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单词 Renewable
1. Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.
2. Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.
3. He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
4. A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.
5. It's a six-month lease but it's renewable.
6. The village obtains all its energy from renewable sources.
7. The work permit is not renewable.
8. Is the permit renewable?
9. Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.
10. The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
11. Energy efficiency and renewable energy go hand in hand.
12. Do we aggressively develop renewable resources?
13. We aren't powered by renewable energy.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. And we should develop renewable sources of energy.
15. Double government spending on renewable energy research.
16. Data in essence were a free and renewable resource contributed by members of the cooperative and cooperatives like them around the world.
17. This sounds like an invitation to buy from renewable technologies until you realise that the intended non-fossil fuel source is nuclear power.
18. Many congressmen are keen to revive research into renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.
19. The new laws support yearly renewable consumer choice, and at the same time reduce unnecessary and costly culinary options.
20. This is essential if renewable resources like forests are to be maintained in a state that is conducive to future use.
21. The alternative is a small-scale industry, based on renewable resources - but designing this requires chemical expertise too.
22. If these sources were included, renewable energy would contribute about 18 percent of current world energy use.
23. Renewable energy projects benefit from a price premium financed by a levy on the power industry.
24. Contracts are made for an initial 4 years, renewable up to an additional 4-year period.
25. The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.
26. The £400 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources.
27. Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources.
28. The report begins with a background review of the status of renewable energy technologies in the late 1980s.
29. No, not really, not if we were creating our own heat and light from natural renewable sources.
30. The answer is simple - make energy efficiency a number one global priority and speed up the development of renewable energy technologies.
1. Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.
2. Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.
3. He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
4. The village obtains all its energy from renewable sources.
31. Introducing renewable limited-term tenancies for agricultural land, encouraging new entrants to farming.
32. The advisory committee which decided on research and development money for renewable energy was dominated by nuclear proponents.
33. The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources.
34. The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.
35. The problem with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable.
36. Both groups favour investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
37. The production of renewable energy sources should also be promoted through grants, soft loans and fiscal incentives, the report concluded.
38. One in five marine science posts lost in 1989; in five years to 1987 research into renewable energy halved.
39. The 'green' housing community uses renewable energy sources such as solar power.
40. For this reason, renewable energy investment was not yet sufficiently attractive to retail investors.
41. Furthermore, the use of subsidies needs to be clarified and directed more towards rural electricity and renewable energy.
42. The rivers are infinitely renewable, at least until the reservoirs silt up or the climate changes.
43. It operates via the regional electricity companies, which must pay a premium price for renewable energy.
44. The workshop was attended by some 30 industrialists, financiers and renewable energy specialists from around the world.
45. Paper Association, which points out that paper-producing wood is a renewable resource.
46. It is encouraging to see that some organisations are taking renewable energy seriously.
47. The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximise the use of locally-available and renewable resources.
48. A similar disregard for the potential for renewable energy was evident if the expenditure on subsidy was analysed.
49. Enhancing renewable energy investment is clearly relevant to global strategies to mitigate climate change.
50. Assessing those effects of global change which will be large scale and cause major modifications to both renewable and non-renewable resources.
51. International equity investment in local stock exchanges could also support renewable energy projects.
52. Pandolfi is also concerned at the lack of funds available for research into renewable energy.
53. Attention should be focused on developing renewable energy sources, he said.
54. This requires the development of alternative sources of energy that are either renewable or inexhaustible.
55. The expedition will make use of renewable energy, such as solar power, and will remove all its rubbish.
56. Litter A lot of what we throw away has been made from raw materials which are not renewable.
57. Today, he will have benefited greatly from hearing exactly what is the Government's policy on renewable energy.
58. Is it expected that that will be the embryo for a carbon tax to pay for more investment in renewable energies?
59. Support tree planting schemes, the development of wind power and other renewable sources of energy.
60. That energy and enthusiasm didn't, alas, spring from a perpetual renewable source.
61. Today, very late, we are coming to accept the fact that the harvest of renewable resources must be controlled.
62. Modular, diverse and dispersed small-scale generating facilities using local renewable energy sources would support the local network.
63. The duration of section 2 may be up to 28 days and of section 3 up to six months, although it is renewable.
64. The renewable energy sources must eventually dominate world energy supply.
65. Howard justified overruling the recommendation saying it was national policy to proceed as quickly as possible with renewable energy projects.
66. Their movements are therefore highly predictable, which gives tidal power a distinct advantage over many other renewable energy forms.
67. Trees are a renewable resource that when managed properly can sustain our needs indefinitely.
68. Other renewable options - biomass and solar power - are also being explored.
69. The 625-strong observer force, which will have a six-month renewable mandate, is the first in the Western hemisphere.
