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单词 Unexpectedly
1) The terrorists were killed when their bomb detonated unexpectedly.
2) The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.
3) I happened on him in the street unexpectedly.
4) Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
5) The champion was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round.
6) The device detonated unexpectedly.
7) The host attacked the city unexpectedly.
8) The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning.
9) The plane was unexpectedly delayed.
10) We happened on him unexpectedly.
11) Not unexpectedly, most local business depends on tourism.
12) She died unexpectedly of a heart attack.
13) The Labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority.
14) They had arrived unexpectedly.
15) Quite unexpectedly he turned on his heel and walked out of the door.
16) She died quite unexpectedly.
17) Moss had clamped an unexpectedly strong grip on his arm.
18) She unexpectedly came into a fortune when her cousin died.
19) His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.
20) The car drew out unexpectedly and almost caused an accident.
21) She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions.
22) His father died unexpectedly.
23) Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.
24) The Neanderthals seemed unexpectedly gentle and diffident people.
25) The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.
26) I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly.
27) I'd planned a romantic evening together,[http:///unexpectedly.html] but circumstances conspired against it - friends arrived unexpectedly and then Dave was called out to an emergency.
28) We thought he'd been killed, but our prayers were answered when he arrived home unexpectedly.
29) The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.
30) He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
1) The terrorists were killed when their bomb detonated unexpectedly.
2) The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.
3) I happened on him in the street unexpectedly.
4) Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
5) The champion was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round.
6) The device detonated unexpectedly.
7) The host attacked the city unexpectedly.
8) The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning.
9) We happened on him unexpectedly.
10) Quite unexpectedly he turned on his heel and walked out of the door.
11) She died quite unexpectedly.
12) I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly.
13) He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
31) Luckily, a cottage at Gracewood became available unexpectedly.
32) Could your family cope financially if you died unexpectedly?
33) She turned on him a glance of tearful gratitude that caused Karelius an unexpectedly sharp pang of jealousy.
34) Its round towers and conical turrets peep unexpectedly through the trees on the hills north of Cardiff.
35) While weak earnings forecasts caused many stocks to fall sharply, unexpectedly strong outlooks or actual earnings were rewarded.
36) The illustrations were going unexpectedly well and the emotional ups and downs of yesterday were starting to fade from her memory.
37) Equally, an unwanted or unhappy pregnancy may result unexpectedly in the birth of an instantly beloved child.
38) Other companies issuing profit warnings or unexpectedly weak earnings included Hutchison Technology Inc., down 6 to 36 1 / 2.
39) If the ends of such non-dividing clone are held while it grows, then unexpectedly a double helix appears.
40) One infant in the random group later died unexpectedly at home.
41) Its city bus station was sold for development and its long-distance coach station was wholly unexpectedly sold for £4 1 million.
42) This had all the makings of another long-running acrimonious dispute, when again wider political events quite unexpectedly overtook the controversy.
43) Equally unexpectedly, he let the contest run to the bitter end.
44) She shook her head as a short, unexpectedly bitter laugh bubbled up from her chest.
45) Readers became familiar with their Doppelgangers, as if they had turned a corner and unexpectedly confronted themselves in a mirror.
46) His voice sounded oddly strangled, and she opened her eyes to find his face unexpectedly close to hers.
47) There is a surprising number of medieval houses still standing, sometimes quite unexpectedly awaiting discovery.
48) It warned of unexpectedly low fourth-quarter earnings because of lagging sales of its computer networking software.
49) Sometimes these less aggressive horses can behave very unexpectedly and take us by surprise.
50) In the crisis, quite unexpectedly, Callaghan seemed to lose some of his touch, with fatal results.
51) And now voters have chosen reform by unexpectedly large majorities.
52) Philip Yorke, who had inherited the house unexpectedly from his reclusive brother, was a most lovable man.
53) When Warwickshire unexpectedly won the county championship in 1911, the number of people coming to see its matches doubled.
54) The law took these steps but unexpectedly postponed them to the year 2000.
55) The client stated his contract had been executed at an unexpectedly high price.
56) He died suddenly and unexpectedly of a coronary in 1962.
57) That kind of story only sells in real life,[] when it unfolds so unexpectedly before your eyes.
58) She was singing aloud as she skipped when suddenly and unexpectedly her rope was fouled by something and nearly tripped her up.
59) It sneaks up behind us, unexpectedly, while we are engaged in anything but the pursuit of it.
