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单词 queen
释义  Related topics: Officials, Cards, Insects, Board gamesqueen1 /kwiːn/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  ruler 统治者 (also Queen) a) PGOthe female ruler of a country 女王 → kingqueen of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 埃及女王克里奥帕特拉 Queen Elizabeth 伊丽莎白女王 At 18, Victoria was crowned queen (=officially became ruler). 18岁时,维多利亚加冕为女王。 b) PGOthe wife of a king 王后 the future queen 未来的王后2  card 纸牌DGC a playing card with a picture of a queen on it 王后,Q(牌) the queen of diamonds 方块Q,方块王后3  the queen of something the woman or place that is considered the best in a particular area or activity 〔某个领域的〕女王,最优秀的女子;最好的地方 With 42 albums, she was the queen of pop. 她推出了42张专辑,是流行乐天后。 Paris, the queen of fashion 巴黎——时尚之都4  competition 比赛 American English the woman who wins a beauty competition, or who is chosen to represent a school, area etc 选美王后;〔学校、地区等的〕女性形象代言人 the carnival queen 狂欢节王后5. insect 昆虫HBI a large female bee, ant etc, which lays the eggs for a whole group 〔蜂〕王,〔蚁等的〕后6. queen bee BOASTa woman who behaves as if she is the most important person in a place 派头十足的女性,大姐大7. homosexual 同性恋 taboo informalSYHOMOSEXUAL an offensive word for a male homosexual who behaves very like a woman. Do not use this word. 〔举止像女人的〕男同性恋者8. chess 国际象棋DGB the most powerful piece in the game of chess 后 →4  See picture of 见图 CHESS →5 see picture at 见图 chess → beauty queen, drag queenn COLLOCATIONSverbsbecome queenMary Tudor became queen in somebody queen (=officially make someone queen)The next day she was crowned Queen of England.a queen rules/reigns (=is in charge of a country)Queen Victoria reigned for over 60 years.a queen abdicates (=gives up the position of being queen)The Queen is unlikely to abdicate.phrasesthe reign of Queen Elizabeth/Victoria etc (=when Elizabeth etc was queen)She was born in the reign of Queen Victoria.Her Majesty the Queen (=used when talking about a queen)Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting Australia in July.Examples from the Corpusqueen• I fancy you like a queen - a princess rather - in all those flowers.• the King and Queen of Belgium• Self-confident, individualistic, indomitable and highly respected, they used to be the kings and queens of photography.• Later on we've greener greens and beauty queens.• Elizabeth II became Queen of England in 1952.• Cooper is a former B-movie queen.• a new biography of Queen Elizabeth• The Kamiz material was called Rathkirani or queen of the night.• All the surfaces were bare apart from a seventeenth-century bronze statue of Theseus abducting Antiope, the queen of the Amazons.• The queen can choose the sex of her progeny.• The queen was grief-stricken at his death.• The queen, preoccupied, sent him away, but was prevailed upon to reinvite the captain.• the Queen of Sweden• the queen of the Kalispell County FairRelated topics: Board gamesqueen2 verb [transitive]  1. technicalDGB to change a pawn into a queen in the game of chess 〔国际象棋〕使〔兵〕变后2. queen it over somebody British English informalBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS if a woman queens it over other people, she behaves as if she is more important than them, in an annoying way 〔女性〕盛气凌人地对待某人,大摆架子→ See Verb tablenthe QueenQueen, the  nHer Majesty the Queen - the official title of the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen is the official head of state of Britain and of other countries in the Commonwealth, but has little real political power. She has to give her official agreement (Royal Assent) to all new laws before they can actually become laws but in fact she does not have the right to refuse this agreement. → see also Elizabeth II, QueennQueen  na British rock group who were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and whose songs include Bohemian Rhapsody and We Are the Champions. Their main singer was Freddie Mercury, and they were known especially for playing to very large crowds, for example in football stadiums.Origin queen1 Old English cwen “woman, queen”queen1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1queen2 verbQueen, theQueenLDOCE OnlineChinese  of country a the Corpus female ruler




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