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单词 prescription
释义  Related topics: Hospital, Drugs, medicines, Illness & disability, Nurses, doctors, etcpre·scrip·tion /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  MHMDa piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person should have, so that they can get it from a pharmacist 处方,药方 → prescribeprescription for a prescription for sleeping pills 安眠药处方 We are trying to cut the price of prescription drugs. 我们正努力降低处方药的价格。 a repeat prescription (=one that you have regularly) 重复处方fill a prescription American English (=get the drugs a doctor has written that you need) 按处方买药 I got the prescription filled on the way home. 回家的路上我买了医生开给我的药。2  MHMDa particular medicine or treatment ordered by a doctor for a sick person 〔医生开的〕处方药;治疗方法 If you’re pregnant, you can get free prescriptions. 要是怀孕的话可以获得免费的处方药。3. on prescription British English, by prescription American EnglishMD a drug that you get on prescription can only be obtained with a written order from the doctor 凭处方的,根据药方的 → over the counter4  IDEAan idea or suggestion about how you should behave, or how to make a situation, activity etc successful 解决方法,诀窍prescription for The party’s main prescription for educational problems was to give schools more money. 该政党解决教育问题的主要方法是给学校提供更多资金。n COLLOCATIONSverbsgive somebody a prescriptionDr. Kleinert gave me a prescription for some sleeping tablets.write a prescription (also write out a prescription)I'll write you a prescription for some skin cream.make up a prescription (also fill a prescription American English) (=give a patient the drugs that a doctor says they need)You can get the prescription made up at a chemist's.NOUN + prescriptiona doctor's prescriptionMost of these drugs require a doctor's prescription.a repeat prescription (=one that you have regularly)I went to the surgery to pick up a repeat prescription.prescription + NOUNa prescription drug/medicineNot everyone can afford the cost of prescription drugs.Examples from the Corpusprescription• But a disciplinary hearing of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland was told he sold the product without a prescription.• Once caricatured as far-Right-wingers, they were dependable for their unsolicited robust views on hanging, repatriation and grisly prescriptions for homosexuals.• With my insurance, prescriptions cost a maximum of $5.• According to the researchers, more than 8 million prescriptions were written for nasal steroids in 1993.• Then I stopped off to do a bit of shopping, cash in Betty Y's prescription etcetera.• Jeffrey was refused help with the prescription for his inhaler because the Department of Health said his income exceeded the required level.• This prescription is for a controlled substance.• So do Gore's hopes of securing a universal prescription drug benefit for the elderly.fill a prescription• One by one, chains operating stores in Maryland told state workers they would have to go elsewhere to fill prescriptions.• I don't want to fill a prescription.pre·scrip·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  on paper of a Corpus a which doctor piece




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