60) Moreover, because it occurs unexpectedly it may well cause a temporary panic.
61) A hopelessness swept through her so unexpectedly she gasped as if in pain and grabbed at a tree root to prevent herself falling.
62) Better prepared and more aggressive, he unexpectedly outmanoeuvred the prime minister.
63) The kit system worked well until 1990, when the donor country suddenly and unexpectedly decided to reduce funding.
64) Leaving the box, she went to the cloakroom where she was violently and unexpectedly sick.
65) In fact, investing had been on my mind because of a modest sum of money that had unexpectedly come my way.
66) It may cringe away, or if cornered might bare its teeth unexpectedly.
67) Unexpectedly he suffered from sunburn, and had never used suntan lotion before.
68) But it's also a great honour and something that came about quite unexpectedly.
69) Whenever you visit their place unexpectedly it looks as if they've spent every waking moment cleaning and polishing.
70) It was reported that she disturbed the prowler when she arrived back unexpectedly at her family's Melbourne home.
71) Jumping two Post Office grades to get her job was an unexpectedly large career leap.
72) One autumn evening in 1944, twenty new prisoners arrived in the compound unexpectedly.
73) He lives elsewhere, probably surrounded by luxury, but he often reappears unexpectedly.
74) Exactly a week later, she unexpectedly came into a comparatively large sum for those days.
75) She was sounding unexpectedly urgent as they approached the empty checkout counter.
76) Then, as they turned a bend, Silas unexpectedly stepped closer to her side.
77) Perot, whose bid for the presidency was unexpectedly effective, forced Clinton to fight on a second front.
78) He also shows more recent work which takes the form, somewhat unexpectedly, of meditations on the slatted window blind.
79) But then short-term interest rates rose unexpectedly, and customers shifted money from low-interest savings accounts to high-interest deposit accounts.
80) When a product or service takes off unexpectedly, there are inevitably important lessons to be learned.
81) If a friend descends upon you unexpectedly, you just have to hope that whatever you have in the freezer will suffice.
82) These beauties leaned against herbed couscous moistened with diced tomatoes, kalamata olives and marinated red onions, an unexpectedly successful combination.
83) She unexpectedly triggered an acrimonious conclusion to the conversation when she told Bernon she would pray for him.
84) He died, unexpectedly, after a short illness aged only 39 whilst staying at the Phoenix Hotel in Taunton.
85) Why had Mahoney withdrawn his offer to help so suddenly and unexpectedly?
86) Not unexpectedly, this officer left the police and moved into academic life.
87) She slept unexpectedly soundly, and when she next opened her eyes, daylight was filtering in through the rather grimy window.
88) He stopped a pace or two away from the bed and regarded her with an unexpectedly teasing glint in his eyes.
89) If you thought that science was invariably characterised by clarity of vision you may have found the quantum world unexpectedly murky.
90) We end up, unexpectedly, in an alley outside the hotel, and Lip walks down toward a street lamp.
91) It may also be useful in case the patient becomes unexpectedly tired, and needs to sit down for a moment.
92) There was something rather eerie about people turning up unexpectedly around the door and starting to sing.
93) Surprised for the second time, Merrill nodded, swallowing the lump which had unexpectedly risen in her throat.
94) The self-styled Brahmin of the Banal kept my fear-levels up to scratch by manifesting himself unexpectedly.
95) In April, the company unexpectedly obtained new contracts which might have made it possible for it to keep him in work.
96) My boss had to go to the Caribbean unexpectedly and asked me to deputize.
97) The urge to acquire interesting and possibly valuable things is widespread and can strike unexpectedly and sometimes with great force.
98) The event was also graced with a little Hollywood glitz when actress Bo Derek unexpectedly dropped by.
99) Anselm can scarcely have digested the lessons of this failure when he once more found himself unexpectedly in exile.
100) It was an unexpectedly tender insight on the part of the Arabs to accommodate their infants up here where it was airy and cool.
101) We may say that when a piece of music unexpectedly changes to a minor key this expresses a feeling of foreboding.
102) He ran the company as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly found himself on the footplate of a runaway engine.
103) Something in him turned to murder at the sight of her, sometimes, in the street, coming toward him unexpectedly.
104) The patient described here took an overdose not long after her marriage somewhat unexpectedly came to an end.
105) Unexpectedly weak earning from Motorola Inc. coupled with rising government bind yields weighed on stocks, caused widespread losses.