70. Switch to renewable sources of energy.
71. We must consider fossil fuels as non renewable recources.
72. Sun, wind, and waves a renewable sources of energy.
73. Development of renewable energy is promoted to achieve sustainability.
74. Corn stalk is low - cost and renewable.
75. Exports and domestic products, glassware, rubber, plastic renewable!
76. A recent study by GTM Research, a market analysis company focusing on renewable energy industries, estimated that the U.S. solar market could grow eightfold to $8 billion by 2015.
77. The International Labor Organization estimates that renewable energy could generate up to 20 million new jobs, if it were to represent 30 percent of the worldwide energy output.
78. Says he would require that 10 percent of U.S. energy come from renewable sources by the end of his first presidential term.
79. Wind power is the most technologically sophisticated, most large-scale development of the conditions and prospects for development of commercial power generation mode in renewable energy resources.
80. There are many ways to take to address those energy issues. Hereinto one of the practical choices is to develop renewable energy and increase the share of it in the energy consumption structure.
81. And nephrite has a non - renewable resources, the good and nephrite raw material resources is very rare.
82. These costs contrast sharply with other forms of renewable energy that have a higher profile.
83. They also provide much more flexible back up than coal for renewable energy supplies which wax and wane with the sun and wind – a safer bet for the future?
84. Serve a term one calendar year which is renewable upon the approval of the Church Board.
85. The calculation is based on recent laws that encourage the development of renewable energy in China and a guaranteed price of 7.6 US cents per kilowatt hour of electricity for the next ten years.
86. We're making our government's largest ever investment in renewable energy – an investment aimed at doubling the generating capacity from wind and other renewable resources in three years.
87. Such projects, whether expansion of renewable energy investments or upgrading public transit systems,() will pay for themselves in the medium-term and will not necessarily be inflationary.
88. Stephanie Mueller, the Energy Department press secretary, said the department was committed to supporting renewable energy.
89. Lignocellulose materials are the most abundant renewable resource on earth.
90. The success of the Bangladesh project is the kind the Bank hopes to duplicate in Africa, where many energy access projects now have a renewable energy component, says Cabraal.
91. With increasing use of smart meters, which mitigate the problem of intermittency that plagues renewable forms of energy, demand for rooftop installations should grow strongly in these places.
92. Governments have to kick start the energy revolution by implementing renewable energy laws across the globe.
93. The country has various policy initiatives, including a price support scheme for electricity from renewable sources similar to Germany's feed-in tariff, benefiting green energy suppliers.
94. Roof platform recycling plant cultivation in large containers or small plastic juice containers, equipment degradable shaded from the pure natural fibre and renewable wood produced.
95. Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development.
96. Although the conflicts in using renewable resource between generations are slighter than the depletable resource, the problem of market failure that brings by the generations' behavior still exists.
97. Mobile phone operator Orange said on Tuesday it had teamed up with GotWind, a firm specializing in renewable energy, to produce a recharger powered by dance energy alone.
98. The public security organs shall seize stolen goods or suspected stolen goods found in business operation of renewable resources recovery in accordance with law and list the seized goods.
99. How much extra money will you spend on a external mobile electronic device renewable recharger ?
100. HSBC predicts that China will invest more money in renewable energy and nuclear power between now and 2020 than in coal-fired and oil-fired electricity.
101. Oil is not a renewable resource, so its reserves will certainly decrease.
102. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), was established on 1-26-09, when 75 nations signed an agreement at the founding conference in Bonn, Germany.
103. Renewable energies become a leitmotiv in the project,() translated into symbolic shapes throughout the Campus.
104. Cassava starch is precious renewable resources, it can process a variety of 2000 products group.
105. Miscanthus for Renewable Energy Generation: European Union Experience and Projections for Illinois.
106. Under the decline of conventional source of energy and increasing pollution, the fossil fuel based energy structure is being replaced by renewable energy based structure.
107. Corn straw consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin , it is a abundant of renewable resource.
108. The wind generation, photovoltaic generation and the electric vehicle are the three main renewable energy utilization methods and are under the fast development.
109. Of the $80 billion investment need per year, approximately $25 billion a year of concessional financing is needed to cover the incremental costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
110. The stover was abundant and renewable resource and mainly consisted of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
111. In principle, government entities at all levels shall procure renewable resource products and environmental label products.
112. Some even point to the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a Californian maker of solar panels which had received lots of federal money, as proof that renewable energy is a wasteful pinko pipe-dream.
