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单词 pig
释义  Related topics: Animals, Policepig1 /pɪɡ/ ●●● S2 noun [countable]  1  animal 动物HBA a farm animal with short legs, a fat body, and a curved tail. Pigs are kept for their meat, which includes pork, bacon, and ham. 猪 SYN American English hog He kept pigs and poultry. 他养过猪和家禽。2  person 人 spoken a) GREEDYsomeone who eats too much or eats more than their share 贪吃的人 You greedy pig, you ate all the candy! 你这只馋猫,把糖果都吃光了! I made a bit of a pig of myself (=ate too much) at dinner. 我晚饭大吃特吃。 b) UNPLEASANTsomeone who is unpleasant in some way, for example unkind or very untidy 令人讨厌的人;肮脏的人 They live like pigs in that house over the road. 他们住在马路那头猪圈似的房子里。 You can tell him from me he’s an ignorant pig. 你可以转告他,我说他是个无知的家伙。(male) chauvinist pig (=a man who thinks women are not equal to men) 大男子主义者3. police 警察 taboo informalSCPINSULT an offensive word for a police officer. Do not use this word. 警察猪猡〔对警察的侮辱性称呼〕4  a pig (of a something) British English spokenUNPLEASANT something that is very difficult or unpleasant to do 困难的事情;讨厌的事 They’re improving, and they’re a pig of a team to beat. 他们正在进步,要打败这支队伍可不容易。5  make a pig’s ear of something British English spokenDO BADLY to do something very badly 把某事弄糟 Someone’s made a right pig’s ear of these repairs. 有人把这些修理活干得一团糟。6. in a pig’s eye American English spoken informal used to show that you do not believe what someone is saying 当然不,决不,不可能7  pig in a poke spoken something you bought without seeing it first and that is not as good or valuable as you expected 〔购买前未曾看过的〕盲目买来的劣质东西 What if the car you buy turns out to be a pig in a poke? 如果你随便买来的车结果并不怎么样,该怎么办?8  pigs might fly British English, when pigs fly American English spoken used to say that you do not think something will happen 太阳从西边出来〔表示不相信某事会发生〕 ‘Someone might have handed in your pass.’ ‘Yes, and pigs might fly.’ “可能已经有人把你的通行证上交了呢。”“是啊,太阳还能从西边出来呢。”Examples from the Corpuspig• That's what Christmas is all about, isn't it? Making a pig of yourself.• How can you live in this mess? You're such a pig!• The greedy pig! He didn't leave any pizza for us.• You're a selfish pig.• You pig! You ate all of the cookies!• You pig, you've eaten it all!pig2 verb (pigged, pigging)  1 pig out phrasal verb informalEAT to eat a lot of food all at once 大吃大喝,狼吞虎咽 on I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries. 我发现萨姆在电视机前狼吞虎咽地吃着比萨饼和薯条。→ See Verb tableOrigin pig1 (1200-1300) Probably from an unrecorded Old English picgapig1 nounpig2 verbChinese  a Corpus farm a short animal with legs,




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