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单词 psychobabble
释义  Related topics: Linguistics, Psychology, psychiatrypsy·cho·bab·ble /ˈsaɪkəʊˌbæbəl $ -koʊ-/ noun [uncountable]  informalSLMP language that sounds scientific but is not really, that some people use when talking about their emotional problems – used to show disapproval 心理学呓语〔含贬义,指某些人谈论感情问题时使用的语言,听起来像科学术语,其实不然〕Examples from the Corpuspsychobabble• As instrumentally overblown as the worst art rock and as lyrically shallow as any psychobabble.• And only rarely do they allow their managers to couch frank appraisals in canned legalese and innocuous psychobabble.psy·cho·bab·ble nounChineseSyllable  that that really, but is scientific language sounds some not Corpus




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