113. The production tax credit for renewable forms of energy was supposed to end this December.
114. For the Ergon Biokork bike grip, the designers spent time honing the shape, to reduce hand stress--but they lavished care on the materials as well, to make sure they were all renewable.
115. In 2007 the energy from renewable sources represented 3,5 % of the total consumption of primary energy in Slovak republic.
116. In our country, "Renewable Energy Law" clearly pointed out that incentives to develop renewable energy development tax incentives and loan policies.
117. Simultaneously the land also has from stable, the circulation and the self-purification function, is the renewable natural resource.
118. President Barack Obama's campaign promise to explore new sources of renewable energy is one element of his budget that is nonnegotiable, say administration officials.
119. And, point out the researchers, menstrual blood-derived stem cells are a vastly more renewable resource than those harvested from cord blood.
120. When some new renewable energy project are carried out, the apportioning problem can be solved by this balance account and consequently avoid to adjust the electricity price frequently.
121. This is an important way to make the Renewable Energy Law to realize its ideal value.
122. The environment and energy problems arouses concerns about finding new fuel to replace rock oil, biodiesel is a excellent candidate for its renewable raw materials and little pollution.
123. Hawai'i will move away from dependence on imported oil by accelerating the development of renewable resources.
124. The new generation of hep Hitachi has energy - saving and environmentally friendly renewable energy to the limits.
125. House Democrats offered little clue on Thursday about how they would channel the money from oil producers into alternative and renewable energies.
126. "This would be the first practical, roadworthy car that could run on solely renewable energy, " he said.
127. A review on the research advances of hydrogen production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a renewable energy source was presented.
128. Phosphorus and its compounds are non renewable and non replaceable limited resources.
129. We have an abundance of renewable energy and there are a lot of visionary technologies coming along so that, in future, the sky's the limit.'
130. Public security organs are in charge of management of public security of renewable resources recovery.
131. Today, President Obama unveiled a program to develop the renewable energy projects on the waters of our Outer Continental Shelf that produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents.
132. Turning waste water into a renewable resource is part of sustaining basic needs here.
133. It passed a trend-setting recycling law in 1991 and was a pioneer of "feed-in tariffs", obliging utilities to buy power generated by renewable sources at prices that reflect their higher costs.
133. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
134. If I can rephrase what I had just say, I thought our resource is not renewable.
135. The chitin is the second large renewable resources on the earth.
136. With a few exceptions, the International Trade Commission (ITC) has approved substantial tariffs under anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders renewable every five years.
137. Renewable energy minister Seck said solar power could rapidly improve the daily lives of the Senegalese people.
138. The American plan also meets Stern's other prescriptions for an effective green stimulus - a concentration on building efficiency and renewable energy.
139. Tropical plant fiber is a kind of natural renewable resource.
140. As a result, the investigation and application of low-cost, nonpolluting and renewable energy engineering technique are widely concerned.
141. Renewable air dry friction between the desiccant particles of dust into subtle is the source of desiccant dust.
142. The inventive method enables the use, in part, of renewable raw material, while increasing acrolein production.
143. As important renewable biomass of forest rejectamenta and agricultural residues, salix psammophila can substitute fossil resource and be used to produce biology fuel and other industrial products.
144. Recently the recycle and reuse of waste plastic are very important research direction for renewable resource.
145. Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
146. Hermann Scheer held a speech during the founding conference, he said: "IRENA will push forward the global use of Renewable Energies and accelerate their introduction."
147. It also called for a doubling of the national renewable energy target to 30% by 2020 and for stricter efficiency standards for coal-fired power stations.
148. This week Spain said it would cut the guaranteed price to solar-power producers by up to 45%, angering investors in renewable plants.
149. Faced with this complex surface, in conjunction hot renewable equipment fully demonstrated its superior performance, not only trouble-free 20 days, but the effect of all the standards of construction.
150. Arno also shares his views on renewable energy on his blog Clean Energy Future.
151. A model for the optimal management of two-species renewable resources and productive capital is set up under the hypothesis that investment may be reversible.
152. We are engaged in a process aimed at improving the situation of those in poverty and ensuring that work with extractive industries and new initiatives on renewable energy continue to be developed.
153. The IOC President is elected by the IOC members by secret ballot for an initial term of eight years, renewable once for four additional years.
154. The leaders also agreed to cut oil dependents and seek renewable energy supplies at a time when high oil prices and rapid economic growth raise competition among Asian nations for new energy sources.
155. An energy system that can accommodate the intermittency of renewable power will probably need large-scale storage.
156. Why the New Tax Policy of Renewable Resource Industry Lead to companies be in a Dilemma?
157. This conception is a common form for natural grassland, and also is a kind of renewable resources and productive material of animal husbandry.