106) Independents, who constituted one-third of the total candidates, did unexpectedly well, winning a total of 115 seats.
107) But suddenly and unexpectedly it started to get good reviews everywhere, from rather well-known poets.
108) When it was over, the penance would be unexpectedly light.
109) The short, bitter election campaign is dominated by some unexpectedly useful economic statistics and a serious Tory gaffe over immigration.
110) I arrived home unexpectedly and found the house in chaos.
111) A flame leapt out unexpectedly, caught on some dry grass, and raced across a half-dead meadow with frightening speed.
112) Margarett came to him, unexpectedly, in the night, wearing a filmy dressing gown and carrying a candle.
113) Ullman the Second, ruler of Crolgaria for thirty years, died unexpectedly in a riding accident yesterday while hunting.
114) Vice Chairman Christopher Steffen quit unexpectedly in December following long-running criticism of his performance.
115) Not unexpectedly for our primary participants, what the teachers seem to think counts for nothing.
116) Then there are our wines - unexpectedly oaky,[] full-bodied and marvellous.
117) This unexpectedly burrows beneath the grounds of Ingleborough Hall in two long tunnels.
118) They are crude and narrow compared to the Dwarf mines of the other mountain chains and prone to collapsing unexpectedly.
119) So he found himself unexpectedly spending his holiday in the little port of Cassis.
120) High technology stocks fared unexpectedly well, however, with most of them suffering only moderate losses while some made strong gains.
121) And not unexpectedly, the draft comes down hard on Dole and the tobacco industry.
122) That his bravery was ended so abruptly and unexpectedly seems very cruel.
123) He lost his title unexpectedly to a man who is virtually unknown outside boxing circles.
124) Or, dictating a genealogy, men would unexpectedly include the names of women - say, great-grandmothers of today's adults.
125) They all appeared unexpectedly, visually inextricable from their settings, nothing like domestic creatures.
126) Whenever her father returned unexpectedly, I would make a frantic, unscheduled exit through the back door and over the wall.
127) However, his position nationally was bolstered in March when his supporters unexpectedly won elections in three significant states.
128) Unexpectedly, the satellite radio helped to solve the cash crisis.
129) How excited they all were! though at the last minute, unexpectedly afraid and sentimental too.
130) Certain journals contain abnormally or unexpectedly high proportions of classic references, and hence need longer storage.
131) Outside the tall windows the darkness came suddenly, unexpectedly, without any long twilight.
132) Unexpectedly, one of the House conferees decided that this action left her free to break with tradition as well.
133) There had been, the broadcast added unexpectedly, a history of mental instability.
134) Inevitably occasions will also arise when an initial valuation proves over-optimistic, for example where a plaintiff makes an unexpectedly good recovery.
135) The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.
136) Sometimes, a dark horse unexpectedly wins an election.
137) But unexpectedly(), you only saw the hesitance.
138) Our manager unexpectedly changed over with the assistant manager.
139) The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.
140) Sometimes, a dark horse unexpectedly wins and election.
141) I hope you may be unexpectedly detained, ma'am.
142) Lydia gave a laugh that sounded unexpectedly brittle.
143) At last, the augury came ture unexpectedly.
144) Some people, not unexpectedly perhaps, fantasise about celebrities.
145) But the study found that even mashed, baked or boiled potatoes were unexpectedly plumping, perhaps because of their effect on the hormone insulin.
146) Some ten thousand years ago, early human experimenters noted that some of these hybridized Musa bore unexpectedly tasty, seedless fruit with an unheard-of yellowness and inexplicably amusing shape.
146) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
147) Unexpectedly that lady says coldly: " I had had armrest condole to take. "
148) Unexpectedly a little while the bequest of uncle came, in one night, became millionaire.
149) A different example where accuracy is lost will crop up unexpectedly.
150) That dinner makes Ding Lei special plaint: In Chongqing the chaffy dish that has in the most well-known chaffy dish store, unexpectedly is this pig blood probable is there a problem?
151) I only told her in strict privacy, but unexpectedly it became the well - known secret.
152) Unexpectedly, after he heard it twice, he unbearably told me.
153) We'd reach the tree linecome out unexpectedly into a cow pasture.
154) Prices unexpectedly increased by 2.6 % in May, according to Halifax, a mortgage lender.
155) U.S. homebuilder sentiment unexpectedly fell for a third straight month in August to its lowest level since March 2009, according to an industry survey.
