristic characteristic, the article discusses the radical principal and realistic sense of the bill broker system building in our country.
9 Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents.
10 Article 47 While dissolving , an enterprise - juristic person shall start liquidation by a special body therefore.
11 Secondly, the organic coalescence of the juristic attribute and the political attribute of constitution prejudication makes democracy tend towards the essential democracy from the formal democracy.
12 How to supervise those companies is a juristic issue. It is very meaningful for the choice of supervisory mode and the design of laws.
13 From the theory on juristic acts, we know that the Unreason Principle is the basic nature of juristic act of ownership.
14 The establishment and validity of civil juristic act are two different concepts.
15 The US juristic framework of export control mainly has two sectio :munitio and dual-use items.
16 An agent shall perform Juristic Acts in the principal's name the scopethe power of agency.
17 A juristic person's legal capacity dates from its inauguration to its termination.
18 Article 65 A civil juristic act may be entrusted to an agent in writing or orally.
19 To entrust financial institutions, trade associations , or juristic persons with the administration of quota.
20 The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
21 Their concepts, differences, theoretical foundation and determination of validity are development of the theory juristic act of right in rem.
22 The author suggests that the retention of the ownership should be a civil juristic act with suspensive conditions and thus proposes the system designs of the ownership retention.
23 With social development, peoples' legal consciousnesses are increasing gradually, and juristic events at issue concerning road traffic accident happen frequently.
24 It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party.
25 And link to the official website to access cathedral, juristic and time limitary official news and messages.
26 As a unique concept in civil law of China, the independent liability of juristic person is essentially a projection of stockholders' limited liability in corporation law.
27 Article 30 A common-of- piscary right license shall not be the subject of other rights or juristic acts other than inheritance and transfer.
28 Some authorities think the agreement ofright is the declaration of of juristic act ofright.
29 The second part of analyzes the jurisprudence foundation and juristic relation of of debt to equity.
30 Corporations , in the context of litigation, are sometimes referred to as artificial or juristic persons.
31 The existence of trennungsprinzip owes to the independence of juristic act of right in rem.
32 As important subject of market economic, corporation is a typical enterprise juristic person.
33 The guarantee letter will show the assurance of B's compliance with work during the contract period, and the warrantors will have juristic joint responsibility.
34 A foundation established as a juristic person having total registered assets of NT $ 10 millions or more.
35 Article 56 A civil juristic act may be in written, oral or other form.
36 This paper epitomizes the juristic environment of Chinese economy and the construction of economic laws as well as the design and reform of China's accountant system.




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