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单词 produce
释义 Word family  noun produce producer product production reproduction productivity adjective productive ≠ unproductive counterproductive reproductive reproducible verb produce reproduce adverb productively  Related topics: Industry, Arts, Birthpro·duce1 /prəˈdjuːs $ -ˈduːs/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  cause 引起CAUSE to cause a particular result or effect 引起;造成;产生 → product New drugs are producing remarkable results. 新药正在产生显著的效果。 a rise in sea level produced by climatic change 由气候变化引起的海平面升高 As a policy, it did not produce the desired effect. 作为一项政策,它并未产生预期的效果。2  create/make 制造/制作TI to make, write etc something to be bought, used, or enjoyed by people 制造;制作;创作 → product, production The factory produces an incredible 100 cars per hour. 那家工厂一小时生产100辆汽车,令人难以置信。 How did you manage to produce a meal so quickly? 你怎么这么快就能做出一顿饭来? → mass-produced► see thesaurus at make3  make naturally 自然地生产CAUSEMAKE to grow something or make it naturally 〔自然地〕生产,产生,出产 → product, production This region produces the grapes used in champagne. 该地区出产酿造香槟酒用的葡萄。 Plants produce oxygen. 植物制造氧气。4  show 出示SHOW/LET somebody SEE something if you produce an object, you bring it out or present it, so that people can see or consider it 出示;拿出;提出 When challenged, he produced a gun. 有人拦住他盘问,他便掏出一把枪。 They were unable to produce any statistics to verify their claims. 他们拿不出任何统计数据来证明他们的说法。5  play/film 戏剧/电影A if someone produces a film or play, they find the money for it and control the way it is made 监制,制作〔电影或戏剧〕 → producer Costner produced and directed the film. 科斯特纳监制并导演了这部电影。6  baby 婴儿MB to give birth to a baby or young animals 生,生育 An adult cat may produce kittens three times a year. 一只成年猫一年可以生三次小猫。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusproduce• During the argument, one of the men produced a knife.• The man fired from the car window when he was asked by a police officer to produce a license for the weapon.• Anthea felt pressure from the family to produce a son.• Walsh produced a static listing at first, updating it once a month.• Failure to produce a valid insurance certificate may result in criminal prosecution.• Its bite produces a worm which swells up the blood vessels, causing ulcers and, in the worst cases, blindness.• The stomach produces acids which help to digest food.• Poisonous gases are produced by improperly burned fuel.• They produce cheap goods for export to the United States.• The defendants were able to produce documents showing they were the legal heirs.• Carbon dioxide is produced during respiration.• A ledger was produced from within the desk, its pages blue-ruled, like a composition book.• a factory that produces high-quality steel• If only a single copy is needed then it is logical to produce it on the page printer.• The region produces most of the state's corn.• Aaron Spelling has produced numerous hit TV shows.• Any herbs that are added are also organically produced on the farm.• The dairy produced over 1500 tonnes of butter per year.• The company produces over 200 sewing machines a month.• The drug is known to produce severe side effects in some people.• Kuleto's Bakery produces some of the finest pastries in town.• Very few artists are producing the kind of original work Larson is.• The electrodes intersect at each pixel to produce the required activation voltage.• Nuclear power plants produce twenty percent of the country's energy.• Cancer is destroying his body's ability to produce white blood cells.produce the desired effect• By 1900 it must have been increasingly obvious that the policies of Frederick and Bismarck were not producing the desired effect.• In order to produce the desired effect of losing weight permanently, you must alter your eating habits.Related topics: Cropsprod·uce2 /ˈprɒdjuːs $ ˈproʊduːs/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  TACMAKEfood or other things that have been grown or produced on a farm to be sold 农产品agricultural/organic etc produce fresh local produce 新鲜的本地农产品dairy produce British English (=milk, butter, cheese etc) 乳制品n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + produceorganic produce (=produced without artificial chemicals)There is increased demand for organic produce.agricultural/farm produceThe government bought surplus agricultural produce from produceShe had filled a basket with her garden produce.local produceLocal produce is used wherever possible.fresh produceWash all fresh produce before use.dairy produce British English (=milk, butter, cheese etc)Vitamin A can also be obtained from dairy produce and eggs.Examples from the Corpusproduce• a produce market• fresh produce• Look like produce been rolled over by a truck.• He brought that idea back and transformed his business from a local produce store to the beginnings of national distribution.• The hotel grows its own produce and its wines are highly recommended.• On the back wall of the produce shed hangs a schoolroom map of the continental United States.• Third World governments build roads which help farmers to market their produce and schools which create a literate and numerate workforce.dairy produce• She pruned her diet drastically, cutting down dairy produce and other foods high in cholesterol.• Dunlop parish had been long-famed for its dairy produce.• It is also obtained in liver, kidney, dairy produce, and eggs.• Chapter 2 has touched on food intolerance in the case of dairy produce.From Longman Business Dictionaryproduceprod‧uce1 /ˈprɒdjuːsˈproʊduːs/ noun [uncountable]FARMING food that has been grown on the land or produced in large quantities, using farming methodsWhere it once offered 125 items of produce, A&P now sells 300 fruits and vegetables.fresh produceproducepro‧duce2 /prəˈdjuːs-ˈduːs/ verb1[intransitive, transitive]MANUFACTURINGFARMING to make or grow something in large quantities to be soldThe plant in Leningrad will produce parts used in building construction.The British assembly plants still don’t produce as efficiently as those in Germany.Colombia produced a bumper (=very large) coffee crop this year. → see also mass-produce2[transitive] to make something happen or to have a particular result or effectA strong market could mean sales will produce substantial profit gains.The planning sessions have not yet produced a coherent strategy.3[transitive] to control the preparation of a film, television programme etc, especially the amount of money spent making itDisney’s computer-animated film will be produced by Pixar.4[intransitive, transitive] to show an official document when it is needed, for example as proof of somethingThe judge ordered officials to produce financial records within three days.→ See Verb tableOrigin produce1 (1400-1500) Latin producere, from ducere “to lead”pro·duce1 verbprod·uce2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business to result or Corpus particular effect cause a




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