156) His first chance to brandish it comes unexpectedly soon. At the river Granicus, he spies the army of a local governor, forty thousand Persian troops.
157) The unexpectedly sunny last few months of 2011 may provide Americans with a glimpse of what its economy could be, in a stabler, better governed world.
158) He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.
159) Insisting does not move the owner has not thought of unexpectedly some people to break barbarically theirs store.
160) The nose was unexpectedly peaty, with bonfire smoke and moor-burn – nobody complained. It also had fresh bread, cooked peaches and traces of sherry vinegar and fabric cleaner.
161) At some time or other we each could unexpectedly face personal tragedy and loss.
162) It is unexpectedly a table of vegetables on the table, still burned jug wine on the cooker.
163) But this living human of oneself, color paint down because more than a yearses, unexpectedly tin not compare with his heart bottom leftovers remaining write quite shallowly a put on defective track.
164) We unexpectedly found that there were two divergent clades in the mealybug species, P. solenopsis, based on the phylogenetic tree.
165) A new force ( e . g . a school of thought , etc. ) emerged unexpectedly.
166) He talks: Meretricious be in China, it is unexpectedly " public-operated enterprise " , it is a kind of industry that enters a system the earliest to change.
167) Daimler rushed out a trading update early because an unexpectedly good three months, partly at Mercedes.
168) The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?
169) See ugg boots green Luo smile, 9 blessing Jins pointed apt her to ugg boots pike pate, "have never thought 13 sisters-in-law ugg short unexpectedly know brothel woman?"
170) Peony no from pucker up eyebrows. This children unexpectedly is come like this, also not wonder that pearly the madam will can not away with.
171) The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter.
172) Does the beautiful woman who climbs a rock want to have on nearly nakedly unexpectedly also?
173) However, with the precise Saturn newly accenting both life's details and the balance of power in pivotal relationships, discussions aren't just vital, they'll be unexpectedly illuminating.
174) He thought he would never strike it rich or gain lots of money unexpectedly.
175) I connected an aim, embarrassed beyond words, conduct and actions a day dynasty general, unexpectedly in small house of very much in love, there is negative that year city of asseveration.
176) An unexpectedly varying Crab Nebula might have affected any research that used the Crab as a standard or a calibration tool.
177) They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead.
178) Notice the odd roughness of the dense histogram in the region around 7-12 degrees, with both very high frequency of some measurements and unexpectedly low frequencies of others.
179) Pedestrians may step unexpectedly into the bus lane or wait at the edge of the bus lane on the bus lane marking when crossing the road.
180) What is most astounding: "helicopter design" the contour, uses advanced "Apache" with the present United States Air Force helicopter's contour to be exactly the same unexpectedly.
181) In eighteen ninety-eight, Jack Gardner died unexpectedly of a stroke. Isabella knew she had no time to lose in building her museum.
182) During the 1970s, attempts were made to use cosmic ray spallation to produce deuterium. These attempts failed to produce deuterium, but did unexpectedly produce other light elements.
183) Parr asked them to pose with the possession they battled to save when their homes were unexpectedly hit.
184) Go to their belt when native before cacique, they discover cacique is Cantabrigian graduate unexpectedly, then they beg him to let off them.
185) Enter Carmichael Lynch, part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, which was unexpectedly hired last October to replace DDB, an Omnicom Group agency.
186) The Detroit auto maker's efforts to sell its Saturn brand unexpectedly collapsed last year.
187) After dismissing my dressmaking skills in the past, Sofie unexpectedly requests that I make her a tutu.
188) Unexpectedly hen each is downhearted, always do not lay an egg.
189) Unexpectedly, not only for its Kogoro does not help, or a bold-faced confused detective.
190) The appearance bright and pretty mat dream thinks, inside's filling unexpectedly is rice straw and black center cotton.
191) Hostile witness , a witness called by a party, whose evidence goes unexpectedly against that party and who can then be cross - examined by his own side as if he were given evidence for the other side.
192) Because Saturn rules your finances, you may see a licensing fee, commission, or other form of income drop precipitously - or actually rise unexpectedly.
193) Last month Swedish sports-car maker Koenigsegg Group AB unexpectedly dropped a separate bid for Saab.
194) " Hello, Jordan,'she called unexpectedly. " Please come here. ".