158. Cadmium telluride cells at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are now up to 16.5% and rising.
159. Rich in natural spa factor - renewable, vitamin C, E, a special agent Runbo, hyaluronic acid.
160. Pentaerythritol oleate, an environmentally acceptable and renewable lubricant base oil, was synthesized from oleic acid and pentaerythritol with p-toluenesulphonic acid as esterification catalyst.
161. By the end of next year, renewable energy, excluding hydroelectric power, is supposed to account for 3% of generating capacity at Chinese utilities.
162. Biodiesel is a kind of clean renewable bioenergy and as an excellent substitute for diesel fuel.
163. The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the microgrid analysis techniques for energy conservation and renewable energy applications.
164. SEDER BOQER, Israel — Renewable energy is often intermittent and unreliable, but with the right storage technology, it can become a substitute for baseline power.
165. The emphasis of this summary is on fiscal policies, though state-level renewable portfolio standards (RPS) are also mentioned due to their importance.
166. South Africa is leading the effort to develop a new class of safe and simple nuclear reactor—not renewable energy in the strict sense, but carbon-free and thus increasingly welcome.
167. Surely, renewable energy projects and new technologies are at risk because of their capital intensity.
168. It mainly imports renewable resources industry scrap copper, aluminum, stainless steel, junky electrical machine.
169. Departments of commercial administration above county-level shall set up authorities in chare of the administration of renewable resources recovery industry and assign the relevant personnel.
170. But to truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy.
171. If I can rephrase what I have just said, I think our resource is not renewable.
172. In addition, Premix pursues emerging opportunities in the renewable energy market including solar and wind applications.
173. Three months renewable contracts are offered with accident insurance and other awards.
174. GM Chaparral Volt collects and generates its own energy from three different clean, renewable and abundant California resources: Earth, Wind and Fire.
175. Lignocellulose, with cellulose and hemicellulose as its main components, extensively occurs in the world and is a kind of cheap renewable resource for ethanol production.
176. The falling price of renewable energy is starting to offer firms another way to cut costs.
177. "If we manage this resource, we can cut down on the consumption of cows and pigs, whish use large amounts of fertilizer, water and other resources that are not renewable, " he said.
178. Covered in ETFE and powered by renewable energy, this farm could grow enough food to feed up to 40, 000 people while providing housing for some Dubai residents.
179. Summed up the technologies to use renewable energy and the method of maintain low operating power consumption in the central region of Shaanxi Province was selected as the object of study.
180. NMP zeolite has a small head loss through a long time to deal with large amount of water and good renewable.
181. Hydroelectricity is one of the cleanest and most reliable sources of renewable energy.
182. Lignocellulose is the most abundant renewable resource in the world .
183. The petroleum is one - off , non - renewable resource.
184. The cost of renewable energy utilization related with many factors, thus the result predicted cost some uncertainty.
185. The law says electricity produced from renewable sources must be purchased by utilities according to a generous "feed-in tariff" that sets higher-than-market rates and fixes them for 20 years.
186. As one of the renewable resources, the castor oil shows higher economic value.
187. The Tees Renewable Energy Plant is anticipated to start commercial operation in late 2012, benefiting from suitable dockside acreage in one of the UK's three largest ports.
188. "The CTF is a strong support tool for developing countries with a serious plan to expand renewable energy, and it is even more effective in these times of financial crisis," says Rahman.
189. We inspire the utilization of renewable fiber, improve the social development by creativity and promote well-being of people and harmonious concomitance with the nature.
190. For some yearly renewable term insurance, you just need to pay once a year.
191. Liu Xinying, an engineering consultant at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, says the plant is a good attempt at renewable energy integration.
192. Corn stalk was an abundant and renewable resource and mainly consisted of cellulose , hemicellulose and lignin.
193. Senegal's Minister of Renewable Energy, Louis Seck, says that is especially important here in the Sahel.
194. Renewable energy includes energy, energy, energy, bio - energy, geothermal energy and energy.
195. The most important is, the renewable energy has incomparably superior short – roller chain advantages.
196. The plentiful renewable resources - cellulosic materials could be used to produce fuel alcohol through bioconversion.
197. The turbo boost gauge is calibrated by tree icons, a playful reminder of the car's renewable energy source.
198. Because the gas plant raw materials for crop stalks, wood waste, the residue of edible fungi, animal feces of cattle and sheep and all flammable material, is a inexhaustible of renewable resources.
199. New systems must maximize the role of ecological mechanisms and emphasize the use of renewable resources.




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