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单词 Lore
1. According to local lore, the water has healing properties.
2. Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally.
3. According to local lore, a ghost still haunts the castle.
4. And miracle cures had become almost religious lore.
5. Snap, Crackle and Pop lore, Kellogg screen savers, etc.
6. The sisters were separated, Lore working as a maid and the others going to foster parents.
7. Celibacy, or Bramacharya, is encountered frequently in Hindu lore and life.
8. There is plenty of lore and legend from Whitehall and Westminster to buttress the case for an imperious premiership.
9. Boxing lore is full of unhappy endings,[/lore.html] and the same can be said of Toole's stories.
10. It instantly became a curiosity of rock lore, especially because pictures of the costumed, superstar event were published.
11. Local lore has it that the hands belong to a convicted highwayman who would hold up carriage-travellers in the early nineteenth century.
12. He inhales desert lore and data all his waking hours.
13. According to the lore of True Valiance, necromancy in any form was an abomination.
14. Want a glimpse of frontier lore without the commercialism and crowds?
15. But snippets and fragments of legend and lore had filtered in from somewhere.
16. Poshekhonov ladled out the lore of the Correctional Labour Colonies.
17. Lore will never forget her first meeting with Miss Harder: After a few months the three girls began to settle down.
18. In Hindu lore, Rama is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
19. Lisa Lore was appointed as an associate athletic director at USC.
20. From Druidic lore to the Christmas kiss, bird and berry hid secrets in the winter night.
21. A persistent, recurrent theme; a single strand of ancient lore in the weave.
22. Historically change has been limited in extent since traditional lore and experience play a greater part in extensive systems.
23. He certainly had no intention of allowing the old lore concerning herbs to die out.
24. His 20 points against Oregon State a week ago were just 10 shy of his career total and instantly became Bruin lore.
25. I know the portents of my new habitat, I have been learning my local lore.
26. They evoke romantic images of humming orchard hives and summer sweetness, presided over by veiled eccentrics steeped in arcane lore.
27. It might be said that this constitutes the bulk of market lore and wisdom.
28. The museum car also features computer games and quizzes to test visitors' knowledge of train lore and station architecture.
29. These traditions include ceremonies of initiation, standard dress, leisure activities, music, occupational legends and lore.
30. They are computer programs pumped full of plain old knowledge and heuristics lore from experts who lend their wisdom.
31. Chicken soup had the lore of being healthful, a strength builder.
32. Felicity still looked rather piqued at his assumption of her ignorance of drink lore.
33. It is little surprise that legend and lore should have built up around it.
34. Morgan and Virgil Earp were wounded in the exchange, which has been immortalized in Western lore.
35. But he carved his place in Sooner lore and will go down as the progenitor of the Oklahoma program's rebirth.
36. Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore.
37. Early peoples passed on and animal lore through legend.
38. I would speed tne vast career of civilising lore.
39. He has his Provensal legendary lore at his fingers'ends.
40. I will seek and question him of his lore.
41. They have become part of American business lore.
42. This is one way the lore is extremely helpful.
43. I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore, too.
44. A medicine man also lives in the Ewok village, a keeper of mystical lore, and a healer to the injured.
45. The secrets rely on the expertise of Ayurveda and ancient India herbal beauty lore to restore, maintain and improve on what nature has given us.
46. One of the nine choirs of angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite .
47. European lore depicts the crow as the divine messenger of the gods.
48. Too simple for a learned lore - master in these suspicious days.
49. At number six is the tale of the easter bunny. This has its origins in pre-Christian fertility lore and symbolises new life in the spring.
50. Veronica Quinn, a grandniece of Monsignor Quinn, said family lore painted him as a beloved uncle and brother, but gave no hint of the origins of his vision of racial equality.
51. Effervescing arcane lore pulses through your consciousness, a constant pressure craving release.
52. A growing number of studies have found that some lactic acid bacteria do seem to offer health benefits, supporting the lore of traditional dairying cultures.
53. According to northern hemisphere sky lore , the Harvest Moon is the closest full moon to equinox.
54. They almost certainly accepted at face value most of this lore.
55. Note: A Crested Serpent Eagle has a yellow lore, yellow iris and a white bar on primaries and tail.
56. Even today , romantic lore commonly identifies chocolate as an aphrodisiac.
57. "Don't upset the apple cart," says the bird in this painting, a titmouse, considered an untrustworthy animal in Cherokee lore.
58. Request a "historic haunts" self-guided iPod tour (free) at check-in for a lay of the lore.
59. IN Lassa of Tibet there was a master's temple , rich in manuscripts of ancient lore.
60. Then, while researching vampire lore in Whitby's library, he came across a book entitled An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia (1820) by William Wilkinson.
61. Carrie became wise in theatrical lore, hearing the gossip of little Lola.
62. Elkin pointed out one particularly evocative example of shamanic lore.
63. With Heroes Lore, the adventure takes on a new dimension on mobile.
64. You're telling me there's no lore on how to smoke them?
65. That haspowerfully sustained the housewife/mother image of German lore and was longcredited with producing well-bred, well-read burghers.
66. Whoever strives to know learns that no human lore is despicable.
67. The literature on ball lightning is rather fringy, and you have to be careful to separate the credible ball lightning reports from the lightning and UFO lore.
68. In Egyptian lore just as in Persian, the spirits of the dead could leave their tombs and fly about the land of the living, just as the fravashis gather just before the New Year.
69. The design of the clone makers was inspired partially by the classical alien imagery that has developed from years of UFO lore: the almond-eyed long-necked aliens sometime referred to as "Grays."
70. Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore?
71. He sought out the old farmers and collected their weather lore.
72. Whether the lore of the sandwich is fact or fiction, there's no denying that even the most serendipitous invention can have big repercussions.
73. All of this telephonic lore is recipe knowledge since it does not concern anything except what I have to know for my present and possible future pragmatic purposes.
74. According to ancient Greek star lore, Ophiuchus is Asclepius, the physician who concocted a healing potion from the Serpent's venom, mixing it with the Gorgon's blood and an unknown herb.
75. He's a student of Chicago lore and a friend of my friend Jessica Hopper, a music critic and author who was born in Cole Porter's hometown of Peru, Indiana.
76. Shona tales and Shona lore, wild animals, bush adventures – this Eden was interrupted by the cold unhappiness of boarding school.
77. Over many a quint and curious volume of forgotten lore.
78. Banter is a poetry form of mirth to make light of the happenstance of the day. Banter is associated with dragon lore dreamtime.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
79. In 1927, he invented a more efficient process for converting oil into gasoline, but, according to family lore, America's major oil companies regarded him as a threat and shut him out of the industry.
80. During stops at the Nob Hill Cafe, Huntington Park, Pacific Union Club, Fairmont and Mark Hopkins hotels, tour members learn about San Francisco history and vampire lore.
81. Legend Lore [ M , F ] : Learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
82. According to Apple lore he drove around in a beat-up Toyota with a broken passenger-side door even after he was appointed to management.
83. Meldrum—who has followed Bigfoot lore since he was a boy—had heard that Freeman was a hoaxer, "so I was very dubious, " he recalls.
84. Ubar's discovery is an example of scientific sleuthing verifying ancient lore.
85. Melville incorporated in " Moby Dick " an exhaustive encyclopaedia of whaling lore.
86. In Gnostic lore, Sophia was the mother of all angels.
87. Ternion Attack, the skill of "Spirit Mastery" will not take advantage of the "projectile speed bouns" witch Arcane Lore offered.
88. Drawing on the lore of Bael Turath's ancient nobility, you can unhinge the minds of your foes or make them your slaves—even as you engulf them in hellfire.




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