195) The problem is, on the top of SSE index line, some people and security companies forecast unexpectedly hyperforecast more than 60%, disregarding the unbelievable P/E ratio.
196) Unexpectedly it poured with rain and it was impossible to start off.
197) Unexpectedly I caught sight of my aunt in the first ward in the in-patient department.
198) The quantizer is a typical non-linear element, and so it may lead to control quality dropping with unexpectedly disturbance of self-oscillation.
199) She was unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining - room had the decency of clean bareness.
200) But , unexpectedly, he started venting his spleen on her.
201) Peta says the thought of unexpectedly tucking into a horse burger has "rightly shocked the nation".
202) Can this time, I lose a face in the in front of owner unexpectedly, and those persons who sing an achievement rather me enter finals, I really think impassability , also very unwilling.
203) Such catastrophes occur as a result of technogenous or trigger geoecological processes developing latently and occurring unexpectedly like ecological bombs of delayed action.
204) Netbooks, those pint-size laptops that unexpectedly sold like hot cakes last year, are making life stressful for Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Microsoft.
205) Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied.
206) Unexpectedly be not a patch on I this station of 25 days,[http://] really strange!
207) But undesigned, I discover old Mom sees TV can lie on sofa to breathe out partly unexpectedly midday breathe out to sleep greatly.
208) Very much now building dish house of a complete set of between example unexpectedly neither one chest, appear already the room appears beautiful again roomily .
209) Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them.
210) His tightly framed study of the portraitist is unexpectedly moving investigation of the artistic process.
211) It also codified a polemical line that has, unexpectedly, become a war horse of hawkish bloggers.
212) One step on the gas is quickened, city shellfish shellfish still can follow unexpectedly!
213) Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
214) Graceful re-establishment of session without losing data after connection is unexpectedly lost.
215) Some answers are unexpectedly being uncovered in a research project on interactive literature begun Mellon University.
216) Just out of the bag prepared in advance in cash, unexpectedly Namingnvzai to cry again.
217) Unexpectedly that lady icily says: I had had armrest condole to take.
218) This thing has come upon me more or less unexpectedly.
219) A condition that occurs when your cellular telephone connection is interrupted unexpectedly.
220) And Asia has been unexpectedly unlucky by having Japan being a deadweight instead of a locomotive.
221) The criminal had unexpectedly no resipiscence after being under arrest.
222) The essay seems to start unexpectedly [ unsatisfactorily ] .
223) Fancy, has been for junior middle students of hard exclamation lady-in-waiting of we, unexpectedly also will face all these.
224) Lee Hey, I only know that summer renovation to antipollution , Unexpectedly cooler, decoration pollution also can not be ignored.
225) This computer program must have a glitch, It'sometimes closes unexpectedly.
226) You just popped in unexpectedly to drop off an expensive gift?
227) Grace was thus unexpectedly worsted in her encounter with her old friend.
228) This is an image display and user controls the source code, images, adjust the picture size, rather special functions of the Image Control unexpectedly Hawkeye function, together with the convenience.
229) One theory is that the impact site was unexpectedly hard and that rock and soil gouged out by the impact failed to rise high enough to be lit up by sunlight.
230) This is how life really happens, and how it gradually, almost unexpectedly veer out of control.
231) Activation of these two pathways was unexpectedly linked and dependent on fluid - phase activation of factor XII.
232) The stunned once, the important drug trafficker of Taiwan be 19 - year - old young girl unexpectedly!
233) Earlier this year, unexpectedly, Jupiter's dark Southern Equatorial Belt (SEB) disappeared.
234) First, the photograph unexpectedly like this flagitious; first, the rumor will actually go so far as so under poor; first, China's females near the matter can like be unexpectedly the opening.
235) Once the several times brilliant life in the rain in spring breeze summer , it can be so relaxed and calm unexpectedly to face and become feeble and die repentantly , laughed Death off!
236) This means that a rule can occur unexpectedly whenever the rule's prerequisite conditions are met.
237) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New claims for state jobless benefits unexpectedly rose last week for the first time since early April, suggesting the labor market recovery may have hit a speed bump.
238) Unexpectedly, Gekko calls Fox and places a buy order for Blue Star.
239) The rose on ◆ your hip tattoos the skin to have helianthus unexpectedly so big!
240) That evening, he tries to sleep in the bedchamber of this darkish sky open, arrive without the dream overnight unexpectedly day break, get up feel well of gas of systemic muscle easy.




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